InfluxDB+Grafana persistence and graphing

I’m using chrome. but I should test it with the unmodified samples first.

I noticed the same as @Bert_Melis. I figured out that it depends on the UI. In the classic UI everything works perfect in the Basic UI I always have to refresh the browser and in the iOS app nothing is displayed. I think I will setup a sitemap for the mobile app.

I had the same problem with openHAB 1.8.3 not populating the database. Using the binding version from the 1.9.0 snapshot and adding influxdb:retentionPolicy=autogen to the openhab.cfg solved it for me. This parameter is not known in the 1.8.3 version of the binding.

Hi sir,
Thanks for your beautiful post.
As I’m totally a newbie, so I have a few questions and I hope you can answer me detailedly. Before asking I just let you know that I chose the installation on Raspberry pi 3 link you gave (not from Docker Image), hope this may help!

  1. The small script you gave us:
    What is IP = “”? Is that the local IP address of my raspberry?
    And the three parameters:
    DB = "test"
    USER = "user"
    PASSWORD = "password123"
    If I want to replace those values, what should I change afterward? I mean, they are user names and passwords, they must be used again somewhere else!

You said:"This is a good time to start injecting data into your InfluxDB for later testing with Grafana. Configure and run this small script on your openHAB host to get a sine wave data series stored in the database."
How can I run this from openHAB host?

2)In your instruction “Connecting Grafana to InfluxDB”: Is the user grafana and its password in the Http settings and Influx DB Details must be the same? Is it identical to those from this:

  1. In the “Connecting openHAB to InfluxDB”: I couldn’t found these lines:
# The retention policy to be used, needs to configured in InfluxDB
# Till v0.13: 'default', since v1.0: 'autogen'

Should I simply copy from yours and add them to my /etc/openhab2/services/influxdb.cfg ?
Also, I couldn’t found /etc/openhab2/persitence/influxdb.persist file, should I create a band new file, name it influxdb.persist, copy your contents and save it under the path /etc/openhab2/persitence/?

Anyone else who knows please answer me! And please forgive for my silliness if I did ask any stupid question :slight_smile:

@ThomDietrich: Thank you for the good tutorial, I have one suggestion to make it more newbie-friendly though: If you use non-standard libraries in the Python-script you should probably mention to, and explain how to install them.

I always get



Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 5, in
import requests
ImportError: No module named requests

Hey Daniel,
I was not aware of this, thanks. In this case it would probably be even better to replace this library for these relatively simple actions…
Do you have any programming experience? Would be great if you could try to get this working and tested.

As for the actual problem at hand. I’ve a tutorial inside the script. Is that okay now?

I’ve added comments to the script, see Pump a sine wave signal as data points into a influxdb database · GitHub

IP is the IP of your influxdb machine, if it’s on the same RPi:
DB, USER and PASSWORD are the ones you chose to set up in influxdb before, following the tutorial.

It’s a python script. You’ll need to install python and execute it. That’s beyond the scope of this tutorial. I’ve added a link to the article.

In this case please add it. If you are not on openHAB 2.0 please check the previous comments for openHAB 1.8 related things.

No need :wink: You’ve pointed out missing pieces, which is great!

Yes, that actually helps.

Unfortunately all my programming experience was long ago, and only very very little in Java/Python/anything else modern, it was mainly in assembly and C.

You just have to replace the commands by the ones given behind the link. The important thing would be testing, which I can not do currently.

I have strange problem with Grafana . I have RPi 2, so I based on this manual:

Everything went well, I have created DB according manual in first post, then generate data by sinus wave.I have checked and data was in DB.
I have also configured Grafana and add my DB, I got
Data source is working

Problem is that I am unable to generate a chart or can’t see data as table. I have tried with just:
SELECT * FROM “sine_wave”

and default config + sine_wave also give nothing (like in first post).

Is it anything else that should be configured ?
Does somebody meet such problem ?

A small recommendation for people who are running InfluxDB on systems which are “sensitive” to storage I/Os (like Raspberry Pi with SD Cards):

Modify the following logging options in the InfluxDB configuration file (/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf):

  1. Disable the Query logging. In section [data], set query-log-enabled = false
  2. Disable the HTTP request logging. In section [http], set log-enabled = false

Then, restart InfluxDB (systemctl restart influxdb.service)

From the Influxdb docs entry [Link]

Starting with version 1.0, InfluxDB on systemd systems will no longer write files
to /var/log/influxdb by default, and will now use the system configured
default for logging (usually journald). On most systems, the logs will be directed
to the systemd journal and can be accessed with the command:
`sudo journalctl -u influxdb.service`
Please consult the systemd journald documentation for configuring journald.

In my system, the logs are growing large and I don’t really need to log the queries and/or the http requests:

root@host:~# journalctl --disk-usage 
Journals take up 154.1M on disk.
root@host:~# journalctl -u influxdb.service 
-- Logs begin at Mon 2017-01-23 22:35:24 EET, end at Sun 2017-01-29 10:14:34 EET. --
Jan 23 22:35:24 homer influxd[1978]: [httpd] ::1 - grafana [23/Jan/2017:22:35:24 +0200] "GET /query?db=openhab_db&epoch=ms&q=SELECT+last%28%22valu
Jan 23 22:35:27 homer influxd[1978]: [httpd] - openhab [23/Jan/2017:22:35:27 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=one&db=openhab_db&p=%5BREDA
Jan 23 22:35:37 homer influxd[1978]: [httpd] - openhab [23/Jan/2017:22:35:37 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=one&db=openhab_db&p=%5BREDA
Jan 23 22:35:48 homer influxd[1978]: [httpd] - openhab [23/Jan/2017:22:35:48 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=one&db=openhab_db&p=%5BREDA
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP6_01_01_V WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP6_01_01_P WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP6_01_02_V WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP3_03_01_P WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP3_04_02_P WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP3_04_03_P WHERE time > now() - 1d GR
Jan 23 22:35:55 homer influxd[1978]: [query] 2017/01/23 22:35:55 SELECT last(value) FROM openhab_db.autogen.mP6_01_03_V WHERE time > now() - 1d GR

I’ve been trying to get this working all day, and feel like i’m hammering myself against a brick wall!

I’ve set up influxdb and grafana on an internet-facing server, behind an nginx proxy, and am able to access and query them both. I’ve manually inserted test data into the influxdb and graphed it in grafana so i’m fairly happy with that side. The problem i’m having is that openhab refuses to put any data into the influxdb.

My setup:

  • Openhab 2.0 release
  • Influxdb binding 1.9.0
  • Influxdb 1.2.0
  • I’ve set my default persistence to influxdb.

My configs are as follows:


password=<password here>


Number lounge_temp "Temperature [%.2f C]" <temperature> (gSensors,gLounge) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:homie/sc-lounge/sc/temperature:state:default]"}
Number lounge_humi "Humidity: [%.2f]%" <humidity> (gSensors,gLounge) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:homie/sc-lounge/sc/humidity:state:default]"}
Number lounge_light "Light [%d]" <light> (gSensors,gLounge) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:homie/sc-lounge/sc/light:state:default]"}
Number lounge_noise "Noise: [%d]" <noise> (gSensors,gLounge) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:homie/sc-lounge/sc/noise:state:default]"}
Number lounge_dusty "Air Quality: [%d]" <smoke> (gSensors,gLounge) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:homie/sc-lounge/sc/dusty:state:default]"}


Strategies {
    everyHour : "0 0 * * * ?"
    everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
    default: everyMinute

Items {
    gSensors*   : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute

I’ve tried replacing gSensors* with ‘*’ and lounge_temp but that diddnt help.

When i change the persistence file, i get the following in my openhab.log:

17:15:03.823 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.persistence.influxdb    ] - BundleEvent STARTED - org.openhab.persistence.influxdb
17:15:03.856 [DEBUG] [.internal.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - influxdb persistence service activated
17:15:04.894 [DEBUG] [.internal.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - database status is OK, version is 1.2.0
17:15:05.019 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.persistence.influxdb    ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.openhab.core.persistence.PersistenceService, org.openhab.core.persistence.QueryablePersistenceService}={, db=iot, user=backend, url=, password=<passwordhere>,, retentionPolicy=autogen,,, service.bundleid=209, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.persistence.influxdb

You can see from the log that the influx version is correct, and in my influxdb log i get:

Jan 29 17:15:04 iot influxd[1276]: [httpd], - - [29/Jan/2017:17:15:04 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "okhttp/2.4.0" 79df22be-e646-11e6-8057-0000

When this happens. The item values are constantly updating and are viewable in my openhab dashboard, but the persistance job never seems to be firing off.

If anyone has any ideas how i can debug this or get it working, i’d be very grateful!

I don’t use https to connect from OH2 to InfluxDB. This shouldn’t be the problem: but have you tried http?

Also: how does your nginx config look like?

The “standard” config for the url setting is:

http://<host>:8086 or https://<host>:8084

I assume that you are reverse proxy-ing 443 to 8084 using nginx: correct?

On the other hand… your connection seems to be ok… something else is going wrong… :frowning:

Edit: I think that default = everyMinute is correct (not default: everyMinute)

@Dim the db version is shown in log.

I don’t think connection is the issue. For debugging please increase the loglevel of org.openhab.persistence.influxdb. Next you should find out if the service tries to send data. Your persist file looks pretty similar to mine, I don’t think there is a problem there.

Could it be that the influxdb.persist file gets stuck at this error and it can not be parsed further down?

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@Dim nginx config chunk thats proxying influxdb:

    location /influx/ {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_redirect off;

As @ThomDietrich said, the connection seems to be working.

To increase the log level, i’ve been adding = TRACE

to /var/lib/openhab2/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg and not gotten anything extra or new in openhab.log as far as i can tell - am i doing that wrong?

Oooh, that seems plausible! Testing now.

edit: Its working! Thanks @Dim!

Now… Why does that bit of the config file use two different assignment operators?! :confounded:

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My main (invaluable) troubleshooting tool: :slight_smile: (get version 0.80)

Thanx to @rlkoshak who has been promoting it and I listened to him, I am using it daily and it saves me every time :sunglasses:

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Thanks for this tutorial. With this explanation it was absolutely easy to implement

An important hint for all Android users: the current version of Chromium (version 55) has a bug ( This means the Grafana diagrams are neither visible in the HABdroid app nor in BasicUI in the Chrome browser.
The problem will be solved in Chrome Version 56 that is available a Beta in the app store. I have tested it and the diagrams are visible in BasicUI with this Chrome version.

Hello everyone, hello @wborn,

It was easy and fun to setup openhab2, influxdb and grafana on the raspberry pi2 following this absolutely awesome tutorial. Coming from openhab1 and rrd4j I was able to create so much more appealing graphics.

But now I got stuck with my sitemaps. I want to get rid of the many almost redundant visibility switches that I used before. Thus @wborn 's java script library seems to be the perfect solution.
But I need help here installing this library. I have seen that in order to build it, I am advised to
"Use Grunt to check the library code with eslint and minify it."
For me (having no prior experience with java script) this is not enough information to get going.
Please could someone sketch out a typical install process and point out what to customise/look out for?
Where to git-clone to?
What are the software prerequisites? Do I need to install node.js?
Do I have to customise some files before or after using “grunt”? Do I need grunt at all?
Or can I just copy all files somewhere into /etc/openhab2?

Please shed some light into my darkened mind:-)

Best regards

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