iOS app for OH3?

I personally would tackle it as my wife is apple and the app doesn’t support the uis I make. My primary development is not swift so would take me a while to do the task. That said I know many dev in open source that do bounties and that are primarily mobile devs. I couldn’t speak to what is reasonable for them but normally a bounty is what it is worth to you. A coffee ($5) etc. I’ve seen bounties at that price or all the way up to hundreds. All about what people value it at.

Pooling or multiple bounties are also a way to really draw attention.

This thread has seemingly become what you want. There are foundation members replying saying that while it isn’t ideal at the moment it is understood and ultimately acceptable. As also previously stated it is not preventing apple users it is only changing how they are able to.

As for the purpose of the web connector and that being utilized. It is not the main goal of the foundation to host that. It’s also under zero sla zero contract that it will be available, working, or exist for x time.

In the end volunteers as stated countless times in this forum, thread, other threads make up the development team. All have day jobs, families, real lives. There are a few of us that do dedicate a lot of our free time to development of projects that aren’t ours, from our day job, or pay us in any way at all. It’s a hobby for us and a hobby for many. Hobbies are to be fun and not driven by others dictate. Does that cause problems yes. Is it perfect no. In the end if we enjoy the project we will contribute what we can. And if an area is paying then extra cash is nice.

All of this to say threads like this typically drive devs away cause they are less constructive and more annoying. The thread isn’t asking how people can help (testing devices, money, build machines, service fees, etc) but complaining how a group of volunteers are doing their jobs to someone’s standard. And given it clearly bugs a person will stick it to them and not do it knowing the person complaining can’t do it either.

Many a projects have collapsed because of community toxicity and devs leave cause it became a second job.


Only if you allow it to be perceived like this. There are many people on this planet who are just negative in their personality. Does not mean you need to let them drag you down or take their misery too serious :wink:

Yea, this is the main thing a lot of people don’t understand. Standards aren’t universal, so isn’t even wrong or right… it is a mixture of culture, personal beliefs, peer pressure, social expectations and a lot more things. So my standards are exactly this, MINE. So everyone should accept, that there are others that perceive THEIR standards as valid, so who am I to force mine on somebody else as the only valid one in the universe…? Again, don’t take anyone else’s opinion as facts you have to comply to.

True as well. But as I said in the beginning, only because people take other people’s comments or complaints as valid and let them dictate their emotions. Brush it off as what it is, just another opinion that is based on different values, which makes it as valid as your own views. But not an absolute truth or some order you have to obey. So Relax :wink:

On a personal note: I am using OH since 1.7 and had my fair share of highs and lows with it, be sure. I tested IP Symcon, IOBroker and Homeassistant whenever something bugged me in OH. I always came back, because for my setup OH was the most stable of all. The community, though very demanding, was always very helpful and the tone was almost always very polite. Especially the politeness was and is something that I was missing in the other communities quite often. So once again a big thank you to all the devs and other contributors of this project. Forgive me if I wished you to hell several times when I sat there at night, trying to figure out what changed in the last release so I had to start from scratch (remember the KNX binding from 1.8 to 2… geee). In the end, this has been and still is a surprisingly professional, well thought out and quite stable project, especially given that it is a hobby for the people here.
So whenever someone just plainly complains or demands, always remember that the negative few most often are unfortunately the loudest as well. Does not mean they are the most important though… you can’t make it right for everyone, otherwise the world would be boring :wink:

Edit: Would still be nice to have a working IOS Client. So if a 25$ Starbucks Giftcard is a motivation for somebody, I would provide one if it helps :joy:


Has anyone actually posted a bounty somewhere that we could support? I’d be more than happy to give a few bucks myself if some extra motivation is all that is needed :relaxed:

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113 replies and 0 progress.
@hmerk could you provide detailed steps to set up a bounty in such a way where multiple users can pledge/donate x amount of money to it, to pool the amount defined?

Did you read this ?

Actually I tried to stay away from bountysource after they decided to keep posted bounties for themselves after two years without an accepted solution. I read about this in the Nextcloud community a while ago: Don't use bountysource anymore! - 🏷️ General - Nextcloud community

However I don’t know whether the situation has changed since or if there are other alternatives. All I know is that I cannot find any openHAB related bounties on their platform right now.

If you check the code page of our repos and scroll down to the read me, you will see the bounty badge listing how many was put in…

Thank you, I found it! I was using the search function on bountysource before and could not find anything…

I did, my question was, since I’m not familiar with it, is it possible to create a bounty where multiple users can pledge x amount to the total??

Definitely. Once a bounty is created, many users can pay into that bounty and increase the sum of it.

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I just created an issue on GitHub since there was none up to now. I will post the link to bountysource here once they’ve synched the issue list.


Perfect! I just had another look and wanted to paste the link here :slight_smile:

Login via GitHub seems a bit buggy from my phone, but I will definitely add some bounty later.

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Might be a good idea to make a stick, or announcement somewhere to let the community know of this, as it might go by unnoticed. @hmerk what do you think of this? Not begging but “fyi this is happening, if you’re interested feel free to join in.”
We might get more bounty + devs interested both.
(Sorry for the questions, I’m mostly a lurker)

No, as we did not do this for other issues/bounties.

Understood. It’s fine, I can be annoying by myself :smiley:
Hoy, everyone else, please share the bounty around your forums and groups, let’s increase the visibility of it!

Seems to be progress, open PR was merged into develop branch and closed. Looks like there will be a new Testflight version soon with MainUI support….


Well that was quick :grinning: im looking forward to test this :relaxed:

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Holy crap let me sleep and tomorrow I’ll add my pledge xD don’t close it so fast dang it!