IpCamera: New IP Camera Binding

New Build 21-06-2018 has these changes:

  • Fixed bug for All brands that was causing errors under Openhab version 2.3
  • Foscam improvements to allow user to specify their own “motion enable” command. See bindings settings for the camera, more on this below…
  • Foscam updated code to be cleaner and use the same methods the other cameras use for only updating picture when movement occurs. Much easier to read and maintain.
  • Foscam now listens to both “motionDetectAlarm” and “motionDetectAlarms” so both will trigger the motion alarm.


Since this build has changes effecting Foscam users I’ll give a shout out to the people who posted they have foscam in this thread.

Chad has posted his camera appears to be working differently as most of you have already posted the alarm is working fine. In case you find the binding is not turning the alarm back on correctly, I have added another setting in the binding that allows you to enter your own custom url in this format…


Note there is no IP and it starts with a /.
I have done this because I do not wish for the binding to over write the detection area as many people will want to stop motion detection in areas with tree branches that move in the wind. If you leave this setting blank, it will work the way it did in previous builds.

The other change is Chad seems to be reporting his camera uses “motionDetectAlarms” and other cameras use “motionDetectAlarm”, so the binding should now accept both, but it needs to be tested.

Any problems please contact Chad as he now handles all Foscam complaints :wink: just kidding, all push requests are welcome and the binding now has the framework to allow users to make changes easily without needing to understand the workings of netty.