Jablotron Alarm Binding for OpenHAB

Hi @Ondrej_Pecta,

I finally got it all working perfect! I had to use rules like you said.
I linked the Section Thing to 2 items: a number (=section.number) (since the commands send to the jablotron cloud are numers 0,1,2) and a switch (=section.switch) (switch is more easy to work with in OH).
Next I wrote some rules: When section.switch is ON, send command to section.number 1 (this arms the alarm system) and when section.switch is off, sendcommand to section.number 0).
Only problem was: When arming with keypad, thare was no update of the section.switch item, onlu the section.number received the update from the cloud. I solvid this with a second rule which stated: when section.number receives update then postUpdate the section.swith item to the correct state.
I had to use the postUpdate because if you youse the sendcommand, you will create a loop which causes the alarm to continuous arm/disarm (which I had, not very funny at that moment :wink: )

Hopes this info is clear and may help others (and you) to use the Jablotron system on their OH!

glad it works :slight_smile:


I’m try’ing this module, but I’ve this error:

2020-01-20 18:26:16.794 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-jablotron’

I’m using openhab 2.5.1. Can you help?

Fernando Gomes

hi, the latest snapshot is downloadable here:

just rebased on the 2.5.1 version, no changes.
try this first, please.

2020-01-21 18:17:44.987 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-jablotron’

Same problem.

Fernando Gomes

I installed the latest snapshot and it is working fine.
Did you place the jar in openhab addons?


Fernando Gomes

Did you restart the openhab service?

sudo /bin/systemctl restart openhab2.service

After restart, the error disappear.

Fernando Gomes

Hi guys,

thanks to @skuhrovec.j who shared with me a portion of his JA100+ alarm (big thanks!), I have had the opportunity to completely rewrite the binding against the 1.6 Jablotron API (so no more web scraping and now we have the same approach as the Jablotron app does!)
Known limitations:

  • JA100 may not be fully working (especially the partial arming, I need someone to test it)
  • Thermometers are not supported for now (I have had no opportunity to find someone with thermometer recently)

Here is the latest version using the API:

I need your help

  • testing of the JA100
  • if it is possible and someone can share with me via the app the access to his thermometer (or even his energymeter), it will be super and I will add the support

If we tune the JA100 and implement the thermometer support (some users are use it), we might have jablotron binding as a part of the official openHAB distribution soon. I have already prepared the PR (https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/6990)



After all the error doesn’t disappear :

2020-02-18 17:13:34.821 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-jablotron’

I’m using the latest version, published by @Ondrej_Pecta
Can you help?

Best Regards,
Fernando Gomes

Hello. What is 1.6 Jablotron API? Has Jablotron published official API?

Not an official API, but the API their mobile apps are using

Hi all,
here is the latest snapshot.
The binding development is still in the progress and I am still improving its robustness.
I hope it will be ready for merging with the official OH2 version soon.


Thank you. I experience permanent problems with their cloud plus functional limitations due to absence of the installer for my setup (I did all installation myself). On this reason I’d like to have a direct access (API) to my Jablotron box from the network, without Jablotron cloud.

Hi Ondrej,
great work on the binding. I have some question which i need help on

  • what is the difference between JA100 and JA100F ?
  • Which code should be used for the things, is the master code = admin code?
  • i cannot get the bridge to work.
    logsays: 2020-04-22 11:29:45.464 [INFO ] [.discovery.JablotronDiscoveryService] - Unsupported device type discovered: xxxxxxxxx with serviceId: xxxxxx and type: JA100
    I have a JA-101K-LAN Master
    Hope you can help


it seems that some types are returned in lower case some in upper.
I don’t know the differece between JA100 and JA100f, but the API returns two different types for JA100 alarm (at least)

please, try this snapshot


Hi Ondrej
thanks for the fast reply and new snapshot.
Now it works!

Hi Ondrej,

the links on github (source code and documentation) doensn’t work (error 404). Could you please provide the correct ones?


Fixed, thanks for pointing this out.