Jablotron Alarm Binding for OpenHAB

no, section state everyone only 0 or 1 (sory - i am no speak english, Skype?)


I have prepared a new version, which has config parameter code for JA100 thing.
This parametr is used for storing your master password, so the binding can send section=STATE_1&status=1&code={code}

can you test it and let me know?

if you set the master code, this should be working:
for arming

sendCommand( mySection1, 1 )

and for disarming

sendCommand( mySection1, 0) 

If you do not see the new config parameter, please remove and readd the JA100 thing (via autodiscovery)


What is the name of new parameter?
I dont see it (removing and readding JA100 doesnt help)

its name is code

you can find it on the JA100 thing configuration pageā€¦

PGM works good. (with empty code it didnt work, now works)

But nothings happened with section (in my case State_1)

19:51:41.859 [INFO ] [blotron.handler.JablotronJa100Handler] - sending command:2 to STATUS section: STATE_1

Great, thanks for confirmation of working PGs
Please could you download https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2wofy4zdj8fysg/org.openhab.binding.jablotron-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar?dl=1
once more?
the last version accepts even decimal parameters and its size is 59997 bytesā€¦
I hope it will send the command to the alarm now

UPDATE: one user has confirmed the section controlling is working!


Great Job Ondrej! It works.


I have a Jablatron 100! I have the binding installed. It will be synonymous all area correctly.

However, I can not make a circuit! What could have been wrong?

It is also time information from the alarm system! Only I can not set area Sharp / Unschaf! What could be the reason?


My jablotron thing is not working any more it sayā€™s offline communication_error?

I have this log?

I am using your latest snapshot i cant see anything wrong?

2019-04-30 18:35:43.723 [ERROR] [lotron.handler.JablotronJa100Handler] - Cannot get Jablotron service history: 148580

java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Total timeout 10000 ms elapsed

	at org.eclipse.jetty.client.TimeoutCompleteListener.onTimeoutExpired(TimeoutCompleteListener.java:52) ~[?:?]

	at org.eclipse.jetty.io.CyclicTimeout$Wakeup.run(CyclicTimeout.java:271) ~[?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) [?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180) [?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:293) [?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:?]

	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:?]

	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:?]

Hi the reason for this is a communication timeout to Jablonet cloud service.
But it should automatically restore the ONLINE state once the connection is working again. If this didnā€™t happen, Iā€™ll try to figure out what happened - maybe thereā€™s a bugā€¦

Hi, I am trying to link my Jablotron control panel to my openHAB.
The Jablotron bridge is linked, and I can see my PGā€™s and Alarm section (only have one).
I was able to add them as ā€˜thingsā€™
When I control the PGā€™s or the alarm using the jablotron app, I can see the status change in my OH.
But controling them using OH does not seem to work.
What could I be possibly doing wrong?
P.S. As Jablotron user I am gladly to help with testing for JA-100 system!

Hi, can you PM me the trace log of Jablotron binding (including an attempt to switch PG)?


Hi @Ondrej_Pecta,

Thanks you for wanting to help!
Can you please guide me how to pull the trace log of the jablotron binding?
As Jabotron has no secrets for me, OH and linux do :slight_smile:


Think i found it, have send you pm.

can you please download the latest binding version from the first post and PM me the debug info if controlling PGx doesnā€™t work?

Hi, so i got the PGā€™s al working now, but I am struggeling with controling the alarm.
I have only one section. I think I am configuring it wrong. In the items list, it shows as a ā€˜numberā€™ item (I guess becouse the output is 0 for disarmed, and 1 for armed). I have linked it as a number item, and when i manualy set the alarm on the keypad, I can see the value change from 0 to 1.
But what do I have to configure in order to also control the section?

Thank you in advance!


glad you have made PGā€™s working (just curious what was wrong?). The section controling accepts number 0,1,2 (0=disarmed, 1/2 is armed/partially armed - not sure how exactly. Thatā€™s why it has three states and not only On/Off as switch)
Just use sendCommand( alarmSection, number) to arm/disarm, arm partially

Iā€™am using this similary with JA-80, I have buttons (switch) for arming (garage, house partial, house) and one button for disarming.
If you follow this way the only thing you need is to write a rule to send a conrete command when you click the buttonā€¦


The account using for the Jablotron connector had no access to control pGā€™s.
Very stupid, I know!
Could I perhaps have a copy of your configuration for your system? Even though it is for JA-80, I think the basics are the sameā€¦ You can PM me if you want.

Hi @Ondrej_Pecta

I created a widget that has a button, and I programmed it like this:

<button ng-if=ā€œitemValue(ā€˜JablotronJA100Alarm_Woning_numberā€™)==ā€˜0ā€™ā€ ng-click=ā€œsendCmd(ā€˜JablotronJA100Alarm_Woning_numberā€™, ā€˜1ā€™)ā€

But it does not arm my section ā€¦ What am I doing wrong?

I do not use these widgets so I canā€™t tell you if thereā€™s something is wrong.
What says the debug log?
Have you tried sending a number insted of string?

sendCmd(ā€˜JablotronJA100Alarm_Woning_numberā€™, 1)