Kodi inputaction

sorry to wake up a old thread but with the currenttime how do you get it to update every second? at the moment it updates between 5-15 seconds. i have set the Connection Refresh Interval to 1 second. everything is up to date. im using openbahian

Hi @nick_woodforth,

The Kodi the has a refreshInterval configuration parameter to adjust the polling frequency. Default value is 10s. Try to increase it.

hey @cweitkamp
when you say Kodi. do you mean the Kodi Binding or the Kodi software.
in the binding i can only find Connection refresh intercal and have set it to 1 second. and nothing inside kodi software.

I am talking about the Kodi binding. Sry if my answer was not clear enough.

all good. as you can see from my screen shot in my previous comment, only 2 items has time commands. notification timeout and refresh interval. refresh interval as you said default was 10sec. i tried at 30 secs and was getting updates from 30-34secs. have it at 1 sec but only getting 5-15secs. not the ideal 1sec

I am not sure if we deal with a restriction of the Kodi JSON-RPC interface in this case. My I ask you to enable DEBUG or TRACE logging while testing? This will show us if the binding sends the request with the specified refreshInterval or not.

ok so i worked out the problem. my network was in a degrading state. after a reboot of the network its working as it should be. next part i haven’t worked out yet is how to skip to a time.

Sounds good.

I am afraid that is not possible with the Kodi binding.