LCARS based User Interface

Hey Stefan,

I take all that onboard.
I’m certainly not known for my graphics skills, or programming skills for that matter.

If you can get your UI to run in OH2.5, I would be very keen to give it a try.

(I dropped your jar file into OH and Karaf saw it as a bundle, but nothing appeared in the Start/Index page. Was I doing something wrong?)

Good luck,


Hallo Stefan,
muss ich die jar datei über die console öffnen? über PaperUI findet man nicht, wenn ich die Datei in addons kopiert habe.

Hello Stefan,
do I have to open the jar file from the console? You won’t find it over PaperUI if I have copied the file into addons.

Dear Martin @Marteyn83
Dear Stuart @MDAR

The jar you downloaded is so outdated, that it doesn’t make sense to talk about it. I should remove that link. That version was a fork of PaperUI which didn’t work well on one hand and on the other PaperUI was never meant to be as a “normal user” interface but for admin reasons.

If you would like I could provide you my current “work in progress” framework. But it is not a OH2 addon. It is outside of it and requires you to have PHP 7.2 installed at least. Please send me a PM in case of.

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PHP is a step too far for me.

I found this article that references openHAB, which I’ll have a dig around in.

That’s great. Ho can i use openhab items in php?

@MDAR Funny to keep seeing you on the same threads, I’m guessing we have some similar interests!

I’m actually also working on an LCARS interface, built with SVGs on HABpanel.

It’s designed for simultaneous display on three screens: one is a home monitor with a map, one is a frame for displaying logs or node-RED (among others), and a small touchscreen is for controlling it all.

Just for fun, all design elements respond to a red alert virtual switch.

It’s very much still a work in progress but I am willing to share code once it’s more stable, if there’s interest.

Note: that’s a low quality video. I’ll probably put a better one up soon and will update this link.


Are you guys going to update your LCARS to match the style in Star Trek: Picard? :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen it yet. I’m waiting for more episodes to be out before I start. Certainly possible if I like what I see. :grinning:

Seems that here are some Star Trek fans using openhab :laughing: so after watching PICARD, I also though it would be fun to remodel my HABpanel to the LCARS design.
My initial idea was to use the CSS based framework that looks really good to me. So I copied the css file to /conf/html/lcars.css and tried to use it in template widgets. This is straight forward and I would just need to make a few different templates for the elbows, lines and brackets. Unfortunately the style in the background of habpanel always introduces some margins/paddings/borders which I am not able to locate and overwrite… Someone with knowledge about habpanel theme design would probably be able to adopt the CSS from the github so that the spacings around the habpanel boxes are eliminated and the content is scaled to the box size. But I give up. :woozy_face:

PS: my second idea was to put all in a separate html page and call it within an iframe, but this doesn’t work either, because the angularJS for the dynamic content isn’t working anymore. :man_shrugging:



@Dome, would you care to share the code for what you’ve got so far?

If you use an SVG file in a template widget, it’ll work well

I’d be glad to. I haven’t yet because I’m still developing it and have quite a bit more to go, but I’ll try to get something up on github this week. I’ll post here once I do.

This was my approach. I use kiosk mode so there’s nothing visible but the svg.


It’s a long ways from done, but here’s what I have so far. I posted it on a GitHub repository so it’ll be relatively easy for me to update going forward.

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Glad I found this I am 3d printing my a 8 foot warp core for my office and just finished coding the arudino. This will be perfect for complete it and tie everything all together. :smile:

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Here’s a method using CSS that just might help you:


        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;


Using an asterisk–at the *{ syntax–as your HTML selector will cover all the HTML elements of the webpage you’re working on. You’ll be clearing all margins and paddings, so further CSS will be needed to format other elements in your work.

Of course, using the


tags are for CSS formating to be placed in the header HTML of your webpage.

If you’re using a CSS file to format your page

    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

is all you’ll need to put (normally at the very top) into your .css file.

Best regards,

R. Allsbrook


Hi @Dome, I’m curious to see your progress with your LCARS! I’ve just now committed to adding a display into my openhab system.

Hey @JimT - I haven’t made a ton of progress lately. I moved to openHAB 3 early this year and it took quite awhile just to update my existing LCARS interface to make it compatible with my updated items that are based on the OH3 model.

I’m still hoping to make a baseline demo install for use by anyone that wants to use this to make their own. To do that I want to create a more generic interface that isn’t so customized to my home.


Hi @Dome thanks for the update. I was thinking it would be nice to be able to add the lcars interface using OH3 MainUI’s yaml interface, so no css/html/js will be needed. I was thinking that this could be implemented using custom mainui components, e.g. - component: lcars-button


Interesting idea. I have barely scratched the surface with the mainUI, largely because my primary interface is my iPhone and beyond that everything is on HABpanel.

If you come up with anything, please share!


Has anybody successfully implemented the sounds in habpanel from Joern Weissenborn’s lcars framework?