Loxone anyone?

Has anyone else had memory issues with this binding? I am running an up to date openhab install on Raspberri Pi3B+ and I am only running a few bindings (Loxone, Tesla PW2). I seem to get a frozen system and the following in the log file after running for a few days. Just trying to nail down which binding might be the cause of the problem…

2020-05-16 15:06:36.052 [WARN ] [me.core.internal.events.EventHandler] - Dispatching event to subscriber ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.core.internal.items.ItemUpdater@262119’ takes more than 5000ms.
2020-05-16 15:10:24.541 [WARN ] [me.core.internal.events.EventHandler] - Dispatching event to subscriber ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.io.monitor.internal.EventLogger@ca1a63’ takes more than 5000ms.
2020-05-16 15:24:33.173 [WARN ] [e.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool] -
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Does anyone else have an issue with loxone and alexa RangeController (rollershutter)?
I am using loxone 2.5.6 binding.

My rollershutter definition:

Rollershutter R_WZ_Tuere "door"                         {channel="loxone:miniserver:EEExxx:6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8079A12A31141BAB",
                                                        alexa="RangeController.rangeValue" [category="EXTERIOR_BLIND", friendlyNames="@Setting.Opening", supportedRange="0:100:10",
                                                        unitOfMeasure="Percent", actionMappings="Close=100,Open=0,Lower=(+10),Raise=(-10)", stateMappings="Closed=100,Open=0:99"] }

I tell alexa to close the rollershutter “door” (starting position was about 97% -> see log)
Alexa closes the rollershutter.
Then I press the open button of the rollershutter.
BUG: rollershutter stops at about 95%, although it must open fully. Loxone binding sends a stop signal -> see log.

This ONLY occurs when I close the rollershutter via alexa - if I close it via loxone app or hardware button I face no issue.


2020-02-01 12:10:24.565 [DEBUG] [.internal.controls.LxControlJalousie] - Moving jalousie down from 0.9705263157894737 to 1.0
2020-02-01 12:11:35.742 [DEBUG] [inding.loxone.internal.types.LxState] - State set (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8089A12A31141BAB,up) control (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8079A12A31141BAB,WZ Türe nord) value=1.0
2020-02-01 12:11:35.750 [DEBUG] [inding.loxone.internal.types.LxState] - State set (6DA521E1-E931-11E2-808AA12A31141BAB,shadeposition) control (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8079A12A31141BAB,WZ Türe nord) value=0.0
2020-02-01 12:11:35.757 [DEBUG] [ding.loxone.internal.LxServerHandler] - [1] Sleeping for 9 seconds.
2020-02-01 12:11:36.427 [DEBUG] [inding.loxone.internal.types.LxState] - State set (6DA521E1-E931-11E2-808AA12A31141BAB,shadeposition) control (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8079A12A31141BAB,WZ Türe nord) value=0.0
2020-02-01 12:11:36.430 [DEBUG] [ding.loxone.internal.LxServerHandler] - [1] Sleeping for 8 seconds.
2020-02-01 12:11:37.453 [DEBUG] [inding.loxone.internal.types.LxState] - State set (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-808AA12A31141BAB,position) control (6DA521E0-E931-11E2-8079A12A31141BAB,WZ Türe nord) value=0.9542105263157895
2020-02-01 12:11:37.456 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [1] Sending command jdev/sps/io/6da521e0-e931-11e2-8079a12a31141bab/Stop

Half a year ago, I have already contacted @Pawel Pieczul and he told me it should be fixable in the loxone binding.
Since than I have never heard any news :frowning:

Yes I know what the problem is and how to fix it. I have unfortunatelly removed all my development environment and can’t make a fix nor have time to do so now. Anyone willing to fix it?

The problem is that Alexa opens or closes shutters by sending numerical position of 0 or 1. Loxone never achieves full 0 or 1 position when operating shutters. The fix can be to check if the numerical position is 0 or 1 and send full up or down command instead of engaging position based move.

I have implemented a fix by my own, thanks for the hint @ppieczul

I will follow up on this topic here:

EDIT: The bug is fixed in 2.5.8

Hi all,

I had Openhab working with my Loxone for a while. Since a few months I have issues with the connection from Openhab (deployed on a raspberry) to Loxone.

I get the following error message:
Error communicating with Miniserver (org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8Appendable$NotUtf8Exception: Not valid UTF8! byte B2 in state 0)

Tried changes on Java and searched tons of posts, changes password and user to easy ones for trial etc., without success…
A new setup Openhab on another Rasperberry also shows the same issue.

Does anyone has an idea or had solved the issue?!?

Thank you

Did you do anything with the configuration around the time it stopped working? like changing the names of objects?

When does the disconnection happen?
Could you turn on debug messages and post some traces?


Hi Pawel,

Would it be possible to implement the currentUser information as a channel for the loxone binding?


Sure, just the user name? May I ask how you would like to use it - just curious.

Hi pawel,

Would like to know the current/last logged in user on the loxone, in a multiuser environment. For logging purposes. Would be nice to tie actions made in loxone webui to a user in the logs.

So that’s a bit different to what I thought. currentUser is the user that is used to log in from openHAB and access API. I don’t know how the logins are logged on Loxone but will look into that.

1 Like

Hi Pawel, all,

tried with 2 different openHab installations on Raspberry (existing with items & new without items).
Both show the same error with LoxAPP3.json - see logs snippet below.

Do you have a hint for me???

Thank you.

See logs below
2020-08-30 12:37:29.446 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [5] Releasing command sender with response: authwithtoken/C242BDDF40B31F342F86C89D92A147411246BD7E/Reigl, 200
2020-08-30 12:37:29.450 [DEBUG] [.internal.security.LxWsSecurityToken] - [5] Token will expire on: 2020-10-25 10:55.
2020-08-30 12:37:29.452 [DEBUG] [.internal.security.LxWsSecurityToken] - [5] Setting token refresh in 54 days.
2020-08-30 12:37:29.455 [DEBUG] [.internal.security.LxWsSecurityToken] - [5] Authenticated - used stored token.
2020-08-30 12:37:29.456 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [5] Websocket authentication successfull.
2020-08-30 12:37:29.459 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [5] Sending unencrypted string: data/LoxAPP3.json
2020-08-30 12:37:29.544 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [5] Websocket error : org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8Appendable$NotUtf8Exception: Not valid UTF8! byte B2 in state 0
2020-08-30 12:37:29.546 [DEBUG] [.binding.loxone.internal.LxWebSocket] - [5] Websocket connection closed with code 1007 reason : org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8Appendable$NotUtf8Exception: Not valid UTF8! byte B2 in state 0
2020-08-30 12:37:29.548 [DEBUG] [.internal.security.LxWsSecurityToken] - [5] Cancelling token refresh.
2020-08-30 12:37:29.550 [DEBUG] [ding.loxone.internal.LxServerHandler] - [5] set offline code=COMMUNICATION_ERROR reason=org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8Appendable$NotUtf8Exception: Not valid UTF8! byte B2 in state 0

This looks like the response from Loxone contains some data that causes websocket to fail. One way to go would be send me in a private message the content of your /data/LoxAPP3.json file, Just remove any sensitive data from it. You can also look for byte B2 in that file with some hex editor and send where it appears.

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HI Pawel,
thank you for your check of the issue.
I did today a brand new setup with OpenHABian. The result: I get the same error again…

As I have it now with 2 different ways of installation etc. again the same error I expect there is something else wrong…
If you have a hint for me, I would be very happy.

Thank you.

Did a further test…
Reloaded very old loxone config which was working some month ago to be able to identify if something changed on the config side and do a diff between “old” and “new” LoxApp.json file in case it would work.
Bad news: It also doesn’t work :frowning:

With this step I realizied there was a new Loxone Miniserver Software version. Do you expect it does influence it?


I will try to install from scratch on my RPI and see. Can you send the exact links you used for installation?

Posted these two problems related to Loxone binding, but never got a reaction?

Anyone some tips? Thanks in advance!

Hi @Joe_Vray, sorry for not responding to your questions earlier, but I have to admit I do not read community pages too often and have not seen them. I have posted answers thanks for reminding about them here.

New to Loxone with OH3… For normal relays (ON/OFF), it works.
But I’m having an issues to control some RGBW-lights on the loxone tree.

Color: doesn’t do anything? But the dimmer in here trigger the light to blue (always same value?)

Color ZD_L_Salont “Salontafel” {channel=“loxone:miniserver:d26c26e6:14A0BCE4-00FA-BD24-FFFF13887F83ECC5”}

ON/OFF doesn’t do anything?

Switch ZD_L_SalontS “Salontafel” {channel=“loxone:miniserver:d26c26e6:14A0BCE4-00FA-BD24-FFFF13887F83ECC5”}

Dimmer doesn’t do anything?

Number ZD_L_SalontN “Salontafel” {channel=“loxone:miniserver:d26c26e6:14A0BCE4-00FA-BD24-FFFF13887F83ECC5”}

I read that the color ares based on HSB instead of RGB? Do I need to use a special colorwheel?

I’ve also noticed that when I change something in the loxone app, OH doesn’t notice this. When I change something in OH, loxone noticed it? This is also the case for normal switches. So not only for RGB tree devices.

Hi @brononius.
Can you provide info about the loxone:miniserver:d26c26e6:14A0BCE4-00FA-BD24-FFFF13887F83ECC5 channel, what type of functional block this is? You can do it either by providing type of the block in the Loxone config it corresponds to it or by reading miniserver-IP/data/LoxAPP3.json and looking for that ID.

About that problem: I’ve also noticed that when I change something in the loxone app, OH doesn’t notice this
what do you mean by something and what do you mean by change?


Not sure what you just need, it’s a bit much or unreadable to me, but here a dirty copy/paste:

“14a0bce4-00fa-bd24-ffff13887f83ecc5”:{“name”:“Salontafel”,“type”:“LightControllerV2”,“uuidAction”:“14a0bce4-00fa-bd24-ffff13887f83ecc5”,“room”:“144dc05b-0153-2265-ffffafdc6af65df3”,“cat”:“144dc05b-010d-2110-ffffafdc6af65df3”,“defaultRating”:10,“isFavorite”:false,“isSecured”:false,“details”:{},“states”:{“activeMoods”:“14a0bce4-00fc-bd6e-ffff13887f83ecc5”,“moodList”:“14a0bce4-00fc-bd6f-ffff13887f83ecc5”,“favoriteMoods”:“14a0bce4-00fc-bd70-ffff13887f83ecc5”,“additionalMoods”:“14a0bce4-00fc-bd71-ffff13887f83ecc5”},“subControls”:{“14a0bce4-00fa-bd24-ffff13887f83ecc5/AI1”:{“name”:“groep 1”,“type”:“ColorPickerV2”,“uuidAction”:“14a0bce4-00fa-bd24-ffff13887f83ecc5/AI1”,“defaultRating”:0,“isFavorite”:false,“isSecured”:false,“details”:{“pickerType”:“Rgb”},“states”:{“color”:“14a0bce4-00fb-bd53-ffff13887f83ecc5”,“sequence”:“14a0bce4-0118-bddf-ffff405672790083”,“sequenceColorIdx”:“14a0bce4-0118-bdf4-ffff405672790083”}}}},“144ed48c-00ca-4521-ffffafdc6af65df3”:{“name”:“Sfeer”,“type”:“LightControllerV2”,“uuidAction”:“144ed48c-00ca-4521-ffffafdc6af65df3”,“room”:“144dc05b-0153-2265-ffffafdc6af65df3”,“cat”:“144dc05b-010d-2110-ffffafdc6af65df3”,“defaultRating”:1,“isFavorite”:false,“isSecured”:false,“details”:{},“states”:{“activeMoods”:“144ed48c-00ca-44d9-ffff19d75db7581b”,“moodList”:“144ed48c-00ca-44da-ffff19d75db7581b”,“favoriteMoods”:“144ed48c-00ca-44db-ffff19d75db7581b”,“additionalMoods”:“144ed48c-00ca-44dc-ffff19d75db7581b”},“subControls”:{“144ed48c-00ca-4521-ffffafdc6af65df3/AI1”:{“name”:“groep 1”,“type”:“ColorPickerV2”,“uuidAction”:“144ed48c-00ca-4521-ffffafdc6af65df3/AI1”,“defaultRating”:0,“isFavorite”:false,“isSecured”:false,“details”:{“pickerType”:“Rgb”},“states”:{“color”:“144ed48c-00ca-450a-ffff19d75db7581b”,“sequence”:“144ed500-0092-eadd-ffff76466caa8a0d”,“sequenceColorIdx”:“144ed500-0092-eaf1-ffff76466caa8a0d”}}}},“14507b7e-0332-9400-ffffab1bc9724980”:

Fe a light in the toilet, is just ON or OFF.
When I put the light ON (or OFF) through the Loxone app, I don’t see this in openHAB.
When I put the light ON (or OFF) through the openhab app, I see this in the Loxone app.

ps the Loxone installation is located on another site, and is iconnected over ‘normal’ internet, port 80. Not sure if it’s important, but can explain a certain latency, or issues with UDP? But ON/OFF from openhab is fast, not noteable that it’s on another site.