M2 Realease - REST API not working

I have it installed through the PaperUI, not the addons.cfg.

I tried both. No dice

Does not work for me. I’m on build 1672.

I am installing via addons.cfg… but that cannot be the reason this fails, surely.


If that is after 2.5M2 it may be broken again. It was broken until slightly before the M2 build.

I downgraded from 2.5.0~S1672-1 to 2.5.0~M2-1. I’ve been working on trying to get MQTT2 configured and now my Generic Broker connects successfully. Unfortunately REST Docs are still not working.

It seems to be a conflict where some bindings installs a different version of the Jackson library which causes the swagger.json to fail generating.

The rest API should still work though, just not the docs.

The rest API works. I confirm that. Not the docs…

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Do you have the Jinja Transformation addon installed?
That “killed” REST for me. After removing Jinja REST docs also worked again.

Might be worth a try.

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Welcome back!

Do you have the chromecast binding installed? If so, remove it and see if the issue goes away.

Jinja not installed. Not the issue

I rely heavily on chromecast audio messages. Don’t really want to do that.

Yes, for me it appears that the conflict for me is due to the Chromecast binding. @rlkoshak pointed this out to me in another topic as well. In the latest milestone the Chromecast binding must install Jackson 2.9.x.

I do not have the Jinja transform addon installed.

I don’t want to remove the Chromecast binding to test because I have a dozen devices for which I have linked several Items to their channels.


Understood. I only was suggesting you remove it to see if it clears the issue. Obviously, a non-working restdocs is preferable to no audio messages. :wink:

There’s a chromecast fix in the pipeline, I just don’t know if it’s been merged yet.

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I’ll do a test early in the morning when I am “alone” to test the theory.

Here’s the PR that I think will fix it. It was merged, but I don’t think it’s in the build yet.

Tried removing chromecast, no dice

There are a couple other bindings that will cause the issue. See this comment on GitHub.

I was able to revert to the M1 version of the Chromecast binding but that did not resolve the issue. The binding requires the litvak library (the one that generates all of that log spam :wink:). litvak has a Jackson dependency.

openhab> bundle:list -s | grep chromecast
240 │ Active │  80 │ 2.5.0.M1              │ org.openhab.binding.chromecast
277 │ Active │  80 │ 0.11.0                │ su.litvak.chromecast.api-v2
openhab> bundle:requirements 240 | grep jackson
openhab> bundle:requirements 277 | grep jackson
osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation)(&(version>=2.9.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))) resolved by:
   osgi.wiring.package; com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation 2.9.8 from com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations_2.9.8 [203]
osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(&(version>=2.9.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))) resolved by:
   osgi.wiring.package; com.fasterxml.jackson.core 2.9.8 from com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core_2.9.8 [205]
osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(&(version>=2.9.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))) resolved by:
   osgi.wiring.package; com.fasterxml.jackson.databind 2.9.8 from com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind_2.9.8 [206]
osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation)(&(version>=2.9.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))) resolved by:
   osgi.wiring.package; com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation 2.9.8 from com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind_2.9.8 [206]

I just can’t find that bundle so I can perform a bundle:update for it. Do you happen to know where in Jenkins I can find the M1 repository and more specifically these libraries? I searched but did not find :frowning_face:


I am on M3 and I have the same problem.

Is there a workaround?

Yes it was fixed on M5

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I’m on M3 and I can confirm installing chromecast binding blows up REST docs