Max! Cube loses all settings with OpenHab

Yes, I tested this during this issue, and didn’t switch it back…


I did a factory reset 3 times. 2 times a reboot. 1 time nothing. All the same, with no effect.

I can switch back to eclusive mode and see what happens…

EDIT: I switched back to “exclusive mode” 1 week (May 9) ago. No issues since then, …but I’ll keep watching it!

@marcel_verpaalen 6 weeks in exclusive mode. No issues anymore. I think there is an issue with non exclusive mode. I use it in parallel with an App called “Max!Remote”. Maybe the App causes the problem?

I cannot confirm this.

Did a complete resetup of my MAX! cube and devices a couple of weeks ago, had it running in exclusive Mode for about a week and after a restart of openHAB complete configuration was lost again.

The only thing that is really different between the exclusive and non-exclusive mode is that in the latter we disconnect after each message.

As this is a very simple device with probably minimal network stack, maybe it does not handle the multiple connections well. So if you have 2 applications connecting at the same time, normally that is handled, but I can imagine if timed badly
It could go wrong

@hmerk do you run oh2 or oh1? I think oh1 may have a much bigger chance that we overload the cube.

What could be the case is that during sending commands in non exclusive mode the cube is maybe still to busy spitting out the messages while the command is already being send, causing some buffer overload. I can see if I can add bit of waiting time before sending the command in non-exclusive. Maybe that helps.

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I am running openHAB 2

@hmerk Maybe you have a hardware problem? Did you read this? (in german!!)

First I thought I had such a problematic cube, too. But mine “forgets” its settings only in “non exclusive mode”. But maybe you have such an “Alzheimer Edition”?

Thanks for the links, which I do know already.
I don’t think it is a hardware issue, as the cube run a couple of month before it lost its memory. Only difference, I left it completely alone, no connection to openHAB, no connection with original MAX! software.

@marcel_verpaalen Short summary: hmerk loses complete configuration in “exclusive mode” and me losing complete configuration in “non-exclusive mode”. We both can exclude a hardware error, because Max!Cube is running WITHOUT OH2 properly. What to do next?

@Celaeno1 as I wrote above, I think the Cube has some challenges with making connections.
Based also on the fact that with other software this is happening (you quoted many reports about the same, seen Domoticz &FHEM also has some reports about it) strengthen this thought.

Meaning that if you make connection at the wrong time, some sort of overflow happens in the firmware.
This would also explain why if you run the non-exclusive mode, the chance is higher. Than you make many more connections. Likewise it explains why when you leave the cube fully running by itself you are not experiencing the problem,

As this is not sole happening with openhab binding, and I’m quite confident the binding is not sending ‘wipe memory’ commands to the Cube. In fact, the OH1 version does not even have such command build in, the commands send are not the issue here.

What I can possibly do is add some more waiting time between the commands (OH1 did not have any waiting time, OH2 version I think sends max 1 command/second). That may decrease the stress on the Cube.

One wish I have is indeed to have a backup/restore functionality…That would not solve the issue, but at least mitigate the effort to fix it. Would not be extremely complicated, but lack the time to build it.

@marcel_verpaalen Thanks for your detailed answer! Does it make sense to play around with the Max!Cube settings? e.g. “Refresh Interval” or “Max Requests per Connection”? Is it also possible that the predefined action in this binding called “Reset Cube Configuration” was somehow triggered?

I have a Max cube with OH2 setup with 5 thermostats. I have observed the following:

Normally I have the setup running without connecting the MAX! eQ-3 android app or the Max! software (pc) and everything seems to work fine with the OH2 connection to the thermostats. When I try to connect the app or the software without detaching the OH2 system first, things seems to go wrong. Different thermostats are loosing their connection to the Cube in random order, sometimes one, two or more and not every time.

…maybe it is a coincidence…but I think not.

Have EXACTLY the same problem, I do use Home Assistant though. But not sure if the problem is causd by Home Assistant, by a defective HUB or what

did you solve?

and you, did you solve?

No, no slution yet.

SO what you do, simply reconfigure every X month?
Maybe flashing the firmware to use in homegear/homematic is the best solution?

I need a working system, having 12 thermostats. If leaving it alone (no openhab no home assistant, no access with MAX software application) will it keep the configuration?

Is using the MAX Cube the only way it is possible to communicate with the radiator valve controllers? I ask because I have several valve controllers also made by ELV with the model number FHT8V-3 which are controlled by a separate room thermostat with the model number FHT80B-3. These aren’t available any longer but the OH1 FHT binding can communicate with the room thermostat via a USB CUL device on 868MHz.

If the MAX devices and the FHT devices are similar (maybe they are similar since they were made by the same manufacturer) is it possible that the MAX valve controllers can be controller by a USB CUL device directly and therefore remove the need for a MAX cube? It seems that the binding is robust, the valve controllers are robust but the Cube is the weak link.

I have the MAX Cube and the Button. Nothing else

My valves serial number are
KHAxxxxx 4 valves
JHAxxxxx 4 valves
IHAxxxx 3 valves
KEQxxxx 1 valve

Flashing the firmware of the Cube it transforms into a USB CUL? (Have no idea about it all)

Is that something that can be done? Convert the MAX Cube to a USB CUL? I have no idea. My post earlier was for @marcel_verpaalen really, I should have tagged him. Maybe he has some knowledge of any possible similarities between the MAX radiator controllers and the older ones I have that use the FHT binding?

Yes I saw a tutorial. But it’s irreversible.

Then command it with a pi3 or something