Max! Cube loses all settings with OpenHab

Hi, Marcel,

it happend again so I tried setting of the M message as we’ve discussed. Unfortunatelly, the L: message is still missing.

The first telnet call when the error occurs:

telnet 62910
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
H:XXXXXXXXX (obfuscated)
C:XXXXXXXXX (obfuscated)
Connection closed by foreign host.

Then I tried to set the M message as follows:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
H:XXXXXXXXX (obfuscated)
Connection closed by foreign host.

And after that, the L: message is still missing.

telnet 62910
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Note: Messages in telnet communication with small letters (q: and m:) are sent by me to the cube (outgoing message).

The restoring of the room info went has all your rooms back (3 rooms, 7 thermostats). But… unlike @schnibel you only get a single C: line, right? ( this would be the cube itself)

In that case indeed it is more corrupted than only the room info. There is no known way to restore the linking info (that I’m aware of) ones the cube ‘forgets’ it.


I’m glad that you have made it and it works! All of us want too)))

The was a lot of infos in this theme last time. Can you please explain all of us, what exactly have you done?

We all will be very grapefull!

Thanks a lot!

Yes, just a single C: line. Ok then, I will just have to reprogram it once in a while :-/

Hi @thisisIO, yep… no problem… here is what I have exactly done :
At the present time, everything seems to be OK after a full reset by doing these steps :

  1. Remove all thermostats things using OpenHAB
  2. Stop Max OpenHAB binding using Karaf
  3. Factory Reset of the Max! Gateway
  4. Factory Reset for each Thermostat+
  5. Pair all thermostats (One thermostat per room) using MAX! Software on MacOSX
  6. Remove internet access using MAX! Software on MacOSX
  7. Stop Max! software
  8. Start Max OpenHAB binding using Karaf
  9. Configure Gateway to be in exclusive mode + refresh interval to 30 seconds
  10. Add Thermostats things which have been automatically detected

And it works like a charm :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thanks a lot!

Is must be made only on MacOS? If i have only Windows…

The MAX UI runs on Java, too, so you can run it everywhere your OH runs (although I haven’t heard of anyone trying with Linux).

Thanks i know it, but schnibel wrote about MacOS


And till now you have no problems with it?

Hi, Marcel

If you want to ger this problem, set polling to 1-3 sec and non ecxclusive mode. At least it was my situation.
I have Max! system for about 5-6 years, used it always with Max!Remote and original windows software.
I have NEVER had this problem.
But since i started to use OH (2 weeks) i got it!
I set polling to 3 sec because i wanted to use windows sensors as entrance door sensors, but if it will loose settings every time, will go back to 30 sec and exclusive mode, if it helps.

By the way, have you made Backup and Restore feature?
It would be extremeley usefull!

Thanks a lot!

Alex, and no issues till now or not?

Thank u.
And one thermostate in one room?
You have no window sensors at all?

NO issues since I wrote this. I have 8 window contacts, 11 thermostats, 1 wall thermostat and 1 eco switch.

Thanks a lot for your answer!
And how did you configured it:

  1. One thremostat in one room or more?
  2. Overall more then 10 rooms configured or less?
  3. Polling interval - 30 seconds or more/less?

Thanks one more time)

10 rooms (in 8 of them 1 thermostat, each room) in 1 room 3 thermostats, two window contacts and 1 wall thermostat. 1 room with 1 contact only.
Polling intervall: default

This is exact the problem… the device can’t handle that speed and will corrupt at some point.
The original FW also does not request as such a rate. Go to 30 sec and exclusive and you have way less chance that this happens,. (mine never had this corruption since 5y)

I think this is not really usable unless you replace your cube with maxCul type of connection instead of the cube due to its response times.

Hm, so with maxCul i can use smaller polling rate with no problems?
How do you thing in common - is this maxCul better then Cube or it have also another problems?

I have no experience with MaxCul myself, but it is not using the cube instead relies directly on the transmissions. Hence the corruption won’t happen as there is no cube involved to corrupt.
I assumes it still adheres to the regulatory duty cycle, hence the slow transmissions will remain.

If you have no specific need for the connection to your heating, you’re better of using generic window sensors e.g. like

Thanks a lot for help!
I will look at this sensors.

Only one question about Exclusive mode.
Am i right, that if i use NON exclsive mode and use no other aplications like Max!App and other it will be the same if i use exclusive mode, because cube connects only to OH in this case?
I ask it because i use Max!Remote sometimes to correct week program and it will be good if i can use it.

My Cube also lost (some of) his settings. In my case “only” the M message is gone. :confused:

I’ve tried it with your tipp @marcel_verpaalen and renamed a room in the thermostat settings in openHAB2, but it didn’t work.

Some interesting things:

  • eQ-3 MAX! android app works like a charm
  • eQ-3 MAX! desktop java application doesn’t work, wants me to set timezone
  • openHAB2 MAX! binding works, but with “No Rooms information found. Configure your MAX! Cube” notice in log

Maybe someone can enlighten me with a few things:

  • Is there an easy way to restore the M message? Perhaps this string is somewhere stored in my openHAB2?
  • How can a backup/restore solution look like? Save the telnet output and simply paste it in again, if something get lost? Is this possible with all the messages (M/C/L)? :thinking:
    • If I had to reconfigure the Cube from scratch, can I simply paste in my saved M/C/L messages? Or should different M/C/L messages never get mixed, even if the room defintions remain the same?

Thank you guys so much for your work here. openHAB2 with the MAX! binding is such a nice improvement for the MAX! system. :raised_hands:

Restoring M info is easy… when you have not too many devices and you have saved it indeed by connecting to the device. Unfortunately it is not saved by OH. In the topic you find some more details, but it is almost as simple as changing the M: to m:

Restoring the C info is the more difficult, specifically the linking info (which device is associated with which room etc.). To program C info, you actually need to send approx 10 lines (7 x a day of the thermostat program, linking info, thermostat settings like eco temp, boost temp etc)

L info is not needed to restore, it will come as the termostats send info to the cube.

Not possible to restore (at least I never found a way) is the linking of a thermostat to the cube without doing discovery… btw. this is the main reason why a full restore is not possible… unless someone finds a way to let the Cube know which devices are linked to it without discovery

Okay, unfortunately I don’t have a backup of my M message. I said “restore”, but instead meant “rebuild”. Sorry.
So I think I need to reconfigure the Cube. :cry: