Assuming that this is your manual, there is in fact no USB port at the board. But there should be a RS-232 Port (labeled X18 in the manual at page 16). Maybe you can use that one? At my THZ 304 eco the RS-232 port seems to be gone for a USB-B port.
I can provide some pictures for the THZ 304 if someone is interested, but pictures of the port is quite impossible to do as the port is directed to the backplane of the casing.
In either way, a look in the docs of your heatpump concerning internal ports is worth it
my pi is directly connected to the heatpump via a usb cable. no set2net needed at all. you just have to place your pi in a max distane of 3m to the heatpump because of the max. allowed cable length of the usb cable. assuming you have a pi3 you can strip the ethernet cable as well. i have openhabian running on that pi that is connected to the heatpump.
works pretty well.
maybe a seperate thread for connection issues and howtos is useful as this thread is manly for the software part and for testing and giving response to new binding version from Peter.
maybe an board-OP can create a new thread and move the posts concerning the connection to that thread?
One way to do it would be to have a independent CLI to read data from the heatpump and to push data from heatpump with REST API into the openhab running on your second PI.
Not sure if with OH2 a distributed concept get improved.
found this Connecting distributed openhab instances - #5 by robconnolly
I use a LWZ 304 with firmware 7.39 and a connection from raspberry pi direct over USB to the LWZ.
The binding is compatible to the version 5.39. When i try it with “Stiebel heat pump LWZ303 5.39” log say “Thingtype version of heatpump 5.39 is not the same as the heatpump version 7.39”. Is it possible to connect to my LWZ 304 with firmware 7.39?
sure , i can create another thingtype.
I have limited knowledge on how this version is interfaced.
Did you find some information in www about the protocol?
I have search for information to the firmware 7.39 but nothing to find.
But i think the interface is similar to another versions.
I would like to test it if you can give me the binding in this version.
Thanks for fast reply.
I download the file from first post and place it in to the addons folder.
When i add a new think i only see the version 2.06, 5.09, 5.39.
My browser cache was the problem.
Now i have install the version 7.39 without any problems.
The data were successfully delivered.
Have you a list with translations for the single items in german?
I have a few problems to understand the individual values.
Im moment ist alles auf englisch.
Mit den Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten von OH2 habe ich mich noch nicht so recht auseinander gesetze.
Die englischen Begriffe sind aus soweit aus der betriebsanleitung genommen. Parameter solten selbst erklärend sein.
Helfe gerne wenn du mir ne lister de Kanäle schickst.
also ich habe mich selbst etwas durchgekämpft und ein paar Sachen auf deutsch übersetzten können.
Allerdings scheint es so als ob das binding nicht alle Werte auslesen kann.
So fehlt mir z.B die Temparatur für den Heizkreislauf.
Anbei mal einen Auszug von meinen bisher übersetzten Werten.
Number lwz304_collector "Kollektortemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#collectorTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_collector_outside "Außentemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#outsideTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_flow "Vorlauftemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#flowTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_return "Rücklauftemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#returnTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_hot_gas "Heisgastemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#hotGasTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_cylinder "Warmwassertemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#dHWTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_flow_hc2 "FlowHC2temperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#flowHC2Temperatur"}
Number lwz304_inside "Insidetemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#insideTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_evaporator "Verdampfertemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#evaporatorTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_condenser "Verflüssigertemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#condenserTemperature"}
Number lwz304_filteredOutside "filteredOutsidetemperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#filteredOutsideTemperatur"}
Number lwz304_extract_fan_speed "extractFanSpeed" <fan> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#extractFanSpeed"}
Number lwz304_supply_fan_speed "supplyFanSpeed" <fan> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#supplyFanSpeed"}
Number lwz304_exhaust_fan_speed "exhaustFanSpeed" <fan> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#exhaustFanSpeed"}
Switch lwz304_dHWPumpStatus "dHWPumpStatus" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#dHWPumpStatus"}
Switch lwz304_heatingCircuitPumpStatus "heatingCircuitPumpStatus" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#heatingCircuitPumpStatus"}
Switch lwz304_solarPumpStatus "solarPumpStatus" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#solarPumpStatus"}
Switch lwz304_mixerOpen "mixerOpen" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#mixerOpen"}
Switch lwz304_mixerClose "mixerClose" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#mixerClose"}
Switch lwz304_heatPipeValve "heatPipeValve" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#heatPipeValve"}
Switch lwz304_DiverterValve "DiverterValve" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#DiverterValve"}
Switch lwz304_CompressorStatus "CompressorStatus" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#CompressorStatus"}
Switch lwz304_BoosterStage3 "BoosterStage3" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#BoosterStage3"}
Switch lwz304_BoosterStage2 "BoosterStage2" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#BoosterStage2"}
Switch lwz304_BoosterStage1 "BoosterStage1" {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:currentValues#BoosterStage1"}
Number lwz304_compressorA "Verdichter Heizen" <pump> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:operationCounters#compressorA"}
Number lwz304_compressorB "compressorB" <pump> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:operationCounters#compressorB"}
Number lwz304_heatingMode "Verdichter WW" <pump> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:operationCounters#heatingMode"}
Number lwz304_dHWMode "Elektr Ne WW" <pump> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:operationCounters#dHWMode"}
Number lwz304_coolingMode "Elektr Ne Heizen" <pump> {channel="stiebelheatpump:stiebelHeatPumpLWZ303_7_39:950ecb21:operationCounters#coolingMode"}
i updated the link with a new version of the binding fixing the update of the time in the heatpump.
There was an error related to the weekday and day update which is fixed now.
Hi Peter,
as I can see, there have been improvements to the binding. Thank you so far!
I would like to correct some channels for version 5.39. Can you please share the new code or update github?
yes please share your code. I will also get such a heat pump and would like to use your binding then.
Its perfectly fine to start with OH2 version which only supports reading the values from the heat pump. May I ask you to open an official pull request against openhab2-addons? I would even volunteer to review it!
i moved to a new laptop and needed to set up the dev environment.
I am still facing an issue with the latest master branch with the dynamic creation of the channels in paperUI.
The class
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.type.TypeResolver;
has been removed and now the binding does not build.
“The import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.type.TypeResolver cannot be resolved”
if you are ok with it i could commit the current version in github and we can try to resolve it.
let me know if that is ok for you