Modbus openHAB2 binding available for alpha testing


Here’s some examples


Reads from from a serial device, configures serial parameters. Holding registers are polled every 500ms. Values are extracted from the holding registers to things read1 and read2. Furthermore, write1 thing is defined in order to tell how commands to readwriteCollector should be handled. In this case the are written as int16 register (first register)

Bridge modbus:serial:endpoint [ port="/dev/ttyS0", baud=9600, id=1, stopBits="1.0", parity="none",dataBits=8, echo=false, encoding="rtu", flowControlIn="none", flowControlOut="none", receiveTimeoutMillis=1500 ] {
    Bridge poller poller1 [ start=0, length=3, refresh=500, type="holding" ] {
        Bridge readwrite readwriteCollector { 
            Thing read read1 [ start=0, transform="default", trigger="*", valueType="int16" ]
            Thing read read2 [ start=1, transform="default", trigger="*", valueType="int16" ]
            Thing write write1 [ start=0, transform="default", trigger="*", valueType="int16", type="holding" ]


Number NumberItemTest            "Number readwrite [%f]"    { channel="modbus:readwrite:endpoint:poller1:readwriteCollector:number" }


sitemap modbus label="Modbus"
    Frame {
        Text item=NumberItemTest

###To install the modbus binding

  1. Install serial transport: feature:install openhab-transport-serial
  2. install modbus transport bundle (copy it to addons folder, see this thread if you are unsure)
  3. install modbus binding bundle (same way as the transport bundle)
  4. List modbus bundles bundle:list | grep -i modbus . If necessary, start them with bundle:start BUNDLENUMER

The bundles are not visible via Eclipse IOT openhab addon (reason unknown, discussed here). However, you can download the jar files manually for installation.


UPDATE: corrected NumberItemTest channel reference.