MQTT items unreliable

Indeed, the problem appears to be a layer below the Homie layer, in the underlaying MQTT subscriptions.
I’m using an “external” mosquitto server as well, it just happens to be at

I think it’s becoming more of a thread about dynamic thing editing, which is essentially what is invoked when a Homie device appears in service.
I’m not an MQTT user but curious :smiley: Already know that PaperUI blocks some editing moves like duplicate thing ID that can be accidentally forced using xxx.things files. Results are … odd.

Here’s the CamelCase to hyphen function I just wrote in case it’s useful to anyone.


Input: "CamelCaseTest5-hello%%()world"
Output: "camel-case-test5-hello-world"
String HomieDeviceName(const char * in)
	String ret;

	enum eLast

	eLast last=last_hyphen;

		char input=*in++;

		if(input>='0' && input<='9')
		else if(input>='A' && input<='Z')

			ret+=(char) (input | 0x20);

		else if(input>='a' && input<='z')



	return ret;
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Any progress on the subscriptions issues @David_Graeff? Let me know if I can help in any way.

Also would really like to have a “refresh” button to pick up new channels (and delete non-existing ones) on homie devices! It’s not great to have to delete them and start over, especially since a device that has been deleted doesn’t show up in the inbox again… which is in itself a good thing of course.

The MQTT binding is in maintenance mode only at the moment, meaning that I review pull requests, make sure that all bugs are reported and keep the bundle compile-able, but I do not investigate myself or extend it.

I tried to convince Core maintainers a year ago already to introduce “Thing Actions”, useful for “Start Pairing” or “Refreshing” or “Resetting” etc. My implementation wasn’t accepted.

Ouch. Not a very good state of things to be left. Are you saying nobody is developing it at the moment, meaning no chance of any bugs fixed for 2.5.0?

I’d volunteer but I’ve never written a line of java.

That must have been frustrating. :frowning:

I’m generally frustrated with OH Core development, that’s true. If you check the commit history you will find maybe 100 lines of code change for the last 7 months. It’s mostly build system fiddling that happens over there.

Yup that’s how it is atm.

Any developers care to chime in? This just gave me a fibaro-style chill. These are major bugs in the MQTT binding, and MQTT + Homie is a major technology for the target audience of an open home automation system such as openHAB. I didn’t come here looking for a controller for my MQTT devices – it’s the other way around. After jumping on the openHAB bandwagon I’ve spent weeks getting proficient at MQTT and Homie (even writing my own device implementation) because it seemed like a good fit for openHAB. I had no idea when I started that the implementation had so many issues. Hearing that it there will be a major release without any of these bugs fixed is disappointing.

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When griping about “major bugs” it would be as well to point to the github issues for each one, to forestall further panic. We’ve sorted one today which is about expectations only.

The biggest one so far is this one:
This one is real bad because it breaks an otherwise functioning system. It even causes homie items to break generic items.

I believe I’ve done all that I can with regards to describing, isolating and reproducing this bug. At this point all that’s left is to actually fix it. And, I was just made aware that there may be no one to do that.

Hey, I don’t know how I became the Homie advocate. I saw it in openHAB (and in the forum), it seemed to fit the bill, so I learned to use it. I had no idea it would be such a headache.

Isn’t this what the REFRESH command is supposed to be for, at least in part?

Hm. I think the refresh command is making the core re-requesting all channel values.

openHAB does only support commands on channels not on Things. And that’s what is required for the mentioned actions.

Regarding MQTT. The thing is that the underlying library (paho mqtt) is full of bugs and only maintained by one guy that only occasionally works on it and currently focuses on mqtt5. And its an eclipse project :smiley:

paho would need to be replaced by that other mqtt library (forgotten the name but linked in one of the issues). That’s unfortunately a Core contribution, which I’m clearly not doing at the moment.

paho has several subscription bugs with the async API that I’m using. Most of the java people out there seem to use the synchronous API which apparently works (most of the time). I don’t see a point in working around in the mqtt binding when the actual bugs are further down in the stack.

Cheers, David

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So MQTT 2.x is essentially abandon-ware. Wonderful.


REFRESH is an Item based command, with an expectation that a binding would interpret it as a prompt to review/update the Item state. Essentially, trigger a read poll on the channel. Data stuff.

Refreshing Things would be about updating thing properties - for example, to force an update from a zwave or homie device that changes its properties (conceivably as a result of binding changes). Use case - zwave 2.4 broke existing things that needed to be deleted and readded to recover. Configuration stuff.

EDIT - I suppose a good example would be some kind of HTTP service, weather etc.
REFRESH could be used to fetch current temperature to our Item.
Thing refresh might be used to update our password or certificate.

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OK, I think I understand. Thanks for the clarification.

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@leif I’m very committed in my own HA system architecture to MQTT and it’s panning out well. What MQTT needs though is a discovery protocol and topic definitions for standard capabilities and I am finding homie lacking, the Home Assistant MQTT discovery protocol is quite basic but works reasonably well.

In my quest to promote and include support for MQTT in several controllers I have released code that implements both protocols , with a view to supporting HA with their protocol and OpenHAB with homie. Like you I feel the latter has been more burden than reward.

Awaiting 2.5 was always being advocated as the ‘already fixed’ solution to the 2.4 homie problems To hear that OH 2.5 M2 will still have known issues at so many levels in both homie and MQTT is very discouraging. I am unfortunately not of a capability level to contribute towards fixing it . I wish I hadn’t spent so much time on the homie projects I’ve worked on. What a shame.

I’ve been undecided between HA and OH, the current impasse and disinterest that I sense from the preceding posts has made my decision a little easier I think as resolving the issue seems a distant prospect and I need MQTT to work dependably.


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@xAPPO, I agree, I have made a large investment in MQTT/Homie which now feels like a dead end. If the problems lie in the PAHO library which HA and Python use then the problem is greater than just OH.


I feel exactly the same way… well, except for HA. The rudimentary Z-Wave support in HA was a non-starter for me as you know.

If the underlying subscription bugs are actually in the paho client (that’s the MQTT client code which the MQTT binding is written on top of) then chances are the openHAB HomeAssistant MQTT Component support is going to have the same exact issues.

Exactly! I was led to believe this as well.

I don’t think this is okay. I believe MQTT and Homie fits right into the spirit of openHAB and that’s why I and others adopted it when we came across it. I don’t think it’s right for it to be abandoned at this juncture. With all the invested time it seems like fixing the glaring issues would take only a fraction of the total time spent so far, and make it workable for the future. If not, what is the alternative DIY-friendly technology being promoted for use with openHAB?


Eclipse messed up the names. Please be careful when you say “Paho library”. The C/C++ paho mqtt library is in really good shape and supports mqtt5 for ages. The python library as well.

It is just the java library that is lacking. But considering that java had its peak 2012 and Google turned away from it (Go was developed to replace Java within the Google company and Kotlin appeared later on to run on the JVM fork that runs on Android devices) I do not see much progress on Java anyway.

Homie is not abandoned. It is a json-free discovery protocol of entities on an mqtt broker. It does not specify HA types though, which makes the mapping more like heuristic than deterministic.

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