MQTT Switch State: Command '1' not supported by type 'OnOffValue'

I have the following Thing configuration:

Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto "MQTT Broker" [
    Thing topic fireplace "Fireplace" @ "Living Room" {
            Type switch : power "Power" [

I have confirmed that the message payload being delivered to the devices/4f0a116f/state topic is:


And yet whenever the topic is updated, I see the following in openhab.log:

[WARN ] [ab.binding.mqtt.generic.ChannelState] - Command '1' not supported by type 'OnOffValue': No enum constant org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType.1

Iā€™m confused why this is happening ā€“ I explicitly added on=1, off=0 to the Thing configuration, so I would expect that it would ā€œjust workā€.

You can try with the MAP transformation.

transformationPattern="" ]

and file


Have you tried configuring through the paperUI instead?

These are string params e.g. on=ā€œ1ā€

I get the same warning whether I specify these as strings or numbers

Any ideas how this would work in conjunction with JSONPath? I need the JSONPath transformation in order to extract just the power field; other fields may be present and will not be static, so I canā€™t hard-code them in a Map.

Sure. But one way is correct and ought to work, one way is not and will never work.
Youā€™re not the only one struggling with this feature, maybe it is broken in some versions - what version is involved here?

A caution when editing Things files, seems especially relevant for minor edits. Some bindings are better than others at managing in-flight thing changes.
Iā€™d restart the binding after edits, to pick up new settings.

Chaining transforms is described in the binding docs. Itā€™s a rather clever feature that only MQTT binding has, so far.

Maybe a bit OFFTOPIC but does your device react on the posted commands via openHAB? You donā€™t have a commandTopic in your setup!

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I think (from other similar posts) the word ā€˜commandā€™ is a bit misleading in the bindingā€™s message, and should be interpreted more like ā€˜payloadā€™

To my present understanding(!) stateTopics were to be received by MQTT Things, commandTopics are to be sent.


If I think Iā€™ve screwed up on the topic or payload type for mqtt, I run it through mqttfx where itā€™s easy to change both the topic and payload to see where Iā€™ve gone wrong.

Yes. What Iā€™m saying is that the OPs error message is produced in response to processing an incoming topic, just as he as configured, and the word ā€˜commandā€™ in the error message refers in this case to the incoming payload and is a misnomer in openHABs usual terms.
There is no openHAB command involved.
Have I got it right, @ssmall ?

My question is standing, does the device react at all when the openHAB switch is triggered?
In my understanding that warning is caused by a state message sent by the device, which COULD have been triggered byā€¦?

uhh, the device sends that. It doesnā€™t matter why, all the poor fellow wants to do is turn that into ON

I have encountered same problem in a similar but very common configuration. Iā€™m using Sonoff RF Bridge to switch items. I try to define a read only channel that receives input from RF senders like Intertechno or cheap contact sensors for windows and doors.
I have configured the channel as proposed by @H102 with transformationPattern JSONPATH and MAP chained, but no working solution was found in this thread so far. Also Iā€™m struggling to implement the MAP transformation (MAP transformation 2.5.4 is installed). My channel is:

Type switch : TestReceiver "TestReceiver (2)" [
    transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.RfReceived.Data āˆ©" ]

I also tried swapping JSONPATH and MAP transformation with the same result:

[WARN ] [t.generic.ChannelStateTransformation] - Transformation service  MAP for pattern not found!
[WARN ] [ab.binding.mqtt.generic.ChannelState] - Command 'F27322' not supported by type 'OnOffValue': No enum constant org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType.F27322 is present in folder transform:


What am I missing here?

MAP , like JSONPATH, is an installable add-on

Thanks for the hint, but I checked this before.

For the sensors, I found a solution in another thread: [SOLVED] Rule to show window as open or closed when wifi contact sensor sends RF data

Now it works as:

Type contact : TestReceiver1 "TestReceiver (2)" [
        on="F27322", off="F27324" ]

without having to define a separate Map or JS transformation for each channel. So @ssmall, you should try again with your first approach. Maybe there was a handling problem or a bug in the binding, when you tried it first.

However, the warning still shows, if a code is received which is not covered by the two switch states. This will clutter my log, when I will have all sensors configured for MQTT2. So I am still open for an even better solution.

My next step will be to find a way to have a momentary button to trigger ON and OFF states, but I did not find yet a way to use system channel types with MQTT binding.

Youā€™d be interested in REGEX with JSONPATH

(REGEX is an installable add-on as well)

not sure if you mean channel trigger option?

I had been experimenting with REGEX before so I thought it would be easy to incorporate like in the appended post. But I struggled with the channel not updating if I only change strings. Now I have created a dummy channel for which I change the name each time I want to try out a new transformation string. That way, the thing is updated every time.

I was in fact thinking about creating a channel with type system.rawbutton and [profile="rawbutton-toggle-switch"] because I wanted to avoid a rule. But after you gave me the hint, I think, it will be much easier to just create one rule, where all codes for the buttons are located and they can switch the items via sendCommand. That way I will avoid even to have items for the wall switches. But Iā€™m getting off topic.

My working configuration for the channel now looks this:

Type contact : TestReceiver1 "TestReceiver (2-1)" [
    on="F27322", off="F27324" ]

Iā€™m always amazed at the lengths people go to in order to avoid creating Items or rules. They donā€™t cost much.