My new Smart Home Automation System with OpenHab2 - Work in progress -> Migrating to OpenHAB3 -> Migrating to OpenHAB 4

Some useful examples of #api calls in #openhab 3. Read and write to items using curl #shell command directly from #raspberrypi, using a software like #postman or creating a real custom #html interface which read the item state and send commands to it.

A simple example of push notifications using the #openhab 3 api, writing a simple #html page on #raspberrypi 4 which display items information with autorefresh feature, with no user action

HTTP #binding, an example to manage system integration in #openhab 3 on a #raspberrypi 4, using #http calls towards external services

Let’s go back to #MQTT; this time we use the #transformation services of #openhab 3 to send a custom #json #payload as a command to an external device, not directly compatible with the native commands of openhab. In this particular case we’ll try to control the #brightness of a #shelly #dimmer through a #slider managed by openhab, installed on a #raspberrypi 4. The same thing can be done with other devices, such as #sonoff with #tasmota or #esp 8266 board with custom #firmware or others compatible with #mqtt

This time we talk about #gpio of our beloved #raspberrypi. In particular, let’s see how #openhab can integrate sensors and actuators connected to the raspberry; since version 3.1 of openhab the new gpio #binding is available which allows you to configure things, channels and items to interact with the raspberry GPIOs even remotely

A pratical example about #gpio #binding. Linking a RGB #LED to a #raspberrypi via GPIO and power it up using #python and then using a #sitemap of #openhab 3

Another pratical example about #gpio #binding, using an input device. Linking a magnetic contact to a #raspberrypi via #gpio to get its state through #openhab 3 and using it in our smart home routine

We complete the #gpio #binding tests started with the previous videos, putting together INPUT and OUTPUT devices connected to the #raspberrypi GPIO using the #Openhab 3 #rules. In the specific case we use a magnetic contact as INPUT and a #rgb #led as output. When the magnetic contact opens/closes, the RGB LED turns on/off

Setup for #google home integration, linking our local #openhab system on #raspberrypi to the cloud and let google home app to integrate items. Our system is ready for #voice command and remote interaction

Final part of my tests for integrating #openhab 3 with #googlehome. We insert a button to control a light and a thermostat to detect the temperature and humidity of a room by interacting with the google home app and with our #voice by checking the “reaction” on openhab

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This time we speak about #amazon #alexa and its integration with #openhab 3 on #raspberrypi 4. Take control of openhab items via alexa app, #echo #dot devices and voice control

I discovered the #profiles feature of #openhab 3. They are very useful. Till now I ignored them but now I thing I will use them in many use cases.

How to manage historical #data of #openhab with #influxdb running via #docker and #portainer on a #raspberrypi…Using #retentionpolicy and #continuousquery to keep table small, aggregating data on higher timeframe…all performed automatically

Always #influxdb running via #docker and #portainer on a #raspberrypi, used as #persistence engine for #openhab…This time we try to customize the table name where items data will be stored; then we add custom #tags to be used as filter parameters in select #query openhab3
Always #influxdb running via #docker and #portainer on a #raspberrypi, used as #persistence engine for #openhab…This time we try to customize the table name where items data will be stored; then we add custom #tags to be used as filter parameters in select #query

custom #push #notifications managed via #rules by #openhab running on a #raspberrypi. In this first part let’s build a simple alarm gas detector as example of push notification towards mobile devices with openhab official app

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I have not seen all your videos on OH3 yet, but I will surely do. Struggling as a beginner to get some things configured, and learned a lot with you :+1:

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custom #push #notifications managed via #rules by #openhab running on a #raspberrypi. Second part to improve my rules and the notifications

custom #push #notifications managed via #rules by #openhab running on a #raspberrypi. Third part to add the possibility to send notifications through #Telegram reaching users without openhab app installed

custom #push #notifications managed via #rules by #openhab running on a #raspberrypi. Fourth part to see how to send notifications via #email. I ran into a #bug, fortunately fixed with the latest #SNAPSHOT update. Let’s see how to do it.