It’s okay to link external sources as long as you describe them shortly and highlight openHAB specific aspects. What you shouldn’t do is “spam” the forum with external links.
A little update, because I discovered (reading the TASMOTA docs) how to connect an external switch to the SONOFF Basic, using GPIO14 and SwitchMode param.
I just updated my OpenHAB setup, adding an automatic notification about TASMOTA firmware updates
Using a public MQTT broker and adding an item and a rule to my OpenHAB configuration I’m able to manage automatic discovering of TASMOTA firmware updates; I found all the informations on official TASMOTA wiki and official OpenHAB docs.
Just out of curiosity, does a real reason exist to connect a coffee maker via wifi? Other than “because we can”? The coffee will not be delivered via tcp/ip. At least not in the near future.
But you can turn on the machine in the morning and it will have finished heating up until you are in the kitchen.
I was also thinking about bringing my machine into the wifi for this.
Only thing I had to do for my coffee automat is to place the Cup before I go to bed.
And additionally it’s a nice hobby task for someone.
Yup that project was founded on the idea of “Yes it is silly, we should do it!” If you have a home automation, the coffee maker needs to be part of it!
In fact, it’s not a simple On/Off socket. I’ve hacked my Senseo to include a small micro controller to connect via WiFi. It is now able to report its state, turn on/off, detect a cup and brew coffee (after prior preparation). This is great in the morning!! Usage stats are btw persisted to InfluxDB