My new Smart Home Automation System with OpenHab2 - Work in progress -> Migrating to OpenHAB3 -> Migrating to OpenHAB 4

Hello everybody, I’m a new user here and also for the Home Automation System things.

I recently discovered the sonoff devices and they let me evaluate a lot of Home Automation Software. In a few words I chose OpenHAB v.2.

Now, step by step I’m designing my system and I’m doing a lot of test…I’m pretty new to this kind of systems.

Till now, I played with Arduino and Raspberry PI2 but the sonoff devices and others similar to them opened my mind…I’m plenty full of ideas…

I’m writing a blog about that where I post my updates…

If you are interested, this is the url:

I hope to keep this post updated as soon as my work keep going on.

Just as a preview I will show you my first openHAB2 installation homepage:

Google Photos



Hey @s89511,

always nice to hear about the experiences and progress of new users. Please keep us posted with updates as answers to this thread! Best! Thomas

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Thanks @ThomDietrich I’ll do my best :slight_smile:

Just a little update not directly regarding openHAB but my project in general.

I upgrade TASMOTA firmware on SONOFF using the OTA procedure. It’s a very comfortable feature because you don’t need to access directly the device.

Some details on my blog:

And this is a little video about it:

I write link to my blog posts just to not describe my progress twice. I hope it’s ok…

If not, please admin or moderator warn me about it and I’ll try to keep updated both blog and this thread.

Thanks. Bye

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It’s okay to link external sources as long as you describe them shortly and highlight openHAB specific aspects. What you shouldn’t do is “spam” the forum with external links. :wink:

Regarding Tasmota, we have an article on that as well: ITEAD Sonoff switches and sockets - cheap ESP8266 Wifi+MQTT hardware

Btw. The article as well as a big part of the Tasmota wiki content is written by me :smiley:


Hello, I’m back again :slight_smile:
Just a little update not directly regarding OpenHAB, but I’m building its bases.

Some days ago I received a muche awaited mailbag from banggood; it contains 5 SONOFF Basic and 1 SONOFF Dual, a new entry in my little collection.

New photo by Marco “marcolino76” Lamanna

And this is the new entry SONOFF Dual, plugged during test

New photo by Marco “marcolino76” Lamanna

As usual, this is the post in my blog, where you can find a short video about binding SONOFF Dual with EWeLink App, just for testing purpose

And now, it’s time to let OpenHAB do its work :slight_smile:


That brings back memories… :wink:


Hello, just a step forward. Finally I got OpenHAB v.2 running.

I installed it few weeks ago on Raspberry with other software as Grafana and InfluxDB, but I never configure and run it.

Now it’s time to see what OpenHAB is able to do (I think a lot of things…)

I begin with some easy jobs as speedtest integration and weather services, following the tutorial on the site. Very very nice…

As usual on my blog there are more details:


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A new toy arrived directly from iTead. A SONOFF Dev.…a little wifi-board based on ESP8266 chip

It has some digital GPIO and an ADC pin.

New photo by Marco “marcolino76” Lamanna

Did you already used it?

For me, it’s time to make some test with it.

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Hello everybody, finally I integrated my sonoff basic in openhab with mqtt.

My smart home is taking shape…

As usual, details on my blog


A little update, because I discovered (reading the TASMOTA docs) how to connect an external switch to the SONOFF Basic, using GPIO14 and SwitchMode param.


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I just updated my OpenHAB setup, adding an automatic notification about TASMOTA firmware updates

Using a public MQTT broker and adding an item and a rule to my OpenHAB configuration I’m able to manage automatic discovering of TASMOTA firmware updates; I found all the informations on official TASMOTA wiki and official OpenHAB docs.



Step by step my openhab setup is growing…

I design a little local network monitoring with app notifications using OpenHAB v.2 and Network Binding

Details here:


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Now it’s time to learn “groups” in OpenHAB v.2

Just put them in my test sitemap…very nice feature!!!


May I suggest to change your network items status from Switch to Text in your sitemap?

The outcome will be something like this:

Hi Apostolos, thanks for your tips. I will apply it soon


or like this :slightly_smiling_face:

Just out of curiosity, does a real reason exist to connect a coffee maker via wifi? Other than “because we can”? The coffee will not be delivered via tcp/ip. At least not in the near future. :wink:

But you can turn on the machine in the morning and it will have finished heating up until you are in the kitchen.

I was also thinking about bringing my machine into the wifi for this.
Only thing I had to do for my coffee automat is to place the Cup before I go to bed. :slight_smile:

And additionally it’s a nice hobby task for someone.

Hehe :smile:
Yup that project was founded on the idea of “Yes it is silly, we should do it!” :monkey: If you have a home automation, the coffee maker needs to be part of it!

In fact, it’s not a simple On/Off socket. I’ve hacked my Senseo to include a small micro controller to connect via WiFi. It is now able to report its state, turn on/off, detect a cup and brew coffee (after prior preparation). This is great in the morning!! Usage stats are btw persisted to InfluxDB :wink:

@Confectrician you could try to adopt my solution.

Check out the project repository for more:


I have already seen your repo some weeks ago. :slight_smile:

Maybe something for a later point.