I’ve had problems connecting to myopenhab.org since the weekend. Is the site down?
Check the Status page!
Thanks opus, I didn’t even know there was one!
Is myopenhab working fine ?
I can not login, even after passwort reset it still shows "wrong username or password message.
Working well here
i got the same problem as salexes. I even tried makeing a new account. It worked fine for the frist login but I was never able to log in again (or reset the password).
does anyone know a solution ?
the status page does not seem to work either by the way.
Now even he password reset stopped working: Your password reset code is invalid or expired
This error comes every time.
As kohle says I also was never able to login again, only first login after account creation worked
What could the issue be ? How to fix it ?
Try copy & pasting the reset link from the email into your browser.
I had the same problem when I clicked on the link but copy&pasting fixed the issue for me.
It seems the + in the email was the problem for me. it worked with an email without it today.
I have an email adress that does not have a + in it and it still does not work. Does anybody have a clue what is going on here?
Same here. Having a “+” in email, reset passwort which works or better say: then new password is accepted.
Returning to Login-Screen, enter new passwort - wrong