It may also help to press the button 3x times quickly (LED will flash than instead of a one-time-blink). Actually 3x press is for in-/exclusion, but if the controller is not in in-/exclusion mode nothing will happen regarding that, but might help to initiate data transfer.
Also give it some time between experiments with trying to wake it up.
For the 1x click at least 30 seconds, for the 3x click at least a minute.
Removing the battery is also an option - give the sensor then 15 seconds (I believe) to start up.
I have 7 of these, and sometimes they included & transferred instantly, and something it was a longer process with many tries.
Also, when it was very rebellious to recognise, restarting OH can help - again, give OH then some time to fully startup - when the messaging frequency in the controller frame count reduces, try the usual one-click method to wake the sensor.
Once included and configured, the sensors are very reliable in operation, the hardware is very good, despite the low price.
Edit: Also read here: Neo Coolcam PIR motion sensor (PD03Z) - Wakeup issue
Edit: Just in case: The 1x click must not be too short. Something like a 0.1-second-click does nothing, but a 0.3-second-click works. If you don’t see the LED blink one time, it was too short pressed.