NEO CoolCAM PD03Z all channels but motion give data

I bought two NEO CoolCAM pir sensors (model PD03Z) and these dont seem to work as expected. They do report luminance and temperature. But no motion or battery.

I tried to change the configuration values but can’t find a working config. The led does blink when motion is seen, but it looks like it doesn’t send a command to the controller or the controller doesnt pick it up.

I used the logviewer from cd-jackons and it confirms no command is processed/received form the sensor. Because i have two of these, i find it hard to believe both are broken, so i guess it has to be something different. It is node 54 and 55 in the DEBUG log i attached to this post:zwave.log (436.2 KB)

Are there xml files in /var/lib/openhab2/zwave? If not they have not been awake long enough to be fully discovered.

No XML-file for both nodes. Strange, the binding doesn’t report a missing xml, or incomplete discovery. They appear to be perfectly fine. I did multiple wake-ups during an hour or so. (pressing the button once, confirmed with a red led blink)

I compared the command clases from my manual to the classes listed @
and i see some minor differences. I don’t know enough to say if it is causing these trouble:
ZWAVEPLUS_INFO (v2), the db is listing v1
VERSION (v2), the db is listing v1
MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC (v2), the db is listing v1
ASSOCATION (v2), the db is listing v1
NOTIFICATION (v4), can’t map it to a class at the db.

I also noticed my manual is completely different then the manual list at the db.

No xml file means the binding has not fully discovered the device. Delete the Thing (no NOT exclude from the network). Then re-discover and include it.

Make sure to wake the device many times until discovery has completed. The Thing will have the same ID so your Items will still work fine.

Thanks, very strange. I did the exact same thing and now one of the nodes has a XML-file. The other node still refuses. I’ll try again later, same is happening to a Fibaro smoke sensor.
I used the Zensystool to remove the nodes, as this seems impossible to do this for battery nodes within HABmin.
Do you know why the command class versions differ? And if that affects any function/improvement?

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