Neo coolcam z-wave devices

I ordered (via aliexpress) some relatively cheap z-wave devices, after taxes and administration fee it was not that cheap anymore, but worth a try.

I ordered the following items, inclusion seems to work but none if them seem to be supported yet. The manual seems to be complete so I should be able to add them myself, given I have the correct authorisations.

Z-wave Flood Sensor
Z-wave Smart Power Plug
Z-wave PIR sensor
Z-wave Door/Window Sensor

Note: the price continuously changes and you might have to pay taxes as well.

cc: @chris I would like to add them, given some others threads I read, you can grant me some authorisations to the database. Thanks!

Or they might be included in the database, how can I see the database version for the OH1 binding including HABmin?

Flood-sensor (003:1085): added to the database
Smart Power Plug (003:1087): database
PIR sensor (003:1083): database
Door/window sensor (003:1082): database

edit: I’m running version of the binding, which should be the latest snapshot

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HABmin has a screen called product explorer - this should list all the devices.

Done. Any questions, just let me know.

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It seems that some of the products are in the database but not product explorer screen (of the latest nightly) is that likely or is something else wrong?

Or is the for example caused by the warnings on the database page:

Parameter 2 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 3 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 4 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 6 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 7 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 7, option 0 label is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 8 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 9 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.
Parameter 10 description is too long - consider shortening and using the overview field.

The OH1 database isn’t automatically updated from the online database - the XML files need to be exported manually so it probably means they aren’t in the OH1 binding.

If you know how to create a PR on Github, then it would be good if you could create one for these devices? If not, I will do an update, but it might be a couple of days away.

Creating a pr will not be a problem, is this a good example of the changes I will have to make?

I see some warnings about fields being too long, what is the maximum length?

Yep - that’s a good example. If you look in the database there’s an export button that will generate the XML for you.

The first bit needs to go into the products.xml file - you just need to be careful as if the manufacturer already exists, then you need to put it into the right part of the file to just add the new product. The main XML file for the device is a separate file that can be cut and paste in its entirety.


  1. I accidently added the configuration command class which was already included, how can I remove it?

  2. I accidently added some options to the wrong parameter, parameter 2 does not have options.

  3. Another question, I get this message:

    Endpoint 0 has no command class linked to the basic class.

But I don’t know what to configure there…

I’ve delete the errors on the flood sensor - I assume that’s the only one?

The endpoint info means that there’s no command class that is used when the device sends a BASIC command class. Sometime the device might use the BASIC class, and the binding needs to know what this means, so we map it to another class.

The info means that there is no device linked to basic - specifically, it means there’s no tick in any of the BASIC checkboxs below -:

For this device, it might be SENSOR_BINARY but it could also be ALARM - the manual might say…

No hint from the manual regarding that, I will leave it open for now.

The snapshot version which I compiled works, so I will make a pull request.

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Great - thanks :slight_smile: .

Are you aware that the CDATA tags which are generated are not correct?

They miss a > in the end, see also the file in (the high lighting makes it clear):

I added them manually but I don’t know what this does for support which has been added recently?

Hmmm - I thought I’d fixed that. It’s not used very much in OH1 files (OH2 uses them extensively and are ok).

I’ll take a look - thanks.

Should be fixed now I hope ;).

Thanks for the quick action and merging my PR

Does the file from your old pull request and maybe others also require some fixing?

Nope only one hit on my search, I will create a pr for it.

The file you mentioned earlier was fixed a few weeks back so that’s ok. I don’t think there are other files as I only added the additional CDATA into OH1 for this device so there shouldn’t have been any earlier and there’s been no commits since then and today - I think we’re all good (thanks).

For any people interested this is my configuration for the items:

It seems to work fine.

Number Coolcam_Plug_Energy_W    "Plug - energy [%.2f W]"  { zwave="8:command=meter,meter_scale=E_W" }
Number Coolcam_Plug_Energy_V    "Plug - energy [%.2f V]"  { zwave="8:command=meter,meter_scale=E_V" }
Number Coolcam_Plug_Energy_A    "Plug - energy [%.2f A]"  { zwave="8:command=meter,meter_scale=E_A" }
Switch Coolcam_Plug           "Plug"                           { zwave="8:command=switch_binary"}

Contact     Coolcam_water_sensor_alarm       "water sensor alarm [%s]"            {zwave="6:command=ALARM"}
Contact     Coolcam_water_sensor       "water sensor [%s]"                      {zwave="6:command=SENSOR_BINARY"}
Number      Coolcam_Water_sensor_battery       "water sensor battery [%d %%]"      {zwave="6:command=BATTERY"}

Contact    Coolcam_door_sensor_alarm     "Door sensor alam [%s]"       { zwave="7:command=alarm" }
Contact    Coolcam_door_sensor_contact     "Door sensor [%s]"        { zwave="7:command=SENSOR_BINARY" }
Number     Coolcam_door_sensor_battery    "Door sensor Battery [%d %%]"    { zwave="7:command=battery" }

Number Coolcam_PIR_lum "Luminance: [%.0f Lux]" { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=3" }
Contact     Coolcam_PIR_alarm       "motion sensor alarm [%s]"     {zwave="5:command=ALARM" }
Contact Coolcam_PIR_motion  "motion [MAP(]" <motion>      {zwave="5:command=SENSOR_BINARY,respond_to_basic=true"}
Number Coolcam_PIR_battery       "PIR sensor battery [%d %%]"    <battery>  (Battery_Levels)    {zwave="5:command=BATTERY"} 

I also bought one of Neo coolcam device, PIR sensor specifically.
But it is hard to get work properly on openHAB2 with openHABian.
I used martinvw items example and can get battery level and sometimes also lux level (It only get right level if I pair it, but after while it drops to 0 and stays there).
Problems are with two others, PIR alarm and PIR motion, if I see log I can get motion and alarm triggered, but nothing is showing in paper UI or basic UI. What should I change to get it work?
Any help appreciated!