Neo coolcam z-wave devices

Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but 4 of my recently bought Neo CoolCam devices (0x258:0x1027:0x200) have the configuration parameters shuffled all over (and not matching the printed manuals I got with them in the box :slight_smile: )… not to mention OH config.
My devs report (via COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION) to be the following:
version: 3, Protocol: 6.2, Firmware: 2.32, hardwareVersion: 16

The default parameters I get upon device factory reset are:

ID Value Comment (guessed behavior - based on trial and error)
1 1 Remember relay On/Off status
2 1 Button On/Off Enable
3 1 Led Display Enable
4 0 Plug time switch function Enable
5 120 Time switch period
6 1 Meter report enable ?
7 300 Meter Report Interval ?
8 16 Maximum over-load current ?
9 50 Configure power report ?
10 13 Maximum alarm current ?
- No params 11,12 ?

I.e. the Meter Report Interval (formerly param 2) is now param 7… and param 3 now controls the LED behavior, while it used to be about overload current… And yes, the defaults have changed as well, so have some ranges (e.g. #9 seems to control reporting sensitivity, but no idea what is the unit now as it accepts vals > 100)

Anyone else experienced this? Is there any updated description of the params or new manual available somewhere?

  • Side-note: I also have 0x258:0x1087:0x3 CoolCam devices, reporting:
    version: 2, Protocol: 4.5, Firmware: 3.94, hardwareVersion: 65, which have an OK config (parameters match the manual)