Network Binding - iPhone Presence Detection - arping Configuration question

Of course, now that we know that this works from the command line, how do we configure the binding to use yahmbr0 instead of eth0 as I suspect it will encounter the same error as running it without the -l option.

I suspect an issue will need to be filed to allow setting the interface.

Thank you, how and where do i need to file an issue ?
And how long would it take to be added ?

kind regards

As long as it takes for someone to decide to work on the issue. This is an opensource project built with all volunteer labor. Something gets fixed or features added only because someone has decided to donate their time to fix it. So it is impossible to say how long it would take. There are some issues that have been open for years while others remain open for mere minutes.

This one seems like it is important enough that I’m sure someone will pick it up and fix it. But it is impossible to say how long it will take.


Thank you!
Just posted this:

Hope this explains it good enough.

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If not expect questions on the issue. :slight_smile:

Another way to detect MAC address presence is to parse DHCP leases. I do just that on my DHCP server - and send the presences to Openhab through MQTT.

Here is what I wrote - in production at my home.

I also opened a thread about it.

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Does it work even when the phones are in deep sleep mode ?

With the right retry and timeout value. See Presence arrival using DHCPlisten possible?

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Thank you I am trying to install arping 2.19 now.

I downloaded the .tar.gz put it on my raspberry and unpacked it now I want to install it but I get this error:

[15:16:19] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ cd arping-arping-2.19
[15:16:27] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/arping-arping-2.19$ ls  doc    fuzz        INSTALL         README  extra  LICENSE  src
[15:16:28] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/arping-arping-2.19$ ./configure
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
[15:17:51] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/arping-arping-2.19$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[15:17:51] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/arping-arping-2.19$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.
[15:17:59] openhabian@openHABianPi:~/arping-arping-2.19$

What am I doing wrong, I was following the instructions in the install file (

I’ve never built it myself but you can open up the makefile and look to see if there is a typo on the install target.

Following this did the trick thanks a lot!

Hi, in my case I need to use sudo, I´m not using Openhabian, How do I grant elevated access permissions? Thanks

On Linux and MacOS you might need elevated access permissions, for instance by making the executable a suid executable (chmod u+s /usr/sbin/arping). Just test the executable on the command line, if sudo is required, you need to grant elevated permissions.

Thanks, but I done everything on that page, installed arping, set permissions, forwarded DHCP port, tested as I saw in this tread that I can arping from command line. But still get my files properties like this:

uses_dhcp_listen no
dhcp_state No access right for port 67. Bound to port 6767 instead. Port forwarding necessary!
presence_detection_type ARP_PING
uses_ios_wakeup On
uses_arp_pings no

So I thought it would be some other command to pass permissions. I have a clean install raspberry pi3 with rasbian lite and Openhab installed as apt-get.

If you ran the chmod command on the arping command than you will automatically be given root when you run arping. That is what the u+s does.

You can test by running arping as your regular user. If it works you know the permissions are right. If not you haven’t set the suid permission correctly yet.

Just tested,

pi@OpenHab:~ $ arping -c 1 -I eth0 ARPING
60 bytes from 00:ae:fa:50:61:68 ( index=0 time=237.932 msec

— statistics —
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% unanswered (0 extra)
rtt min/avg/max/std-dev = 237.932/237.932/237.932/0.000 ms
pi@OpenHab:~ $

Permissions are ok then. But file properties say “no arping” do I need to set the full path “/usr/sbin/arping”?


File properties are things you set to configure the binding. They don’t set themselves. It wouldn’t hurt to set the full path but you also need to set uses_arp_pings to yes

Awesome thread, thank you to all contributors. Don’t mean to hijak this thread, but where to you configure the

“uses_arp_pings to yes”

and what syntax would I use?

Thank you so much!!

services/network.cfg file.


I created the network.cfg file but it did not work, I guess that those file on “/services” are bindings configurations and we are trying to change a “thing” attribute that is already default on the binding as it has the arping path. The doc is not very clear how we do that, as the only attributes it offer for “things” are retry, timeout and refleshInterval. Still not sure how to get it to work.
