New openHAB3 rules Tutorial

There is a good deal of content around but not much in the Getting Started Tutorial yet.

Note that the above is all focused on creating rules through the UI. If you will be writing rules in text files the Helper Libraries docs, in particular the But How Do I… page is great. Note that I don’t think the Helper Libraries are ready for OH 3 yet.

There are Python versions of all of the Design Pattern posts (those not written by me have them in a reply) and I’m in the process of rewriting them using JavaScript UI based rules as well (TimeOfDay and Debounce are the only two I’ve posted so far). You can see what I’ve written and reuse the code itself from The Python versions depend on the Helper Libraries so are OH 2.5 only for now. The JabaScript libraries do not but are coded assuming OH 3 so are not backwards compatible. Rules (like Time of Day and Debounce) are posted as YAML and can be pasted into a UI rule’s code tab.