There are again a few updates in the latest distro #611 worthwhile to mention:
First of all there were many fixes in ESH that people were waiting for:
- Yahoo Weather displays the correct pressure now
- Groups of color lights are correctly working again
- Paper UI shows 24h for datetime values
- hue binding now supports Osram on/off plugs
In openHAB 2 addons, we recently:
- added the Exec 2.0 binding
- added the Minecraft binding
- had a major update of the Netatmo binding
For the distro itself the biggest change is within the handling of the selected add-ons - especially the issue that the information about installed add-ons was lost during upgrades has been addressed.
There are now a few new package types to choose from - they are now only meant as a starting point (so you cannot change it anymore through the Paper UI), but you are free to add or remove any other number of add-ons now; in the past, you e.g. could not remove a binding that was installed through the demo package - now this works.
If you wonder, WHERE this information is stored when you e.g. add new bindings through the Paper UI: It all ends up in the file userdata/etc/org.openhab.addons.cfg
(which is kept in place during upgrades).
To get this in place was a huge refactoring - I hope I didn’t break too much with it. If you come across problems with this mechanism, please report back!