New Z-Way Binding

I’m referring to the Z-way binding for the extra buttons and notifications that exist in Z-way for central scene command class. See this post in the Z-way forum for more information. Can this be added to the Z-way binding?



A new ChannelType that provides the two-digit value? I would implement it and make a test version available.

The action is described with a two-digit value within the vDev metrics.level parameter: The first digit is the button/scene number, the second digit points to the action/keyAttribute of this button/scene (0=short press, 1=release, 2=hold, 3=short press two times, 4 = short press three times, and so on. Examples: Double Click button 2 => 23, Single Click button 1 = 10)

I must ask again: What do you mean with invert percent?

The reported values for the channel (in percent) represent the position of the rollershutter (50% half open). If we invert the commands, it could be necessary to invert the percent/report too! Since oh2 always thinks b.e. 99 = open and 0 = closed, in some situations this should be inverted (but not always).
IMO it would be cool to have two parameters to invert the commands and the report.

Yes, a new ChannelType with the button/scene number and keyAttribute would be great. Thanks!

I was able to include the EZMotion 3-in-1 (a.k.a. HSM100) motion sensor in here (that I failed to initialize with the zwave binding)

I have some general questions regarding the Z-Way binding:

  • Do I need to run the z-way-server? (in my testing I have it running while openhab2 is running)
  • How can I trigger an exclude from openhab. I see a garbage bin in Configuration -> Things and in Inbox but as I understand these only hide the device in the web interface. They don’t actually exclude it from the controller.
    (for Aeon Labs Gen5 stick there is a button in the properties of the controller that allows you to send an exclusion command, but I don’t see such a button for the UZB)
    For the UZB there are buttons for inclusion, secure inclusion, and exclusion in the Inbox (see img1) but I turn the exclusion button on, exclude the device and nothing happens.
  • Can zwave binding and ZWay binding run at the same time? I have a device that only initializes properly using the ZWay binding, but other devices that are already working with zwave binding. If they cannot run together and I use only ZWay binding can Habmin be used? (I read in some documentation that Habmin requires the zwave binding)


Hi @Avner

Yes, the Z-Way server communicates with the Z-Wave devices via the transceiver. The binding only communicates with the Z-Way server via HTTP.

The actions for deleting Things and inbox entries do not have to do with the exclusion of devices from the Z-Wave network. The Z-Way binding reflects only the abstraction layer of the Z-Way server, so-called virtual devices. Only these can be searched, added and deleted in openHAB.

But the Bridge (representing the Z-Way server) provides commands to start the Z-Wave transceiver’s exclusion mode. If this is activated, a key must normally be pressed three times on the Z-Wave device to remove the device from the Z-Wave network. The Things in openHAB have to be removed separately or go into the status OFFLINE after a while

http://YOUR_IP:8083/expert/#/network/control provides this functions in Z-Way.

This is not possible as both systems require exclusive access to the Z-Wave transceiver.

I hope the information will help.

Best regards

Hi all,

I am trying to include the “Z-Wave Me Funkwandschalter, ZME_WALLC-S” to Openhab2 via Z-Way-Binding. All button presses are detected correctly and displayed in in the z-way-server.

In the Openhab Paperui there is no channel for device, except the battery channel.

The openhab.log states the following:

2017-04-07 10:44:30.716 [WARN ] [.zway.handler.ZWayZWaveDeviceHandler] - No channel for virtual device added: SwitchControl [ de.fh_zwickau.informatik.sensor.model.devices.types.ToggleButton@19893a0[creationTime=1491552414,creatorId=-1,deviceType=toggleButton,h=1039088625,hasHistory=false,deviceId=ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_24-0-0-6-S,location=0,permanentlyHidden=false,probeType=,visibility=true,updateTime=1491553022,metrics=de.fh_zwickau.informatik.sensor.model.devices.Metrics@f546f3[icon=,title=Z-Wave.Me ( Button,level=on,probeTitle=,scaleTitle=,color=de.fh_zwickau.informatik.sensor.model.devices.Color@1385507[red=0,green=0,blue=0],min=0,max=0],tags=[]]

I tried to define a device like this (the channel name was built manually):

String switchGF6 "GF6 [%s]" <wallswitch> (Erdgeschoss) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_178_32:24:switchPowerOutlet-ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_24-0-0-6-S"}

But the button presses are never propagated to Openhab :frowning:

Any solutions?

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The device type has not yet been implemented. I still have to implement this. There are a few other issues. On the weekend, I take this.

I will provide a test version here.


Great to hear. Thanks! I will test the implemention as soon as it is available.

I solved the Scene-switch problem with a dummy-multilevelswitch on the Zway-side and rules. The Scene-switch changes its state for simple presses to 10, 20, 50 or 60, the rules in Zway change the dummy to a value of 1 to 4. These changes trigger a rule in OH2.

+Geoff Kalup: Would you describe your approach in more detail. Are there any news concerning the implementation of the wallswitch? Thanks


definitely today I make a pre-version available here. Excuse the late processing.


I’ve created a pull request: with support for ToggleButton, SwitchToggle and SensorDiscrete.

New version for testing:

1 Like

The pull request has already been merged. The changes should also be available in the normal way tomorrow.

Thanks for your kindly and quick support. A first glimpse at the new version shows 4 new channels :slight_smile: like

Z-Wave.Me ( Button
Dieser Channel ist allgemeingültig für verschiedene Geräte des gleichen Gerätetyps, wenn keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügung stehen.

I will test it in detail this weekend!

I’m having an issue with the state update commands sent to my openhab switch item. From my zway server log:

[2017-04-28 13:05:46.113] [I] [core] Notification: warning (module): Observer not notified - openHAB item: zway_zwayDevice_192_168_2_144_6_doorlock_ZWayVDev_zway_6_0_98 (HTTP Status: 400 - Bad Request - State could not be parsed: close). Failed request: with body: close
[2017-04-28 13:05:46.134] [I] [core] openHAB item not notified FrontDoor_Lock

My openhab item definition is:

// front door
Switch FrontDoor_Lock (Doors) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_2_144:6:doorlock-ZWayVDev_zway_6-0-98"}

It seems that the SWITCH item will only accept ON or OFF as a state, not open or close. I tested this via the rest API and was able to reproduce the error. This issue prevents updates to my openhab item via Z-Way and eventually cause my openhab item state to change to UNDEF. Feel free to request additional info. Thanks.

So, I made my first tests with the binding update. My items are

Number switchGFBattery "GF  Batterie [%s %%]" <battery> (Erdgeschoss) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_178_32:24:battery-ZWayVDev_zway_24-0-128"}
String switchGF1 "GF1 [%s]" <wallswitch> (Erdgeschoss) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_178_32:24:switchControl-ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_24-0-0-1-S"}


String switchGFControl "Control Switch [%s]" <wallswitch> (Erdgeschoss) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_178_32:24:sensorDiscrete-ZWayVDev_zway_24-0-91-DS"}

I recognized, that the switchGF1 changes only once to ON - but a second press or following press is not recognized as state change. The battery channel and the control switch work as desired.

Thanks for your excellent work!
So I can press one of the four buttons only once.


please replace Switch by Contact.

If you create the Items manually, you can look at the description for the required item type.



Thank you for your response, and thank you for the work you have put into the Z-Way binding. It is the core of my automated home :). In reference to my post, I tried changing the item type to CONTACT prior to posting, but the result was the same. After your post, I tried again. I changed my OpenHab item to the following:

// front door
Contact FrontDoor_Lock <lock1> (Doors) {channel="zway:zwayDevice:192_168_2_144:6:doorlock-ZWayVDev_zway_6-0-98"}

I then reset my bindings through the karaf console and checked the Z-Way server OpenHAB Connector to make sure the observer was still present. It was listed as ‘unknown’, but it was registered. I changed the state of the lock from the Z-Way server via the SmatHome UI. The result was the same. Below is the z-way-server.log entry.

[2017-04-29 10:47:30.783] [I] [core] Notify openHAB item ...
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.783] [I] [core] OpenHAB server found
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.783] [I] [core]
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.785] [I] [core] Notify openHAB item ...
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.786] [I] [core] OpenHAB server found
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.786] [I] [core]
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.825] [I] [core] openHAB item not notified FrontDoor_Lock
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.834] [I] [core] Notification: warning (module): Observer not notified - openHAB item: FrontDoor_Lock (HTTP Status: 400 - Bad Request - State could not be parsed: open). Failed request: with body: open
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.834] [I] [core] openHAB item not notified zway_zwayDevice_192_168_2_144_6_doorlock_ZWayVDev_zway_6_0_98
[2017-04-29 10:47:30.846] [I] [core] Notification: warning (module): Observer not notified - openHAB item: zway_zwayDevice_192_168_2_144_6_doorlock_ZWayVDev_zway_6_0_98 (HTTP Status: 400 - Bad Request - State could not be parsed: open). Failed request: with body: open

The below image is a snapshot of the OpenHAB connector on the Z-Way server.

Changing the OpenHAB item to CONTACT prevents control via my OpenHAB sitemap. I would guess this is correct behavior as a CONTACT is an input device and by default should only read status. In addition, I reviewed the documentation prior to implementing the Z-Way binding and assigned the SWITCH item as referred to in the documentation. See below snapshot from the Z-Way Binding documentation for reference.

Let me know if you need any additional info. Again, awesome job on the binding and thank you for the time you put in.
