(So We dont have to discuss everything posted there )
The Idea I want to have your meanings is about NFC “Inversion of Control” (Programmers should know )
Instead of placing NFCs everywhere and walking with my phone to it… …I wand to place an (old) fixed device on/in/under my table
(maybee Mobile Phone ore whatever is possilbe on the market esp+nfc-reader??)
The NFC-Chips I own are water resistant (any other could be placed inside 3d-printed case (be creative)
Regarding software restrictions in Android it might be “impossible” (?) to do the trick with locked screen.
What do you think? Will there be a way to play? (Even with HAB-App or Tasker)
Look for some of the “NFC controlled radio” projects and tutorials that are out there. They basically have the same overall control scheme where the reader is fixed and the nfc tags are used to, in that case, control what music is being played. I’ve seen several posted to Instructables and it comes up on hackaday.com with some regularity.
Most of the ones I’ve see are RPi based but I’m sure there are other implementations possible.
I created a music player for my kids on a pi zero 2 with an MFRC522 card reader. Not as nicely documented as other projects but you can find the python code here: