I must admit… I’m bit of a Xiaomi fan… products are affordable, typically good looking & very reasonable quality…
So when I saw this sensor I was hooked, as it solved one of my common household problems… timely watering the flowers. This $11 stick measures the soil moisture, soil fertility. However besides that, it aslo measures room temperature & light level (lux), so can be used as cheap sensor for that as well.
It uses bluetooth BLE and the battery is suppose to last a year.
To hook it to Openhab I used small python script & mqtt. You can find here https://github.com/marcelrv/miflora
Once @chris merged his Bluetooth BLE binding I’ll add it there and the script can go.
Notifications when water level is low I did with nodered… but will be moved to OH as well when I have bit of time to look at the new OH2 script engine.
I didn’t look close yet, but my first impression is that it is not
Now that it is working, I’ll buy a few more, and though probably not 100%
waterproof I’m still thinking I’ll have one in the garden, but than I’ll
cover it in some plastic.
@marcel_verpaalen thanks for sharing the script. I have a few BLE devices I’d like to integrate as well, just wondering how your script would work with OH2 once the BLE binding is available?
@jamborta once the BLE binding is working fine, I think the script is no longer needed.
I’ve not yet experimented with the BLE binding, Chris has not yet released it, so don’t know how fast it will come.
How would the binding work? Typically bluetooth is short range, and plants are scattered all around, I will have 2 - 3 pi:s picking up plant data and transmitting them with mqtt.
So, got a some new ones today and was looking if they were water proof. Well, at least they made some arrangements to make it water resistant.
The main area where water would reach electronics is surrounded by a rubber seal.
I’m still but suspicious about the seal around the led, but assume that will similar seal inside.
The manual probably spells it out but… my Chinese is not too good, so don’t know what is written there.
If anyone can read it and is willing to translate I’ll post it
I have got a couple of these to try. I am running openhab on a rpi2. The script works ok about 50% of the time, but I get this quite frequently
on notification, handle: 0x21 -> 00:00:
on notification, handle: 0x21 -> 00:00:
on notification, handle: 0x21 -> 00:00:
And then the the bluetooth connection drops. I though it was related the distance between the pi and the sensor, but it also happens if the sensor is right next to the computer.
I’m already using your Mio binding which is awesome so thanks for that. I’ve got loads of xaiomi devices now as well based on your feedback and would like to use this one too in OpenHAB but I have no idea how to get it working. I’m using Windows 10 and I’ve got python running, the MQTT binding and Actions installed, but how do I go from there?
I think the script I wrote only works with Linux (due to the library used). Hence for my integration to work you need linux with the gattlib installed. I’m not familiar with similar libraries on windows.
Hello, I started a new topic to get feedback from the community on what is a good working solution for stand alone environment sensor (temperature, humidity, etc)
It needs to be able to log data
What combination of sensors, OH binding, GW/hardware are YOU using?
for what price?
do you regret your choice ?