Hi Mark, thanks for the response!
Indeed, you need another mobile app and also the programming software is different. No issues there.
After I bit more investigation I can add the following:
- The autodiscovered bridge has always the same id: nikohomecontrol:bridge:302e302e302e
- The auto discovered bridge uses the IP from the server OpenHAB installed on (didn’t notice this since I use an internal dns name, but with remembering al the IP addresses in my network
- Can I remove the discovered bridge which keeps popping back from the DB directly? I think it is a stall record from my previous setup which is kept also when reinstalling.
No I have not 2 versions running. Output from bundle:list > 214 │ Active │ 80 │ 2.2.0 │ Niko Home Control Binding
Regarding the IP address, it is a MAC address reservation in my DHCP server, so it would not change. The IP address is also registered in my on-prem DNS server.
I am happy to help get this going, dumping logs and testing is less work then your developing work. OpenHAB currently has no important status in my home, so I can juggle it arround.
I did some further testing and I see in the wireshark trace a TCP payload mentioning allowed methods such as POST, GET etc. on TCP port 3579
Wireshark TCP Payload (stripped info)
Vary Accept
Link summaryxml relapplicationxml
AccessControlAllowHeaders AuthorizationContentType
ContentType applicationjson charsetutf
Server MonoHTTPAPI
Date Sat May GMT
TransferEncoding chunked
KeepAlive timeoutmax
Tried Postman on the IP and port 3579 and got this result
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