Niko Home Control II

Hi @biiiglia,

Just install latest zenmap for Windows and scan the IP address of the doorstation with the parameters in my previous post. With wireshark you won’t be getting any further anyways. All communication will be encrypted.

can you tell anwser for the hobby api

hi bccrew,

I have the zenmap export. As new user i can’t upload files or send PM. How can i share the file with you?

Can you try the bruteforce scan?


Little late.
It is possible to access to videophone by using IPAddressOfTheController:15110.
There is some port forwarding configured.


Thanks Jo,
That simplifies it a lot.

Kind regards

No luck unfortunately. Only 400 or 401 responses.

Did you try the default credentials?
admin and 123qwe

Those are only valid for the IP based intercoms…

Anyone else having problem with the connection?
I got the Status: OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR Niko Home Control: error starting bridge connection and in the log i get communication socket error

I have checked with NIKO and all is ok in the controller.

I don’t have a problem with the binding at the moment. The connection is local anyway. However, the Niko app does not connect to their cloud service for me at this time.

Now i realize that the new Digital black and the API is not working together.
I uploaded a old version without Digital Black, and then it works, and when i upload a version with digital black it stop working

That is already fixed and will be included in 2.5.9.

ok. When can i update to 2.5.9?

openHAB release 2.5.9 is scheduled for September 20th.

OK. what is the problem in 2.5.8 and Niko Digital Black?

Hi @biiiglia and @bccrew

I’ve recently installed the same Niko Videokit and am also looking to find the username and password for this unit in order to add in to my Synology Surveillance Station.

When I try to open the stream in VLC (rtsp:// I do get a request to fill in a username and password.

On my DHCP client list, I see the unit has 2 internal IP addresses: and

A portscan gives me these results. On, the following ports are open:

554 (TCP)
6666 (TCP)
8000 (TCP)
8102 (TCP)

On the unit has more ports open (the same as above and):

8200 (TCP)
9010 (TCP)
9020 (TCP)
9235 (TCP)

Any progress or new ideas from your side on how to obtain the password on this kit?

No progress at all. Hikvision does have a password reset tool, but I do not know if this will work and if everything will continue to work as prepared by Niko. I don’t want to take that risk either.

I also contacted Niko Support and asked them the question, but they do not want to give the password to customers. Maybe you can try and have more luck. Then let me know something. :slight_smile:

Apart from that, I still have another question. If you watch the video live through the screen on the wall, can you hear the sound from outside or a strange but very quiet noise?

I know it’s off topic, buy yesterday I saw that there was a new version of the programming software for NHC I since 31/08/2020: v1.19.07 (link). I’m still on v1.17.021, so I don’t know if I missed v1.18. They also attached the wrong release notes of v1.9 from 2016…

I checked with Niko to know what’s new in this version, but maybe someone else has some info?

edit: Niko confirmed me they will add the correct release notes asap :slight_smile:
edit: No v1.18 was released & nothing special in v1.19

Release20notes20version201.1920Win.pdf (34.8 KB)

i contacted a 3 star partner from Niko (nearby) and he told me, that the new version is going straight to the cloud.
And they are working on a system to implement other camera’s in the niko system.

Did you have any update on your and?