Niko Home Control II

Hi all,

is there an example rule for dimmers, I really don’t get how to configure a rule for this.
I want to dim the lights when I turn my Chromecast on in my bedroom or when I start streaming something to my Chromecast.

I read the latest readme of the binding from the openhab site as well on GitHub but I really don’t know how to pull this off.

My request earlier in this topic regarding a virtual output and executing a REST API command to power-cycle a POE port on my UniFi switch worked out just fine, thanks for that!
(Actually I have to find out the root cause why both of my Touchscreens loose internet connection and by pressing retry it doesn’t do a thing, hence I have to restart them by powercycling the POE on the switchport)

Ps:Shutter is indeed autodiscovered now, sorry I didnt find any time to deliver debug logs as it were some busy months.

I also read about Sonoff in this topic, next thing for me is to test the WiFi RGB LED strip to integrate into openhab with NHC2 and also the Sonoff remote to control the Sonos speaker (via Openhab directly with Sonos binding or via the nhc binding) looks promising!


do you mean something like this?

rule "Turn on Hyperion power"
    Item Hyperion_HyperionEnabled changed
    if (Hyperion_HyperionEnabled.state.toString == "OFF") {
    if (Hyperion_HyperionEnabled.state.toString == "ON") {

NHC_sfeerverlichting and NHC_zithoek are both dimmable lights

Hey wars,

yes indeed this is a good example thanks!
I’ll give it a try, didn’t knew it was possible with .sendCommand and the value in percentage for the dim level.


Fantastic work on the binding! It works really great! I also used it to link a Niko Home Control Connected Controller and a Niko Home Control Wireless Smart Hub together which is something that without this binding would not have been possible!
One more scenario that I would like to automate is to pause the TV when somebody presses the doorbell. However I can’t seem to find a channel that triggers when somebody presses the doorbell. Is there a way to do this? If I look at the api documentation it seems as there is an NHC Access Control Action?



There is nothing on access control implemented in the binding. But your suggestion makes a lot of sense. Your doorbell is linked to NHC? Can you switch the binding to debug logging and get me a log when starting the binding? That should show the characteristics of the access control.

What you probable can already do is generate a notification in the NHC software when the doorbell is pushed. The binding picks up notifications, and you can trigger a rule with that. See the binding documentation.

Hi Mark,

Ok good to know that it’s not supposed to work at this moment :wink:
Yes, I was thinking that maybe it would give a notice message. Can I see in the debug logs what the message looks like?
I’ll send you the logs!




As far as i can see and check, the doorbell does not generate a notice message.



Steven, it would not by default, but you should be able to define an advanced action that creates a notification when the doorbell is pushed in the NHC programming software.
I would hope there is an API message when the doorbel is pushed. I think that would still be visible in the log, but the binding does not do anything with it.

No, the advanced action that you make works differently, the advanced action that you attach to it is something that you can activate in the app (or on the touchscreen). It’s not something that’s triggered with the bell/videophone.

The only things that you can choose is the chime sound that you hear when the doorbell is pressed. See

But it should be doable I guess since Niko gives this as one of the examples themselves on (that’s how I got the idea ;))




Are you talking about this doorbell?

No, it’s this one:

@stevendp Try this (I can’t try as I don’t have a door access system):

The door access action has an option for an attached routine or basic action. Attach a custom routine to it with one virtual output. That routine with the virtual output should become visible in the binding.

To improve functionality directly in the binding, I would need a log when the doorbell is pressed. Looking at the api, I am not sure what exactly is being sent on a doorbell push.

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I use this also to play a doorbel sound trough my Google Home speakers, works perfectely with the virtual output.


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Indeed, I also just found this last night, you can indeed use a conditional action for this, because you can match on incoming call:

I did not find this documented in manual…

Thanks everyone, indeed with a virtual output this works :slight_smile:

Nice, good example. Going to steal this one :slight_smile:
Instead using the Sonos speaker, should be possible though.

Does anyone know if the Niko Home Touchscreen 3 has a webinterface or how to connect to it remotely to gather the logs?

I’m having the issue that both my Touchscreens randomly stop working (no internet connection) - when I push the Retry button from the pop-up message it just tries something and fails, so it stays on that screen forever unless I powercycle the POE on the Touchscreens via the Unifi Controller (Ubiquiti), or in my case I built a powercycle virtual output that in openHAB executes a script that executes the REST API command. This is just a workaround, and I would like to start investigating the actual root cause here.


Why don’t you open a support case with Niko? They are quite helpful. You can just phone them also or talk to them via Facebook Messenger.

I think the easiest way is probably to try to factory reset the touchscreens.

Strange that it happens to both of them though…?

Did you ever find a solution together with Niko?


I don’t get a good readout on the powermeeting. However I can see the reading coming in. Do you see something obvious @Mherwege ?

2021-05-14 23:35:30.406 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received topic hobby/control/devices/evt, payload {"Method":"devices.status","Params":[{"Devices":[{"Properties":[{"ElectricalPower":"176.000"}],"Uuid":"c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c"}]}]}

2021-05-14 23:35:30.410 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received empty energy meter c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c power reading

2021-05-14 23:35:32.432 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received topic hobby/control/devices/evt, payload {"Method":"devices.status","Params":[{"Devices":[{"Properties":[{"ElectricalPower":"174.000"}],"Uuid":"c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c"}]}]}

2021-05-14 23:35:32.435 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received empty energy meter c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c power reading

2021-05-14 23:35:34.438 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received topic hobby/control/devices/evt, payload {"Method":"devices.status","Params":[{"Devices":[{"Properties":[{"ElectricalPower":"175.000"}],"Uuid":"c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c"}]}]}

2021-05-14 23:35:34.441 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received empty energy meter c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c power reading

2021-05-14 23:35:36.444 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received topic hobby/control/devices/evt, payload {"Method":"devices.status","Params":[{"Devices":[{"Properties":[{"ElectricalPower":"178.000"}],"Uuid":"c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c"}]}]}

2021-05-14 23:35:36.447 [TRACE] [l.nhc2.NikoHomeControlCommunication2] - Niko Home Control: received empty energy meter c22c1844-0f66-4832-b2af-6de6c51ca22c power reading

Which version are you running? There was a bug that only got fully resolved with very recent snapshots.