Niko Home Control II

I’m sorry. Had to add my version immediately!

openhab 3.0.2. Anyone else who has problems? I double and triple checked my configurations for spelling errors or wrong item definitions, but everything seems correct…

Yes, it is a known problem in version 3.0.2 (and before for that matter). It was raised by another user. I solved it recently. I am not sure it ever worked, but it could also be caused be a change on the Niko side. They send energy readings with a decimal while the API definition states it should be integers. The binding does handle it now, but it is only in recent snapshots (last few days).

I think I saw it working the first time you introduced it. (90% sure) Since I was already using a script of my own, i didn’t use it further. Recently I was cleaning up my configuration files and thought of using it and noticed it was not working.

Thanks! I’ll check the latest build

yes! latest snapshot is working perfect! Both the ssl error and the powermeter. Thanks @Mherwege

Good to know this is working now. I’ve not gone for the latest snapshot yet as had a slight worry about the additional issue with M4 build, but clearly everything is working well. Thank you again Mark.

Good to hear the confirmation.

It makes me wonder why Niko has changed the power readings and nows passes float values. Maybe it has to do with the integrated power meters they now have in the connected power outlets. W may not offer sufficient accuracy there.
If that’s the case, I may have to change the solution again in the future. I now just drop the fractional part.

Has someone tried to add a doorlock in your Niko Home control?

I think I’m missing something. I added the doorlock and assigned it to a an output of a Switching Module (6p)
Now the doorlock has 4 functions (open, closed, lock, unlock). If you use the niko doorbell it uses the unlock function to unlock the doorlock.

But this does not work. I added a manual action that when I push a button in the app it “opens” the door instead of “unlock” and that works perfect. The ame for “Closed” instead of “unlock”

Ofcourse this is still causing it to not work directly from the app when I receive a call from the doorbell.

any ideas?

ps: I know this has nothing to do with openhab, but because this is the only forum I know with a lot of niko home control users I asked it here.

Does this help at all?

No, In the guides of niko there is nothing about this.
Only thing I can find is that I’m connecting the doorlock correctly, and if I want to connect the open/close contact (to know if the door is closed or open) I need to do it with a sensor module.

But the lock itself should be connected like I did, so strange behaviour it seems. I’m goint to send a mail to Niko support to see whats up.

only thing I can find is this image:

Where you see that the doorlock is connected to a standard output module

Which lock are you using, I’m unsure what the four functions you talk about relate to? NHC doesn’t support those features does it?

Are you using an ‘Access control with ring and come in’ routine?

I’m using a standard Electric lock wich also has a switch that signals if the door is open or close.
Niko supports this extra switch, but I haven’t connected it yet (waiting for the nhc module to arrive).

and the 4 functions I talk about is in nhc

Hi, my niko controller 550-00003 just DIED :disappointed: on me. When I power it on the orange status light lights for 30s and then goes out. Nothing can be controlled, not even on the light modules directly. It has ethernet link but no packed are going out. Also the bus is powered 14v.

Interested to hear if you got this sorted. I didn’t manage to find anything on it either…

Hi ErBe, welcome :smiley:

Are you able to see the 550-00003 controller from the PC/Mac software? What happens if you press the test button on the controller, do the other modules light up?

The status led is on for ~30s after power on, nothing else responds in any way. The bus itself has 14v AC. Niko support just said that the server led should always be on, which it isn’t.

I’m buying a replacement and try the warranty.

Anyone installed the new application already? And the new updates as announced?

I upgraded the Niko Home Control software and installed the app. I have not seen issues after a first test. I also installed the new app, but didn’t spend much time with it yet. I saw no apparent issues. You can now define your Niko Home Control routines using the app.

Just a small update. Something has changed in the tags to expose your Things to Google via myopenhab.

Now, it is required to add ga tags to your existing .items file

Dimmer Lichtpunt_Keuken “Lichtpunt Keuken” [“Lighting”] { channel=“nikohomecontrol:dimmer:443b00xxxxxx:e3bbbf10-1511-4f39-bc15-xxxxxxxxxxxx:brightness”, ga=“Light”}

Rollershutter Rolluik_Boven “Rolluik Boven” [“Shutter”] { channel=“nikohomecontrol:blind:443b00xxxxxx:e182dc01-19fb-454e-ab93-xxxxxxxxxxxx:rollershutter”, ga=“Shutter”}

More information can be found in the documentation page:

Anyone who can tell me what I am doing wrong? The first picture is the question.


This is my solution
