NZW37 from Inovelli not a recognized Z-Wave device


This device is in the database:
but it has errors and therefore maybe did not make it into the binding.
I will try to fix the errors.

Strange thing is, I can’t find any Jasco devices in the current zwave binding:

@chris, is that the wrong place to look at???

I was wrong, your device has Honeywell as manufacturer, so it needed to be added:

awesome, thank you so much.

interesting in that it states that Honeywell is the Mfr. cause it even states on that box that it is manufactured by Jasco. maybe something in their contract or something


Sihui -

Tried to update the bindings today and still did not find the device. Downloaded the Snapshot jar and placed in \userdata\tmp\mvn\org\openhab\binding\org.openhab.binding.zwave\2.4.0-SNAPSHOT and restarted. I checked the database and found the device but it seems it is needing more information yet. Is there something that I need to do to assist in getting this complete? Assuming that something more is needed

You need not wait until the database gets merged into the binding. That usually takes a couple of days (until the developer has some spare time).

You can watch github for the update:

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This should be available in the next hour or so.