Off line installation and use

I have a separate LAN for the automation hardware. This LAN does not have a connection to the Internet. I would like to use Eclipse to configure/manage OpenHAB, however the Eclipse installation instructions expect an Internet connection to load the environment.

Is there a way to set up Eclipse with OpenHAB without the Internet?

What do you mean with using Eclipse for setup and maintenance???
If you are talking about Eclipse designer for openHAB, this is deprecated and cannot be used anymore. Instead you can use VSCode or openHAB 3.0 with itā€˜s new UI, then you donā€™t need any toolsā€¦

That does not answer @hmerkā€™s question.
Eclipse IDE is for openHAB development, not use/maintenance.
And to explain nothing but just reference links is not the right tone for a post.
Least thing is to spend the amount of explanations it takes to understand your question.


Alright then, I am therefore confused. As I understand it, you need to configure OpenHAB, setting up things, creating scripts, etc. That is then copied to the OpenHAB server, which parses it and then runs the scripts. I am looking for the development environment, where the IDE keeps track of things, helps by auto-filling names, syntax checks, and so on. Then it exports the files to the server.

I am from a software development background (Java mainly). I use Eclipse for the editing, debugging, and finally exporting of the jar to where it will run live. I assumed that OpenHAB would be similar, where an IDE would be used, then the files would be exported to the server. Reading through the documentation, the Eclipse installation requires an Internet connection to install the required libraries for OpenHAB. I was hoping for an offline installation/setup procedure.

If I am mistaken in what I think is the OpenHAB development lifecycle, sorry.

If youā€™re looking to develop bindings for openHAB then you can use Eclipse.

However, if youā€™re just going to use openHAB as a consumer, you only need to configure stuff, not develop stuff.

openHAB 3 is coming soon with a fancy new UI - no IDE need. Milestone builds are already available.

Iā€™m on openHAB 2, and configure everything using Visual Studio Code with the openHAB plugin, and the remote SSH plugin. But for quite a while, I just used a text editor - truly offline compatible!

Ok. I am getting a little ahead of when I will be using OpenHAB. I like to investigate things before-hand :slight_smile:


I still donā€™t get what you want. Given you havenā€™t used OH for 2+yrs Iā€™d think you will want to use it to control your home (or whatever) rather than to join and advance development of OH itself.
So you might want to write some rules but this you donā€™t need any IDE for, any text editor does.
In fact there even is not any such IDE that will offer auto-completion, class lookups and so on.
Well thereā€™s a VS code extension but Eclipse you cannot use that for. It cannot handle the OH rules domain specific language AFAIK.

Actually I have never used OpenHAB. Soon though. I am finishing off a project, then I can throw myself into automating the house. Up till now it was just light investigation.

I want a way to develop scripts to run the house. I have temperature sensors, water sensors, CO and CO2 sensors, a smoke alarm module, Hall-Effect sensors, light sensors, proximity sensors, window sensors, switches. Controlling Philips Hue lights, curtains, garage doors, doorbells, LED lights, both discrete and addressable LED strings. Sending text messages.

That sort of thing. Probably well over 200 ā€œthingsā€. With attendant logic to make it all work together.

For instance, I drive up to the gate. I press the gate button. This:

  • opens the gate
  • lights the driveway (inbound pointing lights, so they donā€™t dazzle the eyes)
  • opens the garage door
  • turns on the garage lights
  • calls the elevator
    As the car drives through, sensors note the direction of travel, then:
  • close the gate
  • turn off the driveway lights

Logically this should be easily doable

I saw a YouTube demo using Eclipse a few years ago. As I remember it, ā€œthingsā€ were identified in one file, then the script was written in another file. Eclipse helped fill in the ā€œthingā€ names in the script. That is what I am looking for in an IDE.

Assuming all the services l devices work with OH than yes, really easily done.

So one thing to understand to avoid confusion is Thing us a specific term of art in OH, as does Item. Thatā€™s why I usually capialze it. The video you saw must be really old because I donā€™t think OpenHAB Designer (the Eclipse based config IDE)n ever supported IH Things. For years now the VSCde extension has replaced Designer. That might be one source of the confusion in this thread.

And I will give you frewarning, if you know software development you will not want to use Rules DSL (the default for OH 2.5) unless your are willing to bend to the language instead of bending the language to you. Instead you will want to use Jython, JavaScript, or Groovy for rules development.

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Ok, now I am really confused. As I understand it, there are files which hold the Things/Items I want to control, and the Things/Items which are sensors/switches of various kinds. I spell out what these are, and how to contact them for information and control.

Then there is a file which contains the logic of what I want done if a sensor has a particular value (state). This file is a series of if/else statements etc. These files are then uploaded to the OpenHAB server which reads them and then runs the logic.

The logic file is written in the OpenHAB language, following the specified syntax. This is what I assumed Eclipse would be for.

Then there is a GUI portion which runs on a cell phone/tablet/browser which gives me a visual look at the information and lets me interact with the OpenHAB server, which in turn controls Things. From your statements, I assume there is a new interface for this design process.

What am I missing here?

I believe the confusion comes from you thinking that Eclipse is a necessary part of running openHAB as a consumer. Itā€™s not. Users never need to think about Eclipse.

It feels like you gained a partial understanding of openHAB awhile back, but that it wasnā€™t quite accurate and never crystalized since you didnā€™t actually start using openHAB. So, I would suggest putting aside prior knowledge and reading the docs with fresh perspective and no preconceived notions.

Then I would suggest installing openHAB and testing it with a smart plug so that you can actually see how it all works, rather than talking conceptually and trying to visualize it. But Iā€™m a learn-by-doing type, so I say that to everyone. :wink:

I never thought that Eclipse was required. I thought of it as a supporting tool in creating the logic of what I want to happen.

When I started, I was using DOS 2.0, a text editor, two floppy disks, a RAM drive, and a series of batch files to handle compiling and linking to produce an executable. GUI was what you got when the jelly doughnut sprang a leak. :slight_smile:

I am mostly self-taught, so jumping in a trying is what I do. But I do like to have the right tools in place.

The automation LAN is isolated in the house, as I do not want IoT to leak into the great unknown. The documentation for setting up Eclipse assumes an Internet connection, and so my situation was the basis of my originating question. Where can I get the ZIP files etc to configure OpenHAB within Eclipse on an air-gapped system? I can install Eclipse that way, but I canā€™t find the OpenHAB plugins.

ā€¦ And thenā€¦

You donā€™t. Thatā€™s not a thing. Forget about Eclipse! Use Visual Studio Code with the openHAB plugin, or a text editor, or perhaps even better start straight away with openHAB 3 and use the MainUI.

Visual Studio REQUIRES an Internet connection to work. It phones home when it starts up, and if it cannot find the home server (Microsoft), it just hangs. Not an option. And I donā€™t want to get into an editor vs editor discussion, enough of that when EMACS was a thing.

If Eclipse is not to be used, then why do you have install instructions for it? I just want a friendly OpenHAB aware editor, and from what I can read here, Eclipse is one of the options. Since I use Eclipse for my current Java work, I would like to use it with OpenHAB. I just need to get it configured offline.

Can you point to where it states or recommends to use Eclipse to configure openHAB for everyday use?

(Note the distinction between configure and develop. You donā€™t need to develop to run openHAB)

If you donā€™t want to use a text editor, which is fair enough, then wait for openHAB 3 to be released - all configuration and rules can be created and administered from the new user interface: no third party shenanigans needed at all (save a web browser, of course).

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Installation instructions fo development !!

Is this true for Visual Studio Code (VSC) also, donā€˜t think so.
You can try Code Server (VSC in the browser)ā€¦

Ok, I guess I had a mis-understanding of the different ways this can work. I found a page:

which outlines what editors are available for configuration editing. Which is all I really want, as I will be using existing bindings. Not quite up to mucking around in the bowels of OpenHab just yet :slight_smile:

However I DO remember Eclipse being used as a configuration editor. Canā€™t remember when, and my googlefu isnā€™t up to finding it.

Thanks all for your repliesā€¦