Official Google Assistant Integration for openHAB

Thanks for your work @MARZIMA it’s been stressful for you. Thanks for putting so much work into it.

Awesome, great work.

What about roller shutters? I have a few Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 (ZWave). Can I control them via Switchable tags or will I be able to do that in the future?

Works! :upside_down_face:

Excellent - what a milestone. Congratulations for getting this set up and getting it approved @MARZIMA and all contributors.

Looking forward to all the possibilities with this.

What a great day after 6 months of waiting.
I just did a quick test before leaving my home and it seems to work very well. Just great.

For information, it is working with French too and probably with all languages supported by Google Home.

@MARZIMA thank you so much for all the work and dedication to this project!
I can only imagine how stressful this must have been for you! Kudos, man! :confetti_ball:

I am not able to connect my openHAB instance to myopenhab though (as I’ve described here and here), so I won’t be able to test with the integration right now.
I will try to set up a fresh openHAB installation on a separate RPi and hopefully I’ll see it on myopenhab some day :wink:

All the best!

I was having trouble where it would tell me the accounts were linked and then just stop. If I went back in it looked like the accounts hadn’t been linked and I could try it again. I did this a few times to no avail.

Then I saw where in myopenhab I had about 10 links to google assistant voice control, so I deleted all of those authorizations and tried again and it all works! Maybe this will help someone else that is struggling. Now I can control my zwave lights!!! Thank you so much for your hard work!

I had this error message too.
The reason was an item with an other tag than [“Lighting”] or[“Switchable”].

I found this item within the console after listing all items.

Thanks, I’ll give that a shot. I know i have additional tags that work with Alexa

Try to remove all the tags and save the .items file, after add the “Switchable” and “Lighting” to your respective items and save .items file again and reboot your openhab server.
Once you’ve done that, just try adding it back in the google app.
This worked to me, I hope it’s useful.

Why does we remove all tags?
I’m using the tags for other addons…

The integration must support multiple tags!

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I dont know why, but I think that is necessary to link the OpenHab device.

I’m having the exact same issue. It all appears to link and then “Something went wrong, try again”. Let me know if you find anything before I do! :smiley:

This works great, I got the Google Home out of the Box where it has been sat since December and had it all working in 5 mins. Thanks!

Does this also work for the Google home mini?

no reason why it wouldnt

i was wondering about this myself my items were created in paperui and i couldn’t find an option to add tags

if you add the tags using the console like you say is this all thats needed to add the items to google home or do you still need rest api ect

i have already setup myopenhab and exposed some items for ifttt

You do NOT need to use the rest api if you add the tags in the console.

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that did indeed fix it.
Thanks for the heads-up.

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You can’t add tags to items auto created by paperui