Official Google Assistant Integration for openHAB

Hi @Marzima, this would be a very nice addition especially now the Google Home app has been updated to show all openHAB devices in an orderly fashion when linked! I don’t want to rush you as I’m sure you are a very busy man and would like this to be added as well; without pinning you to it, do you have a guestimation as to when you are able to deploy Aart’s changes? Thanks for everyone’s work on the matter!


I’m interested to understand how the scene tag functionality you’ve added will work. Do you have some examples documented?



Here are some pictures of the new Google Home app on Android:

This is what shows up when I launch the app

You can drill down into rooms, in this case I pressed on Bar. I see I need to come up with better names.

Further down the main screen showing one of my thermometers

It properly displays the temperature for a thermometer has the “CurrentTemperature” tag, but it also has buttons to increase/lower the temp along with changing mode.

Are you using Android or IOS (Apple) ?

Ahh, ignore my question… I just grapped the new app from apk mirror. It is released today.
It´s still not available on Google Play though.

Android, I got it via Google play last night.

Weird… i checked Google Play , last night and today, still the old one.
Just checked again 2 seconds ago… Still the old one.

Anyway, I grapped it from Apk mirror, so no problems, for me :slight_smile:

The new Google Home app is great. But I seem to have some problems with my dimmers. Using the new on/off buttons in the app, they send ON and OFF to my dimmers. But my dimmers doesnt understand ON/OFF, only value 0-100.
How to fix that?

It seems like Google app thinks, when using a dimmer, it requires both value (for dimming) and switchable for ON/OFF in the same item. I dont see how this is possible, or maybe I´m missing something.

It’s a staged rollout, that’s how Google releases all their apps.

The Scene tag in the way i have implement works the same as the switchable tag. You can turn a scene on/off.
For Google Assistant scene’s are state-less, so you can switch them on or off, but you can’t ask what the actual state is.

Hi all,

Definitely this week. Sorry I wasnt able last days due to private stuff. I am already on it, but had to make some context switches.

Dont worry, just wait until Saturday. I think I can do approve and deploy some stuff. I am also tackling the roller shutter feature, but there we need 2FA implemented.

Will keep you here updated.

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Coming very soon. :wink: Thanks for your contribution!


Maybe my confusion is in what a “scene” means in this context. Are scenes “named”? I understand that [“SCENE”] is a tag, but does in function in a manner similar to collection of Items. By that I mean that I have Items tagged as [“SCENE”]. Then I declare what scene (or scenes) an Item is part of. In that way, I can tell Google Assistant to control everything in that scene via one request.

Item A [“SCENE”: scene1, scene2]
Item B [“SCENE”: scene1, scene3]
Item C [“SCENE”: scene2, scene3]
Item D [“SCENE”: scene4]

If I request scene1, Items A & B are acted upon. Similarly, scene2 acts on A & C; scene3 on B &C; scene4 on D.

Or am I way off base on what the SCENE tag is for? If so, what is it for and how is it different from SWITCHABLE?



I see in the code that it is defaulting to “heat” when currenttemperature is standalone, I modified my items to make my thermometer a thermostat and am setting the heating and cooling mode to off. Now it looks better:

I have yet to understand the heating mode…
My thermostats have an on/off mode. But I fail to see how the items should be tagged.
Could someone please provide an example. I have read the github doc, and it does not make my understanding any better.

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I guess I just had to clear my head and give it a serious try. Got it working now with thermostat control… I can see Current temperatur and set point, and I can change the setpoint from Google Home app. I havn´t tried with voice control yet, but I suspect it will work as well.

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:+1::+1: @MARZIMA - Are you saying that the forthcoming update will include the roller shutter feature or are you saying that 2FA is a blocker meaning this feature will not be available in the next release?

Its a shame the new Android Home app doesnt have any Widgets.
I think this would be useful for having a homescreen icon to turn on/off a fav device/scene etc…or even just launch the home app directly into a specific room.
That said i already have this functionality via Imperihome ( direct to a page) or to a scene/camera
Its definitely an improvement however…

The scene is just a switch with a different label.

Switch PartyMode "Party Mode" <light> (gLivingroom) [ "Scene" ]

You have to make a rule on the PartyMode item:

rule "Party"
  Item PartyMode changed from OFF to ON

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I would realy much appreciate having scenes and roller shutters integrated soon.

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Thanks for the example. So, the scene is in reality the rule that runs for that Item. I have several of those kinds of “switches”. That being the case, what is the advantage of using “Scene” vs. “Switchable” since both accomplish the same thing in this scenario. Is it just to have a tag that better reflects what is actually occuring (a single Switch Item, vs. a set of actions accomplished via a Rule)?

