Offline installation of User Interfaces

Can someone point me in the direction of the offline installation (.kar files) for the user interfaces for 2.1.0?

From the topic at Offline installation possible?, I’ve managed to find and download “openhab-addons-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.kar” from, but my installation is still reporting “No User Interfaces Installed”

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: x86-64/785MB/127GB HDD
    • OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Java Runtime Environment: Zulu v8
    • openHAB version:2.1.0
  • Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue

I can’t remember if the current problem with offline installation of add-ons goes back as far as 2.1. but certainly for the snapshot the offline add-ons is broken and you should not use it.

Assuming it isn’t a problem with 2.1, one you drop the Kar file in the right folder you then have to install/activate the add-ons themselves. You can do this through addons.cfg or through the karaf console.

Are there instructions anywhere for installing through the config file, or the console, or is it self explanatory?

Does it matter that I’m using the 2.2.0 Snapshot add-ons with a 2.1.0 installation?

If there is a problem with 2.1.0 as well, how would it manifest?

I know the migration tutorial talks about installing view addons.cfg as well as the console.

You can’t install snapshot bindings on 2.1 through either the console nor addons.cfg. Of you require that then you need to download each addon’s jar and install them individually by dropping them into the addons folder.

However, you are likely to run into issues if you run the newer bindings on the older the as the newer biddings are likely to depend on a change or new feature in the core and may fail to run when it isn’t there.

I don’t remember how it manages except to say that you should see errors in the log and not much will work.

So, by the sounds of it, I’m much better off allowing the server with openHAB on access to download what it needs from the Internet, rather than trying to do an offline installation?

Is it just that it will need access to download from, or are there other domains/addresses as well?

Until the bug with offline kar files gets fixed, yes.

I don’t know exactly where they get downloaded from.

Do I have to set up a proxy server in karaf or the application itself somewhere?

In the userdata\logs\openhab.log file, I get the following line:

2017-11-21 00:25:13.526 [WARN ] [url.mvn.internal.AetherBasedResolver] - Error resolving artifact org.openhab.core:org.openhab.ui.paperui:jar:2.1.0: [Could not transfer artifact org.openhab.core:org.openhab.ui.paperui:jar:2.1.0 from/to openhab ( Connect to [] failed: connect timed out]

Yet, at the firewall, I don’t see any requests for this URL from that machine? I can see attempts for that machine to connect out to Windows Update though.

Can you pull up that address in a browser?

If your browser and other programs need to connect through a proxy your OH will also need to connect through that same proxy. See for details on how you would do that.

If not I’m not sure what would be going on.

The problem with offline distributions is not present in v2.1 but only in v2.2.