My problem is after a few years I have no clue on how to write a rule. I’ve seen so many design patterns and seen people recommend so many different approaches I don’t know what is I’m suppose to do.
Here is just a small part of one file that relates to just turning lights on and off. You can see where I tried to use a timer instead of sleep but it just broke it so I reverted back. Just be warned you’ll probably don’t want to see the code, it’ll make you cry.
val Functions$Function4<GenericItem, HSBType, PercentType,Functions.Function2<void>, HSBType> colorSmooth = [
Functions.Function2<void> sendColor
if(db) logInfo ("Lambda Smooth", "Lambda in color [{}] and brightness [{}]", inColor, inBrightness)
var PercentType outBrightness = passColor.brightness
var HSBType transitionColor=new HSBType(passColor.hue, passColor.saturation, inBrightness)
var HSBType oldColor=inColor.state as HSBType
if((outBrightness as DecimalType) == 0){
transitionColor=new HSBType(oldColor.hue, oldColor.saturation, inBrightness)
var HSBType lambdaColor=transitionColor
var int step=10
var DecimalType stepSize = new DecimalType(step)
var PercentType brightJump= new PercentType(step)
var PercentType dimmingJump= new PercentType (0)
var PercentType lambdaBrightness = inBrightness
var PercentType startBrightness = inBrightness
var int speed = 15
var DecimalType diffBrightness = new DecimalType(outBrightness - inBrightness)
var PercentType satStep = new PercentType(0)
var DecimalType steps = new DecimalType(diffBrightness / stepSize as DecimalType)
var DecimalType hueStep = new DecimalType(0)
steps=new DecimalType(10)
if(steps > 0){
hueStep = new DecimalType((passColor.hue - oldColor.hue)/steps)
satStep = new DecimalType((passColor.saturation - oldColor.saturation)/steps)
if ( (inBrightness as DecimalType) < (outBrightness as DecimalType) )
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "Brighten" )
brightJump=new PercentType(step)
dimmingJump=new PercentType(0)
lambdaBrightness=new PercentType(inBrightness + 1)
if ( (inBrightness as DecimalType) > (outBrightness as DecimalType) )
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "Dim values out [{}], pass [{}]", inBrightness, outBrightness )
brightJump=new PercentType(0)
dimmingJump=new PercentType(step)
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "Before start [{}], out [{}] and in [{}]", startBrightness, outBrightness, inBrightness )
lambdaBrightness=new PercentType(outBrightness - 1)
if(db) logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "inBrightness is [{}] to out [{}] and current lambda is [{}]", startBrightness, outBrightness, lambdaBrightness )
//sendCommand(inColor, lambdaColor)
if(db) logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "oldColor {} {}", oldColor, oldColor.hue)
//var DecimalType dimValue=((dimEnd as DecimalType) - (dimStart as DecimalType)).intValue
//while(inBrightness < lambdaBrightness && lambdaBrightness < outBrightness)
var DecimalType newHue=oldColor.hue as DecimalType
var PercentType newSat=oldColor.saturation as PercentType
if((oldColor.brightness as DecimalType )==0){
newHue=passColor.hue as DecimalType
newSat=passColor.saturation as PercentType
hueStep=new DecimalType(0)
satStep=new PercentType(0)
if(db) logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "pre steps {}", steps )
timer = createTimer(now, [ |
// some code
steps = steps=new DecimalType(steps -1)
if(db) logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "Brighten" )
lambdaColor=new HSBType(newHue, newSat, lambdaBrightness)
if(db) logInfo("lambda smooth", "in trans {}, lambda {}", transitionColor, lambdaColor)
if(lambdaColor.brightness as DecimalType ==0){
var HSBType preOff=new HSBType(setColor.hue,setColor.saturation,new PercentType(1))
sendColor.apply(item, preOff.toString)
sendColor.apply(inColor, lambdaColor)
//inBrightness=inBrightness + brightJump
//outBrightness=outBrightness - dimJump
if((lambdaBrightness+brightJump as DecimalType) > 100)
brightJump= new PercentType(100 - lambdaBrightness)
if((lambdaBrightness - dimmingJump as DecimalType) < 0)
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "lesse than 0 [{}] to out [{}] and start is [{}]", lambdaBrightness, dimmingJump, startBrightness )
dimmingJump= lambdaBrightness
lambdaBrightness=new PercentType(lambdaBrightness + brightJump - dimmingJump)
newHue=new DecimalType(newHue + hueStep)
newSat=new PercentType(newSat + satStep)
if((startBrightness as DecimalType) < (lambdaBrightness as DecimalType) && (lambdaBrightness as DecimalType) < (outBrightness as DecimalType)) timer.reschedule(now.plusMillis(speed))
else timer = null
while((startBrightness as DecimalType) < (lambdaBrightness as DecimalType) && (lambdaBrightness as DecimalType) < (outBrightness as DecimalType))
steps = steps=new DecimalType(steps -1)
if(db) logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "Brighten" )
lambdaColor=new HSBType(newHue, newSat, lambdaBrightness)
if(db) logInfo("lambda smooth", "in trans {}, lambda {}", transitionColor, lambdaColor)
if(lambdaColor.brightness as DecimalType ==0){
var HSBType preOff=new HSBType(setColor.hue,setColor.saturation,new PercentType(1))
sendColor.apply(item, preOff.toString)
sendColor.apply(inColor, lambdaColor)
//inBrightness=inBrightness + brightJump
//outBrightness=outBrightness - dimJump
if((lambdaBrightness+brightJump as DecimalType) > 100)
brightJump= new PercentType(100 - lambdaBrightness)
if((lambdaBrightness - dimmingJump as DecimalType) < 0)
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "lesse than 0 [{}] to out [{}] and start is [{}]", lambdaBrightness, dimmingJump, startBrightness )
dimmingJump= lambdaBrightness
lambdaBrightness=new PercentType(lambdaBrightness + brightJump - dimmingJump)
newHue=new DecimalType(newHue + hueStep)
newSat=new PercentType(newSat + satStep)
//logInfo( "Lambda Smooth", "LOOP LOOP inBrightness is [{}] to out [{}] and current lambda is [{}]", startBrightness, outBrightness, lambdaBrightness )
if(db) logInfo("Lambda Smooth", "debgug after loop")
//sendColor.apply(inColor, passColor)
return lambdaColor
rule "Generic light"
Item lightDetails received command
logInfo("Generic Light", "start {}", receivedCommand)
var stringCommand= receivedCommand.toString
var itemName=stringCommand.split("-").get(0)
var itemNewColor=stringCommand.split("-").get(1)
var itemOldColor=stringCommand.split("-").get(2)
if(db) logInfo("Generic Light", "real thing is {} {} {}", itemName, itemNewColor, itemOldColor)
var updatedLight=gLightColor.members.filter[s|s.lastUpdate() != null].sortBy[lastUpdate()].last
gLightColor.members.forEach[ light|
//logInfo("Generic light", "updating light {}", light)
if(db) logInfo("Generic Light", "updated item is {}", updatedLight)
var prevLight=updatedLight
var altLight=updatedLight
var hue=false
updatedLight.getGroupNames.forEach[room |
if(db) logInfo("GEneric light", "hue")
gColor.members.forEach [ light |
light.getGroupNames.forEach[ group |
gAltColor.members.forEach [ light |
light.getGroupNames.forEach[ group |
if(db) logInfo("Generic Light", "updated item is {}", updatedLight)
var receivedCommand=updatedLight.state
var HSBType nextColor
logInfo("Generic Light", "match digit {}", receivedCommand)
nextColor=new HSBType((updatedLight.state as HSBType).hue,(updatedLight.state as HSBType).saturation, receivedCommand as PercentType)
if(db) logInfo( "Generic Light", "on to Scene [{}]", newColor )
nextColor = receivedCommand as HSBType
var HSBType prevColor = prevLight.state as HSBType
logInfo( "Generic Light", "sending color [{}] to [{}] from [{}]", updatedLight, receivedCommand, prevColor)
//perBrightness=(HueLivingRoomColor.state as HSBType).brightness
var newBrightness = nextColor.brightness
if((prevColor.brightness as DecimalType) == 0 && Integer::parseInt(newBrightness.toString) > 30){
if(db) logInfo("Transition", "TIF")
prevColor=new HSBType(prevColor.hue, prevColor.saturation, new PercentType(30))
if(prevColor.brightness > 0 || Integer::parseInt(newBrightness.toString) > 0)
logInfo( "Generic Light", "sending perBrightness [{}] to [{}]", nextColor, updatedLight)
newColor=colorSmooth.apply(prevLight, nextColor, prevColor.brightness, sendColor)
if(db) logInfo( "Generic Light", "sending newColor [{}] to [{}]", newColor, updatedLight)
sendColor.apply(altLight, nextColor)
sendColor.apply(prevLight, nextColor)
rule "Lamba test"
Channel "amazondashbutton:dashbutton:88-71-e5-74-0a-6a:press" triggered
oldColor=new HSBType(new DecimalType(0),new PercentType(0),new PercentType(0))
perBrightness=new PercentType(0)
decHue=new DecimalType(0)
rule "All rooms rule"
Item ProxyAllColor received command
sendCommand(ProxyLivingRoomColor, receivedCommand)
sendCommand(ProxyHallwayColor, receivedCommand)
sendCommand(ProxyBathroomColor, receivedCommand)
sendCommand(HueBedroom, receivedCommand)
sendCommand(HueStriplight, receivedCommand)
sendCommand(HueAllColor, receivedCommand)
Anyway I’ve got the jython up and running pretty well, I’ve even integrated a spotify api that can be loaded as a module which is much better than doing some kind of exec command. I’m pretty sure I’ll be much happier there, and spent 1/10 of time and write 10* better code.