OH2 Z-Wave refactoring and testing... and SECURITY

Which devices do you have? Maybe this is another device affected by the issue.

I was able to get one of the motion sensors to work by opening case. Now have to figure out what to do with door sensors. I’ll be back in 45 min. Thank you guys!

Triggering them will not wake them up. Opening the case usually does it, but sometimes there’s a little hole or button. The manual usually tells you how. :wink:

They will wake up eventually on their own too.

I’ve restarted a couple times, but haven’t found anything in the logs for ‘getConfigDescription’.

Same here. Nothing containing getConfigDescription in my logs.

I found the log entry after deleting/rediscovering a Thing. But this is one of the affected devices, so you may not see it. I’ll send my log to Chris. I also updated to the latest OH snapshot 1313, which still horribly breaks JSR223 :frowning_face:.

2018-07-19 20:19:35.864 [DEBUG] [openhab.binding.zwave.internal.ZWaveConfigProvider] - No nodeId found in getConfigDescription thing:zwave:device:07cb40a2:node19

I am still experiencing problems with dimmers. They don’t report status if manually operated.
Door contacts don’t wake up and report status, same with motion detectors. With previous (stable) version of binding all devices work fine. Door contacts and dimmers report status immediately.

Make sure associations are set properly in the device configuration. It’s best to use Habmin for configuring zwave devices, but you’ll find there’s a UI bug with associations.

Could you please provide example of associations ? I never did it.

The issue has some images and links. Check there and let me know if you need more info.

Ok, I see now. But this doesn’t help with update problem for dimmers. Because there is no association for these items.

Right… I forgot. Most of my dimmers are VRMX1, which have associations. But I was thinking more about your other devices, which are likely using ALARM or NOTIFICATION command class to report changes.

When you manually use the dimmer, it will send a HAIL. The binding then polls the device to update it’s channels. Check your log to make sure this is happening. The devices also need to have completed initialization after starting up the binding. This should be very quick. You might be able to find out in the log, but I usually just Habmin> Configuration> Things> select device> Tools> Advanced, and check that there is a Reinitialize device option. You won’t see it if the device is still initializing.

this is what I get with contact sensors -
2018-07-19 21:38:17.156 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 8: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 7FFFFFFF:7FFFFFFF:7FFFFFFF::0.0
2018-07-19 21:38:17.169 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 13: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 7FFFFFFF:7FFFFFFF:7FFFFFFF::0.0

And HAIL is not happening. All devices finished initializing, contact sensors online but unrecognized.

Restart OH, restart the binding (bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.zwave), or reinitialize the device.

I don’t know what to do about that one. A restart may help.

Did you wake the devices up? They will ALWAYS start unrecognised if they have not been initialised, and the binding needs to contact them, and this requires that they wake up.

Will they ever be recognised when beeing initialised, if they´re too fare away from the controller?

having said the new version was much more robust, I now have a serious problem with openHAB locking up after running for around 24 hours. I’ve made several other changes, so it could be completely unrelated to the zwave binding.

I’ve put this in a separate thread: openHAB freezing after 24 hours


No - if the controller can not communicate with the device, then it can not complete initialisation.

I was mainly thinking of the same crusial (short) range, when an device is beeing included the first time, where it has to be close to the controller.

I don’t really understand your point. Basically, if the controller can communicate with the device, then it will initialise it, and if it can’t, then it won’t work. There is no real difference with “the first time” and any other time other than more data is downloaded during the first initialisation, but the result is still the same.