OH3: deltaSince(365) --- how to find the max days in a series?

  • OH 3.4.4 on rPi4 with 4GB

I have a bunch of rules that update rain data.
In principle rain gets added to the total rain fall, then yesterday, week, month quarter, year are updated with deltaSince(START_OF_DAY.minusDays(number of days).

However, the year refuses to be updated.

The test rule:

rule "trial"
        Time cron "5 0/1 7 ? * *   *"
        val RULE_ID = 01

        val START_OF_DAY = ZonedDateTime.now().with(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT)
        ar_RainYear.postUpdate(ar_RainTotal.deltaSince(START_OF_DAY.minusDays(365), "rrd4j") as Number)

        logInfo(LOG_PREFIX + RULE_ID + ".01",
            "ar_RainYear = {}", ar_RainYear.state)

        // ar_RainYear = ar_RainYear (Type=NumberItem, State=232.400, Label=Rainfall last 365 days,
        // Category=clouds_rain, Groups=[gAcuRite, gPersist_rrd4j])

So I changed the 365 days to 250 and it updated the year to 257 mm.

What am I missing here?
Maybe it does not have data ranging that far back, and does weird things?!
BTW: it should have data reaching that far back.

Well, I thought before I post, I test that… and bam, it does not reach that far back. It returns null when using 365 days.

OK then, let’s rephrase then: how can I determine the maximum days available in a persistence series?

Any hints appreciated; thanks.

I assume, you don’t have another persistence besides standard rrd4j running?
Depending on what OH-version you started, your rrd4j might be different, but I think standard (also in OH3) is 10 years worth of data. rrd4j slowly “degrades” the granularity over time, so with the standard OH-configuration it should not degrade to more than a day.

If you’re keen on keeping “clear” data, you should use another persistence like SQL DB (MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL), which ootb don’t alter stored information unless you do it yourself. My MariaDB for instance is around 2GB of data from >1200 items over at least 8 years, but I do delete data I deem not worthy like states of lights or similar:

Having said that, I just tried to do the same like you did in your script with the working hours of my solar pump, and my rrd4j and mysql allow for more than a year (I used 2 years here):

2024-11-14 07:57:45.026 [INFO ] [g.openhab.core.model.script.INFO1.01] - 730 days of rrd4j = 4146.0
2024-11-14 07:57:45.030 [INFO ] [g.openhab.core.model.script.INFO1.01] - 730 days of mariadb = 4146.0
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Oops, I seem to always forget something: yes, I use rrd4j.
I have to go back in my personal logs, or even OH forum posts. I had a restart many months ago where OH did not write anything held in zram, incl. persistence files. SO I think it is true that I do not have data that is 365 days old in the persistence files.

I figured it out be enabling the the if() and adding an else(), which showed the return value was indeed null.

rule "trial"
        Time cron "5 0/1 11 ? * *   *"
        val RULE_ID = 01

        val START_OF_DAY = ZonedDateTime.now().with(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT)
        val DAYS_TO_TEST = 365

        if (ar_RainTotal.deltaSince(START_OF_DAY.minusDays(DAYS_TO_TEST), "rrd4j") !== null)
            ar_RainYear.postUpdate(ar_RainTotal.deltaSince(START_OF_DAY.minusDays(365), "rrd4j") as Number)
            logInfo(LOG_PREFIX + RULE_ID + ".01",
                "ar_RainYear = {}", ar_RainYear.state)
            logInfo(LOG_PREFIX + RULE_ID + ".02",
                "ar_RainYear = {}", "Can't go back that far")

        // ar_RainYear = ar_RainYear (Type=NumberItem, State=232.400, Label=Rainfall last 365 days,
        // Category=clouds_rain, Groups=[gAcuRite, gPersist_rrd4j])

Because it returned null the yearly value never got updated, but did when specifying a lower number of days.

I think I leave things as they are, as eventually the history will reach >365 days and the thin works again.

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It won’t run in OH 3, but there is a rule template in OH 4 which does this for power. It should work for rain too with minor updates.

Note it will have the same limitation where null gets returned if there is no data that old.