i tried to use the follow profile in oh3 using the mainui to configure it, but i failed.
The reason is very simple. When using the follow profile i need the option to select or enter an channel to follow. main ui does not offer this option.
That is a really good question and I do not yet have an answer for it.
A possible configuration description should probably use context “channel” and define a filterCriteria on the kind “STATE”. Something like this - be aware of typos, I wrote it in a second:
I believe it is a misconception of what the follow profile is, and thus a documentation problem.
“Follow” means that the channel you’re linking will reflect state updates of the item and treat them as commands, while not reflecting the state updates from the channel to the item.
So you have an item linked to the living room lights, and when you switch on your living room lights, you also want your kitchen lights to be switched on, but you don’t want updates to the kitchen lights reflected in the item representing the living room lights.
Therefore linking the kitchen lights channel to the living room lights item with the ‘Follow’ profile saves you from writing this rule:
Item LivingRoomLights changed
Yes, that is correct. Beside the state update of an item a command from a handler will be forwarded too. In your example you do not need the rule and you do not necessarily need the Item KitchenLights. In other words you can say - with caution - it is a one directional channel to channel link.
I am mainly using this profile to connect my motion sensors to the bulbs.
So my suggested configuration will not work. We need a different way to configure it via UI. In textual files it looks like this: