[OH3] Main UI - New „main_widget“ - development and testing [deprecated]

Thank you hmerk!

If I understand it right, is my setup correct?

Equipment group seems to be correct.




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Ready when you are :heartbeat:

Ready for what ???

In other words I think I modified my model to your needs and now I am ready to check out the next release.
Didn’t wanted to bully you hmerk. Sorry for that.

Have a good day!

No problem,
was just thinking if there was something from my side you were waiting for.
Hope to deploy next updates over the weekend. Need to find time for documentation.

@All - A new version has just been published for testing.

Big changes :

  • Simplification of menu useage
  • rooms and floors cards are now combined in “FloorsAndRooms”
  • rework of rollershutter card with some added features like time control.

Happy testing :wink:

Ive dropped in the widgets but nothing shows in any room - I can also see scrollbars everywhere is that expected? Maybe I just need to wait for some documentation

Strange, did it work for you before updating ?
Please post a screenshot and list what widget you have installed.

hi, i’ve found some bugs to be corrected:

  • label color for rollershutters. it’s completely white, so almost invisible on black theme; better to force the color change on different theme, or force always to black.
  • rollershutters widget are not filtered by room. i always see all my rollershutter shown in each room.
  • schedule, when visible, it’s not displayed correctly:


this summarize what i see:

these are 3 different rollershutters but shown all in the same room.

this is my test model:

“Close” and “Open” items are members (just to test) of both “Tapparelle Bagno (Blinds)” and “Tapparella Soggiorno (Blinds)” (even are not shown in the model).
also tried leaving these 4 additional items only to “Tapparelle Bagno (Blinds)”.

nice idea to add time picker, but better also to explain how to use API Explorer, just adding a screenshot.

also better to add a screen in the rollershutter widget topic, to show how the model should be.

This is not a bug but a feature request :wink:
Themeing ist not implemented actually

There seems to be an issue with your model, as this logic has not changed and is working.

You are not using a phone but a bigger screen. Actually this is not optimized for bigger screens.

This proves your modell not to be correct

No, this is out of scope here and is in the documentation of openHAB.

Will add a screenshot

old version was working, not this new. i will check deeper, thanks.

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been following the thread for several week and I thank you all for the hard work. I believe this project is amazing and I hope the widget will become the new standard for OH UI.

I’m testing the new version, here are some problems I currently have:

  1. weather widget has no data. I configured the Local Weather and Forecast as equipment in the semantic model with data as point item. Items correctly get the data from OpenWeather but they are not shown in the widget (probably a noob question, but I couldn’t find anything in the forum).

  2. on Android (on a S22) the text of the top menu is all upper case, while on iOS and PC browser are shown correctly.

  3. on Android the page appears too high and the bottom bar is not entirely shown (I need to scroll down).

  1. with this version I can’t see rollershutter anymore (in the previous version they were present). I’ve never been able to see Lights. Here is a part of my model:



Tanks for your interest and posting.

We need to see some of the item definitions.

As we are mainly developing on/with iOS devices, nothing has been optimized for Android. This needs to be done for future versions.

Did you add the needed „modeBlindsXxxAuto“ switch item to the equipment groups ? This is marked as mandatory, whereas the DateTime Items are optional.

Please post the light equipment and switch definition.

Just checked again, there is no white color used for labels.
Also not for the chips or badges. Don‘t know why your screenshot is different.
Allignment has been fixed in latest version 0.3
Also introduced thme options for the DateTime chips.

@hmerk you’re wrong. sometimes is better to spent 5 mins to be sure you’re right, instead point the finger to someone else telling is making something wrong.

rollershutters need to be reconfigured by the previous version and also your code need to be changed.

yes i haven’t said is forced to white, i’ve said the text is white. better to force black or add theming option.


Please check your wording, I was just asking questions, nothing else.
What code do you think needs a change? The widgets posted are proved working on several devices and installations.

From the docs:

A Switch item to enable/disable the automatic/time control [mandatory]

if you were asking my answer was different. you were sure you were right, and you haven’t tried to check/understand what was wrong.

by the way, again i post my settings, to show you the issue:

is my model not correct? (don’t pay attention to UNDEF value)
if my model is not correct, i will say sorry.
i spent 4 hours to check my model, and before surrender i checked the code, and there was the error.

don’t be so sure, just be a little bit humble. nothing is perfect :wink: neither me :wink:

You quoted me asking a question to another user. Within his screenshot, I could not see the items in the blinds equipment group, so question was valid.
Experience we made here was mostly issues with the semantic model caused problems.

I cannot see the details of your items, therefore cannot say if you model is correct or not.

If you found an error in my code, why not telling here ?

I am not saying it is perfect, but I am not publishing untested code.
And it was not just me prooving it works following the posted instructions.

Implemented and tested with just published version 0.4
I have forced to set text colors to black and changed the chip background.
Don‘t know why „light-gray“ worked in light-mode but not in dark-mode.
Now using the hex code and it works on both themes.