I am on my Raspi 3B+ and OH3. Now I want to use the network binding of OH3 to wake up my PC. Therefore I tried to get some information from following thread:
I set Auto-update to false using metadata, but now I stuck.
I thought if I create an item of type ‘Switch’ I get some switch-icon in the UI what I can use set to on and off for testing - but it just shows ‘OFF’ - no icon that I can really use.
Now I stuck - I don’t know how to get further.
My final goal is to wake up my PC every day at 02:00 AM to do a data backup to external storage.
This is old syntax, for the V1 wake-on-LAN binding. It will not work in openHAB 3.
Wake-on-LAN can now be effected through the Network binding. See this section of the documentation on how to achieve this via a rule.
The tutorial that you are using will not work without modification, as it was written for the old v1 binding. See the latter posts in that thread for more information.
This is openHAB 1 syntax for the outdated WOL binding and is not going to work with openHAB 4!
As commented in your other topic, first check if your TV supports WOL wakeup.
First, read the network binding documentation carefully snd setup a network thing for your TV with the given MAC Address.
Then take the rule from the docs and modify it to your needs
val actions = getActions("network", "network:pingdevice:devicename")
if (actions === null) {
logInfo("actions", "Actions not found, check thing ID")
} else {
// Send via MAC address