Openhab 2 losing cloud connection

Hi @All,

I feel like we mix some issues here.
There are some issues created and we soon gonna look at them.
I was away a time and just tried to reverse-understand the problem. As I am going to finish some Google Asistant stuff, I will also check these issues.
Sorry for the delayed answer and it is not that easy sometimes.
I didnt recognize that problem and deactivated email notification of the forum (since I was flooded by the Google Assistant thread).
I promised to dedicate some time this week for OH cloud and try to check some things.
Regarding Scaling and changing parts of oh cloud, I hope we will soon come up with a proposal.

BR Mehmet


Thank you! Great to see some improvement coming. :slight_smile:

Today, 6:07 pm myopenhab was disconnected again. I did not any changes before.
After restart the cloud service in Karaf, myopenhab connection goes online again!
Anybody had same issues today?

Yes, reported my instance as offline also exactly at 6:07 pm. The last related log entry is:

2017-12-03 18:02:01.397 [INFO ] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Connected to the openHAB Cloud service (…)

However in the web interface my instance was still shown as “offline”. Since restarting the bundle a few minutes ago the connection is working again.

When openhab goes offline and comes back online the iOS app fails to display my sitemap and returns a “Request failed: internal server error (500)” if i’m outside my local network. I still receive notifications for any sendNotification() alerts. Not sure why i can’t load the sitemap but can receive notifications? With past openhab cloud outages, it’s taken weeks for the iOS app to function correctly again…