openHAB 3.0 --> KNX. Don't have channels

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Laptop
    • OS: Win10
    • Java Runtime Environment: zulu11.43.55-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-win_x64
    • openHAB version:3.0
  • Issue of the topic: I,m “new” to KNX and totally new to openHab. I connected my laptop with the KNX router (MDT SCN-IP100.3) and managed to connect in openHab with the router (add the router as a Thing via KNX Binding).

But now I’m stuck and don’t find how to connect an Item (switch) to my KNX installation so it can put a light on and off (by example). What am I’ missing? If i want to link my Item to a channel, openHab says: This thing has no channels. Either the thing type doesn’t define channels, or they may be detected and appear later.

So how do I “add” channels to my router, or how do I say to my switch how to switch on a specific light?


You have to create Things linked to the Gateway you just created (your router).
If you are doing it through OH3 UI, go to the gateway, add a Thing: use one of your actuators as Thing. It would eventually show the channel.
I’m not home or I could copy some screenshots…

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One the Gateway is online create a KNX Device via the binding. (Gateway is working as bridge).
Afterwards when the knx device is online you can create all different channels behind.

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Ok… on my way to the solution (I think) :slight_smile:

(would post a couple of screenshots, but not allowed as new user :blush:

But this is the result: offline :frowning:

The steps I made:

  1. Things --> + symbol right bottom
  2. KNX bindings
  3. KNX Device
  4. Changed name to KNX Actuator (what I like to link)
  5. Parent bridge: selected KNX/IP Gateway
  6. Address: I gave the address of the actuator… 1.1.4
  7. Clicked create thing

Result: offline :frowning:

can you post your code please. From both things.
Select - KNX/IP Gateway and KNX Actuator and select Code


UID: knx:ip:b93bf38dd0
label: KNX/IP Gateway
thingTypeUID: knx:ip
useNAT: false
readRetriesLimit: 3
autoReconnectPeriod: 60
type: ROUTER
readingPause: 50
localSourceAddr: 1.1.3
responseTimeout: 10
portNumber: 3671
location: Serverkast


UID: knx:device:b93bf38dd0:ecab18eb09
label: KNX Actuator
thingTypeUID: knx:device
  pingInterval: 600
  address: 1.1.4
  readInterval: 0
  fetch: false
bridgeUID: knx:ip:b93bf38dd0

Are your KNX Gateway and your OH instance really on different subnet?
192.x and 224.x

I have no details about your gateway.
For my Gateway i am using:

autoReconnectPeriod: 60
  type: TUNNEL
  localSourceAddr: 0.0.0
  readingPause: 50
  portNumber: 3671
  responseTimeout: 10

For my Generic Device i am using:

label: KNX Device Generic
thingTypeUID: knx:device
  pingInterval: 600
  address: 1.1.1
  readInterval: 60
  fetch: true

Yes,… is this a problem? They communicate… so seems to work?
I connected the router directly to my laptop (no switch in the middle).

No should be ok if you are aware what you are doing :slight_smile:

Change your Type to Tunnel and check again.
Also some example for a light configuration. (Channel on the generic device)

  - id: Licht_KG_Technikraum
    channelTypeUID: knx:switch
    label: Licht Technikraum
    description: ""
      ga: 0/0/220+<0/0/221

Don’t work either… Now I have an error: bridge:


UID: knx:ip:ce56c3263f
label: KNX/IP Gateway
thingTypeUID: knx:ip
  useNAT: false
  readRetriesLimit: 3
  autoReconnectPeriod: 60
  type: TUNNEL
  localSourceAddr: 1.1.0
  readingPause: 50
  portNumber: 3671
  responseTimeout: 10


UID: knx:device:ce56c3263f:0349621791
label: KNX Actuator
thingTypeUID: knx:device
  pingInterval: 600
  address: 1.1.4
  readInterval: 0
  fetch: false
bridgeUID: knx:ip:ce56c3263f

I have similar issue:
IP Tunnel Online but device Offline. Have tried different variations. Added a channel manually.
My Knx have worked well before with OH 2.0 - 2.5

UID: knx:ip:085674e86b
label: KNX/IP Gateway
thingTypeUID: knx:ip
useNAT: false
readRetriesLimit: 3
autoReconnectPeriod: 60
type: TUNNEL
readingPause: 50
localSourceAddr: 15.15.249
responseTimeout: 10
portNumber: 3671

UID: knx:device:085674e86b:9054f0f2aa
label: KNX Device
thingTypeUID: knx:device
pingInterval: 600
address: 4.0.1
readInterval: 0
fetch: true
bridgeUID: knx:ip:085674e86b

  • id: knx1
    channelTypeUID: knx:switch
    label: knx switch
    description: “”
    ga: 4.0.1

After an evening full of aaarrgh,… I made it work!
I think,… the problem is in the IP address as openhab_knx suggested.
My code is now (where you can see that the IP addresses are in the same range = 169.254.):

IP router:

UID: knx:ip:ce56c3263f
label: KNX/IP Gateway
thingTypeUID: knx:ip
  useNAT: false
  readRetriesLimit: 3
  autoReconnectPeriod: 60
  type: TUNNEL
  localSourceAddr: 1.1.0
  readingPause: 50
  portNumber: 3671
  responseTimeout: 10


UID: knx:device:ce56c3263f:66b8094695
label: KNX Actuator
thingTypeUID: knx:device
  pingInterval: 600
  address: 1.1.4
  readInterval: 0
  fetch: false
bridgeUID: knx:ip:ce56c3263f
  - id: Woonkamer
    channelTypeUID: knx:switch
    label: woonkamer
    description: ""
      ga: 1/0/0

But, after a night of sleep… It just doesn’t work anymore… Actuator is offline again, router is online…
I didn’t do anything, didn’t even shut down my pc…

I’m now pretty sure it’s a network issue and will start to buy a router and switch to fix that…

I’ve seen similar behaviour in my system. For me to get things working I’ve had to set the gateway to “router” and did not set the address of the actuator things. I don’t think it matters because unless you are trying to fetch the channel setup from the device, the local address of your KNX equipment is not used in the communication.

I’m actually rethinking my OH setup such that follows the ontology more. E.g. defining the channels into different things, with each thing corresponding to an “equipment”. Not quite sure how to do it yet. Any input is appreciated.

(the default knx router IP is, as documented here, that why it looks to be in a different subnet)

It seems to work for me now. Online.
Mixed up physical and group addresses, and removed device adress from Gateway/Bridge

But, should channels appear automatic, or be created manually?

169.254.x.x addresses mean your device hasn’t been allocated an IP address. You need to set the IP address of your IP/KNX interface in ETS or ensure you have DHCP on your network.

DHCP is preferred so long as you statically assign the IP address to your gateway ensuring it doesn’t change.

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Channels are created manually.


I am continually wrestling with this. To start I had everything with a single thing. Then, I moved to a thing for every KNX device.

Both work, but now I am considering whether everything should follow a function orientation approach as I have been experimenting with functions in ETS…!

Bought myself a good router, switch and access point… and everything was fixed in 15 minutes… thanks all!!!

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I have an other Problem.

I create my MDT KNX-Gateway and it is Online.
I create a KNX Device and it is online, too.

But when i create channels in the KNX:Device they are not saved.

At first after create channel, i can see the new channel.

When I click again to Things the Channel isn’t there anymore