July 8, 2020, 11:13am
Sometimes you need to be more abstract. It doesn’t matter that you use opensprinkler, rather than gardena or a bunch of relays. What you want to do is control irrigation.
This is an example of Yet Another Watering Solution I’ve developed for my garden.
The goal was to make a complete, fully configurable irrigation system, with the ability to easily expand the number of the zones, overwatering protection and correlation with the weather.
Use of the timers and cascading items pattern.
Overwatering protection, after opening any valve, for a maximum of 2 hours of watering.
Any number of watering zones, easy addition.
Cascade valve openin…
******** See working example at the end of this thread **********
I am currently running the latest stable image and am having some trouble successfully getting cascading timers to operate.
I have based my rules on the Cascading timers design pattern (Design Pattern: Cascading Timers ).
When acting the item “Irrigation_Auto” or an individual zone (all zones have the setpoint at 2mins) I get the following error in openhab.log
[INFO ] [se.smarthome.model.script.Irrigation] - Irrigation sta…
or if it is the scheduling user interface that is giving you trouble
The over all concept presented here is the same as the standard alarm clock examples that go back to OH 1.6.
put the hour and minute on your Sitemap/HABPanel with a slider, setpoint, dial, whatever.
trigger a rule one or minute (that’s all the NTP binding is doing for you here, you could also use the Astro binding or a cron triggered rule to achieve the same thing and the cron triggered rule is the one that doesn’t have external dependencies)
once a minute check if we’ve just passed the hour a…