openHAB Logo Update

I wasn’t registered there before and now I can’t participate. Are there any options to submit my design anyway?

Not possible anymore, sorry. I was only allowed once to add some people right at the start of the project.

The logo submission phase has ended last night - I think there a few pretty good designs proposed and thus I am certain that we will end up with a nicely refreshed logo soon.

I have compiled a list of the best submissions and reduced it to one (preferred) variant from each designer. Please vote and leave your comments here!


Would it be possible to include the logo in the default icon set as svg? I’d like to use that for setting rules active / inactive :slight_smile:


Just voted. Nice designs.

I’ve also voted just now and left some comments for the individual designs.

In summary I’m uncertain about the results. There are a few good designs but non stood out to me as the one I really love. I wonder what happened to the idea of @normaniac


@ThomDietrich I submitted three different design proposals. This was one of them. As @Kai said, they reduced the designs to one from each designer whereby my design #154 was chosen.

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44 and 178 are my favs