Glad to hear that! I realize there’s a need for documentation for HABot, I’ll create a walkthrough series to showcase the most important features which I didn’t have time to cover on the Smart Home Day over the weekend.
Thanks. I opened the issue here.
Any ETA for the 2.4.0.M5 Docker images?
I wonder if we should produce some youtube go-through videos for exiting features of the next release?
I have been thinking about doing that on my channel - the only problem is I may not be able to show good examples for all the new features. I did make an “upgrade” video for version 2.3.
it looks like an big update can we see what’s new some were?
It’s quite an effort to compile the list of commits into a readable list of new feature. I have those in mind:
- The new rule engine
- openHAB bot
- MQTT 2
- zwave including security devices
I see that there been told its not ready yet
what’s going on there. rule engine see good to me. what going to be new there
Everyone who worked on a bigger feature is very much encouraged to provide some introductory content for it - be it as a blog post on our website or as a video on YouTube. With the release, I will compile a release announcement blog post again and the more content that can be referred to from it, the better.
Is there an ETA for the 2.4 stable release?
Can the foundation provide an intro screener, maybe by organising a contest here in the forum?
That would help making openHAB related videos appear more professional.
For example Gnome:
The first 20 seconds is explaining what Gnome is, before the actual changes are presented.
And a second example, Fedora:
The intro screener is just 3 seconds long and shows the official logo and version number and transition into the content.
Could we please move off-topic discussions/questions to separate threads?
I’d like to focus here on the milestone builds.
They are now available!
Caution - NooB Alert!
If I want to “update” from the stable release 2.3 to the newest 2.4 on my raspberry, what to I have to type in Putty?
NooB Alert off
This is not related to milestone builds so this is off topic. With “latest” you are talking about snapshot builds. Search button and official documentation will get you started (and finished if read carefully) . If you encounter any problems then please open a new thread.
Will 2.4.0 M5 become 2.4.0 Stable or you will release another Milestone Build (M6?) that will become 2.4.0 stable ?
Maybe more “snap-shooters” like me should switch now to M5 to test it (if it will be the one coming up as 2.4.0 Stable)
edit: We wait for M6 to have MQTTv2 also!
Planning to do a M6 in the next days. Probably also further M7/M8 before final release.
MQTTv2 won’t have actions in M6 yet.
Here’s the changelog from Jenkins:
Eclipse SmartHome:
- Set RemoveOnCancelPolicy to true for ScheduledExecutors obtained in (detail / githubweb)
- [Classic UI] Dynamic icon for Setpoint widget (#6415) (detail / githubweb)
- [core] Added NPE safe-guard in AbstractRegistry (#6419) (detail / githubweb)
- Added logging for CoAP requests (#6421) (detail / githubweb)
- added blog post about Smart Home Day 2018 (#6423) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT Things fixes (#6339) (detail / githubweb)
- [TRADFRI] Removed delay for color command handling to have a smoother (detail / githubweb)
- OAuth2 refactoring: (#6341) (detail / githubweb)
- Serial framework; few logs added (#6418) (detail / githubweb)
- fixed date of blog post (#6428) (detail / githubweb)
- Remove old MDNS discovery results (#6425) (detail / githubweb)
- link registry improvements (#6427) (detail / githubweb)
- Made fields in AbstractRegistry private and added extra methods (#6429) (detail / githubweb)
- add unit mbar (#6420) (detail / githubweb)
- Added null check to avoid possible NPE when createThing return null. (detail / githubweb)
- updates to the Onewire binding (#6431) (detail / githubweb)
- fix core.test launch configuration (#6437) (detail / githubweb)
- rfc2217: set connect (not default) timeout (#6439) (detail / githubweb)
- Onewire fix temperature channel handling (#6442) (detail / githubweb)
- performance improvements for registries (#6438) (detail / githubweb)
- BINRPC changed to XMLRPC protocol due to CCU firmware 3.41.x (#6452) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix outdated JavaDoc on ConfigDescriptionProvider (#6454) (detail / githubweb)
- Use new forEach method in ThingRegistryImpl (#6450) (detail / githubweb)
- registry for-each: add more documentation (#6455) (detail / githubweb)
- drop most usage of Guava’s package (#6449) (detail / githubweb)
- harden the serial port manager for port provider errors (#6447) (detail / githubweb)
- use safe caller for querying persistence service (#6459) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix state update handling in transformation profiles (#6451) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT Brokers: Add trigger channel (#6467) (detail / githubweb)
- updated/corrected German translations (#6453) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT Brokers: Add publishTrigger to readme (#6469) (detail / githubweb)
- set of thing handlers for factory could be missing (#6470) (detail / githubweb)
- Map single values to List properties (#6468) (detail / githubweb)
- [LIFX] Update products (#6476) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix a typo (#6481) (detail / githubweb)
- Added ExtensibleTrustManager to be used for the (common) http/websocket (detail / githubweb)
- Sony audio: adding functionality to control sony speakers (#4838) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix for VS Code when using Samba share. (#6463) (detail / githubweb)
- [One-Wire] DS1923 support (second approach) (#6413) (detail / githubweb)
- configuration should be copied not reused (#6478) (detail / githubweb)
- Make documentation of channel values for low-battery channel more (detail / githubweb)
- Added null annotations to ExpiryCache (#6482) (detail / githubweb)
- Timer fixes (#6480) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix regex README (#6487) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT Things: Output formatter, new channel types (#6445) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT brokers: Rename channel types, use lowercase names. Fix heartbeat (detail / githubweb)
- [Homematic] Changed CUxD back to BIN_RPC (#6494) (detail / githubweb)
- [LIFX] Use light specific TemperatureRange with temperature channel (detail / githubweb)
- fix thing handler’s “set callback” documentation (#6503) (detail / githubweb)
- Console command and Paper UI support for Thing disabled feature (#6504) (detail / githubweb)
- make the explicit disable thing more readable (#6506) (detail / githubweb)
- don’t autobox and use objects if null is not expected (#6507) (detail / githubweb)
- Convert command to QuantityType for new UoM channel (#6513) (detail / githubweb)
- thing handler config update: don’t initialize initialized handler (detail / githubweb)
- Initial contribution of OpenWeatherMap binding (#5694) (detail / githubweb)
- Fixed wrong null annotation (#6521) (detail / githubweb)
- Updated (#6516) (detail / githubweb)
- Small cleanup and attempt to unbrick build (#6520) (detail / githubweb)
- [OWM] Added French translations (#6522) (detail / githubweb)
- Mqtt fixes (#6523) (detail / githubweb)
- Add ability to find out when a timer will fire (#6492) (detail / githubweb)
- Added information to not use spaces in installpath (#6525) (detail / githubweb)
- MQTT broker fixes (#6524) (detail / githubweb)
- Revert “Add ability to find out when a timer will fire (#6492)” (detail / githubweb)
- [homematic] Support QuantityType on NumberItems (#6512) (detail / githubweb)
- we do not use “@NonNull” (#6535) (detail / githubweb)
- [astro] [i18n] Translate astro binding to turkish (#6539) (detail / githubweb)
- reuse already fetched variable reference (#6536) (detail / githubweb)
- [homematic] Support QuantityType on NumberItems (#6544) (detail / githubweb)
openHAB Core:
- Introduced new ui.start bundle, which brings custom lifecycle status … (detail / githubweb)
- delegate calls to /static/ to the Jetty default servlet (detail / githubweb)
- added missing dependencies and response code (detail / githubweb)
- register static context handler (#423) (detail / githubweb)
- temporarily remove ui.start bundle from distro again (#424) (detail / githubweb)
- prevent NPEs if persistence service does not play nice (#426) (detail / githubweb)
- update Maven build to deps 1.0.34 as well (#427) (detail / githubweb)
- Add to forbidden packages (#407) (detail / githubweb)
- upgraded to deps 1.0.35, which includes no_locks nrjavaserial library (detail / githubweb)
- added openHAB version of nrjavaserial to feature (#430) (detail / githubweb)
- Some updates to the HomeBuilder (#417) (detail / githubweb)
- defined JNA feature that can be used by addons (#432) (detail / githubweb)
- updated dependencies to 1.0.36 with nrjavaserial 3.15.0.OH (433) (detail / githubweb)
openHAB2 Add-ons:
- [modbus] use same threads for callbacks and polling (#4158) (detail / githubweb)
- [somfytahoma] Added support for the Window Handle thing (#4131) (detail / githubweb)
- [Lutron] Add support for Radio RA2 Timeclock and Green Mode control (detail / githubweb)
- [solaredge] improve code quality and stability (#4160) (detail / githubweb)
- [modbus] Docs: All string parameters quoted (#4195) (detail / githubweb)
- [nibe heat pump] Throttle incoming messages support (#4171) (detail / githubweb)
- Improved compatibility with the Connexoon box (#4198) (detail / githubweb)
- [kostal] Add channels (#1021) (#4175) (detail / githubweb)
- Nuki - Initial contribution of the Nuki Smart Lock binding (#2019) (detail / githubweb)
- [kodi] Improvements in handling system commands (#4188) (detail / githubweb)
- [Nest] Remove caching of linked channel UIDs (#4203) (detail / githubweb)
- [onewiregpio] Temperature localization: declare as Celsius (#4193) (detail / githubweb)
- [nibeuplink] improve doc / fix F7XX channels / improve stability (#4143) (detail / githubweb)
- [solaredge] Fixes for #4116 and #4117 (#4184) (detail / githubweb)
- [modbus] null check fixes (#4204) (detail / githubweb)
- [icloud] Implemented TrustManager for icloud-binding (#3919) (detail / githubweb)
- [tplinksmarthome] Added configuring devices by deviceId (#4182) (detail / githubweb)
- [netwerk] Update (#4206) (detail / githubweb)
- [icloud] Made constants and handler packages internal in the icloud (detail / githubweb)
- MainType changes (#4208) (detail / githubweb)
- [knx] Add Color Channel (#4207) (detail / githubweb)
- [MiHome] fixed Update of magnet sensorStatus from heartbeat’s (#4202) (detail / githubweb)
- [NEEO] Changes for 52.10 (added driverVersion and uiActions) (#4212) (detail / githubweb)
- [wifiled] Missing WHITE2 parameter while updating item (#4211) (detail / githubweb)
- [iCloud] Adding system low battery channel and french localization (detail / githubweb)
- [tellstick] Added support for Power and Lux sensor values from the (detail / githubweb)
- [GoogleTTS] Cache Management Fix (#3821) (detail / githubweb)
- [tellstick] Made constants and handler packages internal (#4028) (detail / githubweb)
- [yeelight] Add more devices and include lib directly in source code (detail / githubweb)
- [yeelight] Made constants and handler packages internal (#4036) (detail / githubweb)
- [Tellstick] Use DS annotations, fix static code analysis findings (detail / githubweb)
- [Yeelight] Use DS annotations, fix static code analysis findings (#4225) (detail / githubweb)
- [milight] Spring clean up (#4192) (detail / githubweb)
- [Konnected Binding] - initial contribution (#3702) (detail / githubweb)
- -handle channel type of switch as OnOffType (#4235) (detail / githubweb)
- [Tellstick] Fix for issue #3849 (#4231) (detail / githubweb)
- [somfytahoma] Added support for the TemperatureSensor thing (#4224) (detail / githubweb)
- [Lutron] Resolve code analysis warnings and update documentation (#4219) (detail / githubweb)
- call super.dispose in Pca301SensorHandler dispose. (#4215) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix brightness handling (#4246) (detail / githubweb)
- HD PowerView Scene Fix (#4248) (detail / githubweb)
- New SmlReader binding (#2167) (detail / githubweb)
- fixed Karaf feature definition for Smartmeter binding (#4250) (detail / githubweb)
openHAB 1 Add-ons:
- update URL for Pilight wiring link (#5688) (detail / githubweb)
- [persistence/mysql] Update mysql connector (#5699) (detail / githubweb)
- Making setup instructions easier to understand (detail / githubweb)
- edit (detail / githubweb)
- Merge (detail / githubweb)
- Update (#5708) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix plcbus addon crash when two commands are sent in quick succession (detail / githubweb)
Z-Wave Binding:
- Database update (#1048) (detail / githubweb)
- Database update (#1050) (detail / githubweb)
- Database update (#1052) (detail / githubweb)
- Database update (#1055) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix sensor_report (#1056) (detail / githubweb)
- Sensor report tests (#1057) (detail / githubweb)
- Database update (#1060) (detail / githubweb)
- Remove property that is set in error. (#1062) (detail / githubweb)
- Database update (#1063) (detail / githubweb)
- Implemented dummy support for CLIMATE_CONTROL_SCHEDULE (#410) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix error in scheduler test. (#1066) (detail / githubweb)
Zigbee Binding:
- Do not set status to OFFLINE on node removal during thing removal (#286) (detail / githubweb)
- Reinitialise the thing and all converters if the bridge goes (detail / githubweb)
- Use reporting for battery voltage instead of battery rated voltage (detail / githubweb)
- Add a converter for IAS-based battery status (#294) (detail / githubweb)
- Fix wording related to Kelvin and Mired units in the color temperature (detail / githubweb)
- Add a converter for battery alarms from the power configuration profile (detail / githubweb)
- Verbose debug logging and status handling of the CoordinatorHandler (detail / githubweb)
- A channel converter for buttons (e.g., on remote controls or wall (detail / githubweb)
- EmberHandler: Check if counters from dongle are available before (detail / githubweb)
openHAB Distro:
- Enable backup to set temporary directory via env (#780) (detail / githubweb)
- switched to deps 1.0.34 to include JNA (#803) (detail / githubweb)
- added Sony Audio binding to distro (#805) (detail / githubweb)
- Added OpenWeatherMap binding to features (#806) (detail / githubweb)
- Demo items: Wrong semantic tag for basement (#804) (detail / githubweb)
- removed JNA from distro (#810) (detail / githubweb)
For me it wouldn’t want to show up after updating the repos. Testing release is set. Anyone else having this issue?
I posted here a dedicated thread for M6: [OH 2.4.0 M6] Testing Results
I am sure that @Benjy will publish the linuxpkg soon