Openhab .qpkg on QNAP, problem with "sudo openhab-config"

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: _QNAP 253Be
    • OS: _QTS - linux

Hi I just install QPKG od OpenHab on my QNAP NAS. It works fine i have Z-Wave controler and Zwave valve on radiators. Now i whant to install some more things. First step on all tutorials is to go to Configuration via SSH and here is some problem.

  1. I use Putty to log in my local NAS as an admin
  2. type: ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 (password is habopen)
  3. type: sudo openhab-config to run config
  4. type a password like written in the documentary. I check all combinatin: openhab, habopen openhabian, habianopen, Openhab ect. and still access denied


I found similar topic [SOLVED] Starting openHABian configuration tool but there OH stand od RaspberiePi i my case in on QNAP. I also check Docker instalation on containter station and have the same log in problem.

You ssh to port 8101 and entered the Karaf console.
What happens if you ssh to the normal port 22?

I can’t login using password: habopen oraz openhab

You mention openhabian-config I think you have openHAB installed, not openHABian.
I believe QNAP cannot run openHABian, just openHAB.
Why do you think you need openhabian-config?

I think i have openhab no openhabian ( PRpi for eg.) I type openhab-config
(chenged mistake in first post)

Any ideas?
I think i will find PBpi and install openhab on it :slight_smile: