openHAB widget: card-expandable placement


currently I’m learning how to create own widgets in openHAB. Therefore, I tried to configure a lightning switch widget with an optional dimmer popup.

uid: widget_lightdimmer_v1.0
  - light
  - dimmer
    - description: Item Name
      name: itemname
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      description: Dimmer Item
      label: Item
      name: dimmeritem
      required: true
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Dec 3, 2022, 4:48:54 PM
component: f7-card
  expandable: true
  swipeToClose: false
  backdrop: true
  noShadow: true
    - card-expandable-animate-width
    max-height: 90px
    min-width: 300px
    margin: 5px
    - component: oh-button
        iconF7: gear
        iconSize: 25px
        color: black
          position: absolute
          top: 0
          right: 0
          padding-top: 30px
          padding-bottom: 65px
          z-index: 999
          - cell-open-button
          - card-opened-fade-out
    - component: f7-card-content
          - component: oh-button
              iconF7: xmark_circle_fill
              iconSize: 25px
              color: black
                position: absolute
                top: 0
                right: 0
                padding-top: 30px
                padding-bottom: 65px
                z-index: 999
                - card-opened-fade-in
                - cell-close-button
                - card-close
          - component: f7-block
                - no-padding
                - card-prevent-open
                margin: 0px
                height: 135px
                - component: f7-row
                      - component: f7-col
                            width: 30%
                            - component: oh-button
                                iconF7: lightbulb_fill
                                iconSize: 65px
                                color: white
                                iconColor: "=items[props.dimmeritem].state != '0' ? 'yellow' : 'gray'"
                                action: toggle
                                actionItem: =props.dimmeritem
                                actionCommand: ON
                                actionCommandAlt: OFF
                                  - card-prevent-open
                                  padding-top: 0px
                                  height: 85px
                      - component: f7-col
                            width: 70%
                            - component: Label
                                text: '=props.itemname ? props.itemname : "Bitte Namen eingeben."'
                                  - card-prevent-open
                                  padding-top: 15px
                                  padding-left: 5px
                                  font-size: 15px
                                  font-weight: 650
                            - component: Label
                                text: "=items[props.dimmeritem].state != '0' ? 'Eingeschalten' : 'Ausgeschalten'"
                                  - card-prevent-open
                                  padding-left: 5px
          - component: f7-block
                - card-prevent-open
                - card-content-padding
                - component: f7-row
                      - component: f7-col
                            padding-left: calc(50% - 100px)
                            - component: oh-slider
                                title: Leuchtintensität
                                vertical: 1
                                label: true
                                scale: true
                                releaseOnly: true
                                item: =props.dimmeritem
                                  width: 200px
                                  height: 400px
                                  --f7-range-bar-active-bg-color: rgba(255,204,0,255)
                                  --f7-range-bar-size: 150px
                                  --f7-range-bar-border-radius: 20px
                                  --f7-range-knob-color: transparent
                                  --f7-range-label-bg-color: white
                                  --f7-range-knob-size: 0px
                                  --f7-range-label-border-radius: 5px
                                  --f7-range-label-font-size: 25px
                                  --f7-range-label-font-weight: 400
                                  --f7-range-label-padding: 0px 2px
                                  --f7-range-label-size: 40px
                                  --f7-range-label-text-color: black

On desktops it looks like:

If the light is dimmable, it’s possible to control the light level with this little gear icon. By clicking on this gear icon, an additional popup will appear:

So far so good. Unfortunately, the popup looks on iPhones (with this little notch on top) a bit misplaced.

To mitigate this issue, I have some ideas, but I don’t know how to implement them:

  • Detect if the popup has been opened and move the content (text and icon) a little bit down
  • Don’t open the popup on smartphones in full screen (don’t know if this is even possible)

Do you have a better idea, or do you know how to implement one of my ideas into this widget?
Your help is appreciated!

This is the better way to go, but it requires reconfiguring your widget just little. You can’t really detect the card expansion if you are using the card-open-button and card-close-button f7 classes. What you can do instead is to take advantage of the fact that the card has an expandableOpened property. If this property is true, then the card is in its expanded state and if the property is false the card is collapsed.

I would use a variable, such as cardOpened, and set the expandableOpened property to that variable value:

expandableOpened: =!!vars.cardOpened

(the !! just gives slightly better null handling before the variable is used the first time).

Then just change your buttons. Remove the card-open/-close class and set the button action to modify the cardOpened variable:

action: variable
actionVariable: cardOpened
actionVariableValue: true

Set the variable value to true on the gear button and it will cause the card to open. Set it to false on the close button.

Now you have an easily accessible variable that tells you whether the card is opened or not and you can use this variable however you wish to change the styling of your content block. Here’s an example that just changes the top margin when the card is opened:

          - component: f7-block
                - no-padding
                - card-prevent-open
                margin: 0px
                margin-top: =(!!vars.cardOpened)?('25px'):('')
                height: 135px
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Great, thank you very much for your help! It’s working as expected :slight_smile:

Another quick question, maybe you have a clue for it too:
Currently, I’m setting the colour for the gear icon to black. If I don’t specify a colour, the gear icon will be displayed orange.

    - component: oh-button
        iconF7: gear
        iconSize: 25px
        color: black

The problem here is, that if I use dark mode on specific devices the gear icon is still black and therefore, not very user friendly. Is it possible to create (or use an existing variable) to check the user’s theme and set the colour of the icon accordingly? Something like “if darkmode → gear colour white, otherwise gear colour black”

There are two basic options here:

  1. There is a way for you to get the darkmode information inside a widget. The widget has a themeOptions object with a dark property. So, to make the icon color depend on the theme, you use the a ternary statement similar to the one in the post above with margin-top.
- component: oh-button
    color: =(themeOptions.dark == "dark")?('white'):('black')
  1. The widgets use many built-in css variables for their styling including one that automatically determines if text should be black (in light mode) or white (in dark mode): --f7-text-color. However, you cannot use css variables in the standard component properties, they have to be used in the style config of the component because the style property if for direct css manipulation:
- component: oh-button
      color: var(--f7-text-color)


i have had the same issue than @derSchweiger and with your approach @JustinG i was able to solve it. But there is still a small problem.

I have enabled the properity “swipeToClose: true”. When I use swipe to close, the change in the margin-top properity is not undone.

When i push the close button everything works fine.

Do you may have a clue for this issue?

Thanks a lot!

If you have followed the directions above, then it is the widget variable cardOpened that determines the opened or closed state of the card AND controls the different css settings. However, when you swipe to close, there is no way for that action to change the widget variable so you close the card without resetting cardOpened and therefore you dn’t reset the css. This system is simply not compatible with swipe-to-close.

Hello @JustinG,

thank you for your response!

After a long time i want to complete my widget and may i need your help again to this topic.

My idea is to change some properities of the expandable widget only if it is open (e.g. color and margin…). I do not want to use a card-open- or card-close-button. The card should open by a click on it and close by swipe or backdrop.

If i understand it correctly, the properity expandableOpened indicates if the card is open or closed. What i don’t know is, how to use the effect of this properity for my plan.

In my imagination, i would save the actual value of expandableOpen in a variable, like this:

  - component: oh-context
        cardOpen: <Value of expandableOpened>

After that i would set for e.g. the background from the Card with an expression, like that:

component: f7-card
  background: '=vars.cardOpen == "true" ? "white" : "black"'

First, can you tell me what syntax I can use to access the value of the properity expandableOpened? So what should *Value of expandableOpened" be replaced with in my code?

Another question is whether the plan I have described can actually work in practice?

Can you give me a hint on how to build this widget if my idea doesn’t work?

Thank you for your time in advance and have a nice evening!

There is no way to access the f7 variables or events from the widget expressions. Those are happening at the level of the javascript that is running the UI, not in the isolated js-like environments of the widgets.

You might be able to get close to what you are looking for by taking advantage of the css classes that are applied when cards are opened or closed, but that would mean have two copies of every component that you want to be different and displaying or hidding each one using custom css in a stylesheet property.

Other than that the only way for widget to react to events is with the OH built-in system of items and variables. This topic already describes how to use an OH variable to replicate the f7 functions, but it cannot be applied to the backdrop or swipe-to-close or similar functions because those only produce f7 events.